A Misunderstanding of God’s Love
The basis for our eager embrace is a misunderstanding of the love of God which passes knowledge. We equate unconditional love and acceptance with the fact that God’s love is vast, unfathomable, and unmerited. Then we follow that with the idea that if God loves and accepts people unconditionally, we should also love and accept themselves unconditionally. While this may sound like a logical progression, there are some serious problems with the basic assumptions. Therefore, we must address the question: Is God’s love unconditional? Are there any conditions that must be met to become a recipient of His love?
Paul prayed that the believers in Ephesus would be able to comprehend the breadth, length, depth and height of God’s love. He desired that they know the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, so that they would be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:16-19). The wide expanse of God’s love has been the theme of the gospel throughout the ages, for to know His love is to know Him. Therefore, any consideration of His love is highly important and must be based upon His revelation of Himself rather than upon the imagination of men.
What is the spiritual heart?
The spiritual heart is a heart of a spirit born child of God who has come to be converted by having a humble and contrite mind. This conversion continues to take place by a believer, who has repented of breaking God's commandments, who has accepted Christ's sacrifice to cover and forgive his sins and who has made the desire of his heart through the helping power of God's Spirit to always obey God and His commandments and to always be led by God's Spirit. It is a heart that fears God and His judgment against sin. It is a heart that has a faithful and trusting attitude in God and His Word, along with an uncompromising and commandment guided strong conscience, and understands that this all produces in him a Christ-like behavior of the heart that will always bear the fruit of God's love.
This is the spiritual heart that has grown to be patterned after the heart of God the Father, and Jesus Christ, in every aspect of one's relationships with God and man, because it is inspired, motivated, and powered by the leading and directing of God's Holy Spirit that was made available in a powerful way on the Day of Pentecost. Is your heart being led and powered by God's Holy Spirit or are you denying the power of God's Holy Spirit and saying that no one can live his life without continuing to sin? A true born again saint has grown in the Spirit of God to come to have a spiritual heart? God says -- "O, that there were such a heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them and their children---," Deut. 5:29.
Bitterness is the root of many problems. A bitter heart spawns all sorts of evil reactions. Wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice are all means by which resentment expresses itself. Bitterness cannot stay in the heart by itself. It is true, bitterness can stay dormant for a long period until its storm arises, but it will come
The reason bitterness is so devastating is that it provides the justification for being mean, cold, short-tempered or unpleasant to others. Bitterness nurtures itself through its self-appointed privilege. Most people know that it is wrong to hate others. Our conscience tells us that it is wrong to do evil to others. This limits the expression of our hatred towards others. If people are going to persist in their meanness toward someone, they need some way to override the guilt function of their conscience. Otherwise the guilt would pile on so thick that they would have to stop being mean. They feel bad (guilty) about it. Bitterness provides the needed short circuit that allows them to bypass the work of their consciences not only to do evil to others but even to feel smug and self-righteous about it.
How does bitterness do this? Bitterness fools the person by tricking his conscience. The person only needs to dwell upon the way someone offended him, and he becomes free from the protection of his conscience. A biological parallel might be the effect of drugs or alcohol on a person’s body. The nerve connections become dulled so that he is able, in his drunken stupor, to do things that he would never otherwise do. Bitterness is a soul drug. It allows people to do evil things that they would not otherwise think themselves capable of doing.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Benefits of Unconditional Love
The Benefits of Unconditional Love
The practice of giving unconditional love requires by its very nature that you don’t expect anything directly in return for giving it to others. By providing unconditional love to others, you are expressing your faith that good things will be drawn into your life through the law of attraction. Here are some benefits of giving unconditional love:
• The act of giving unconditional love to others eliminates the fear of anger and reprisal from other people for any behavior you do. It also facilitates open and honest relationships with other people.
• In a more spiritual sense, sharing your love unconditionally with the world sends out positive energy which will be returned to you in one form or another to create great abundance, wealth, and goodness that you deserve in your own life.
• When you provide unconditional love to others, you are not dependant on others for happiness, but rather you derive your happiness from within. Your energy radiates to those around you and the world gives back to you in abundance.
• When you give love unconditionally, then you can’t be ever angry at anyone. All human minds need congruency of thought and it’s simply impossible to hate another person if you have made the conscious decision that you are going to love them unconditionally.
• By giving unconditional love to others, you side-step any tricks, emotional ploys, and unfair negotiating tactics because you have consciously choses to take responsibility for giving them love from own heart despite the behaviors that they exhibit
What Unconditional Love Really Is And How To Give It.
It is important to understand the definition of unconditional love to be able to give it, it is the kind of love that expects nothing back, places no limits, and does not set any ideals or conditions on what it should be. When you love in this way you do it without expectation of reciprocity and with no preconceived notions of how or if they will express love back to you. This is the kind of love you see exhibited by parents and children, brothers and sisters, true friends, and the best of romantic relationships.
When you love someone unconditionally you do not set limits or boundaries on that love, not circumstances that would cause you to withdraw it, there is nothing that would cause you to not love the person. Even if the other person does something that you feel is intentional, it is overlooked if you are truly committed to unconditional love. You do not try to control the actions of the other person, nor do you tell them that you will not love them if they act a certain way or do a certain thing. When this kind of love is present both partners feel more secure and neither of them seeks to control the other.
Since there are no boundaries or conditions the people in a relationship of unconditional love do not have to worry about the other person leaving or not loving them over a particular situation or behavior. Siblings in most cases are a good example of this, even though they may have quarrels and disagreements throughout their lives the bond between them remains unbroken and their love continues through any and all conflicts.
If you love someone unconditionally you will want whatever is best for them and you will always give them the freedom to seek out the things that really give them happiness. You will let them learn things for themselves and explore situations and experiences that they feel will make them happy, even if you think that you know what is best for them. Although they may make bad choices and do things that are wrong you will always be there for them and never judge them if you truly love them unconditionally.
Can you see room for improvement in your relationship? Do you place restrictions and limitations on the one you love? When you truly love someone unconditionally, you place their needs and their happiness above everything else, including yourself. Remember, just because you love someone in this way it does not mean that they will return their love to you in the same way. Are you ready to love unconditionally?
The practice of giving unconditional love requires by its very nature that you don’t expect anything directly in return for giving it to others. By providing unconditional love to others, you are expressing your faith that good things will be drawn into your life through the law of attraction. Here are some benefits of giving unconditional love:
• The act of giving unconditional love to others eliminates the fear of anger and reprisal from other people for any behavior you do. It also facilitates open and honest relationships with other people.
• In a more spiritual sense, sharing your love unconditionally with the world sends out positive energy which will be returned to you in one form or another to create great abundance, wealth, and goodness that you deserve in your own life.
• When you provide unconditional love to others, you are not dependant on others for happiness, but rather you derive your happiness from within. Your energy radiates to those around you and the world gives back to you in abundance.
• When you give love unconditionally, then you can’t be ever angry at anyone. All human minds need congruency of thought and it’s simply impossible to hate another person if you have made the conscious decision that you are going to love them unconditionally.
• By giving unconditional love to others, you side-step any tricks, emotional ploys, and unfair negotiating tactics because you have consciously choses to take responsibility for giving them love from own heart despite the behaviors that they exhibit
What Unconditional Love Really Is And How To Give It.
It is important to understand the definition of unconditional love to be able to give it, it is the kind of love that expects nothing back, places no limits, and does not set any ideals or conditions on what it should be. When you love in this way you do it without expectation of reciprocity and with no preconceived notions of how or if they will express love back to you. This is the kind of love you see exhibited by parents and children, brothers and sisters, true friends, and the best of romantic relationships.
When you love someone unconditionally you do not set limits or boundaries on that love, not circumstances that would cause you to withdraw it, there is nothing that would cause you to not love the person. Even if the other person does something that you feel is intentional, it is overlooked if you are truly committed to unconditional love. You do not try to control the actions of the other person, nor do you tell them that you will not love them if they act a certain way or do a certain thing. When this kind of love is present both partners feel more secure and neither of them seeks to control the other.
Since there are no boundaries or conditions the people in a relationship of unconditional love do not have to worry about the other person leaving or not loving them over a particular situation or behavior. Siblings in most cases are a good example of this, even though they may have quarrels and disagreements throughout their lives the bond between them remains unbroken and their love continues through any and all conflicts.
If you love someone unconditionally you will want whatever is best for them and you will always give them the freedom to seek out the things that really give them happiness. You will let them learn things for themselves and explore situations and experiences that they feel will make them happy, even if you think that you know what is best for them. Although they may make bad choices and do things that are wrong you will always be there for them and never judge them if you truly love them unconditionally.
Can you see room for improvement in your relationship? Do you place restrictions and limitations on the one you love? When you truly love someone unconditionally, you place their needs and their happiness above everything else, including yourself. Remember, just because you love someone in this way it does not mean that they will return their love to you in the same way. Are you ready to love unconditionally?
Unlimited Love
unlimited love
There are many who strive, today, to love without limits, that is to say, unconditionally, who find it possible to do with those who do not burden them with distress, or cause them difficulties in any one of a number of ways, yet who, in the presence of someone else's rage, rejection, or indifference, find it impossible to respond with love.
This limitation of the human heart cannot be overcome through the use of will, except on a limited basis, for the will-to-love can be plentiful, but the emotions that get in the way of love can also be plentiful. What is needed is a fuller immersion in, and experience of, the 'vibration' of Love, so that it becomes a living reality that is first offered to the self, after which it can be offered to others.
The vibration of limitless or unconditional love is not one that is self-created. Rather, it partakes of the Divine and must be received in the way of an experience of God's love that softens the heart, melting the sharp edges that are often carried in relation to unhealed situations in life or in relation to people with whom one has had difficulty in the past. One can speak of 'unconditional love' and understand that it lives within each human heart at its Divine core, but to arrive at the place where it can be felt as a feeling and conveyed to others as well, it must be awakened first, and this awakening is an awakening of the Christ-self within.
To speak of the Christ-self within is not to identify such love with any particular religion, for it does not belong to any religion. It belongs to the universe of souls and to the Heart from which all human hearts derive. This greater Heart has included in the lesser, the capacity to reach toward the limitless in the way of love, compassion, mercy, and gratitude, and has provided an inner path to do so which is carved out by the many ways in which one can pray for, meditate on, and receive an experience of Divine love. In this way, the human heart becomes connected with the Heart of God, the Heart of Hearts, and can then love others with what it has experienced within itself.
Love Is a Form of Energy
Foremost, we are created to receive God’s love and to reflect that love back to him. I believe that love itself is a form of energy. There is a law of physics that states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It may be transferred from one object to another and manifest itself in different ways. One type of energy may be expended and stored as potential energy of another type. For example, the heat and light energy of the sun drives the biochemical reactions that produce the tree that becomes the energy of heat and light when the wood of the tree is burned. In like manner, love emanates from God who is the source of love. He is the essence of pure unconditional love. His love reaches out to us, touches us, draws us unto himself with the expectation that his love will flow through us back to him while producing the desired results in us.
There are many who strive, today, to love without limits, that is to say, unconditionally, who find it possible to do with those who do not burden them with distress, or cause them difficulties in any one of a number of ways, yet who, in the presence of someone else's rage, rejection, or indifference, find it impossible to respond with love.
This limitation of the human heart cannot be overcome through the use of will, except on a limited basis, for the will-to-love can be plentiful, but the emotions that get in the way of love can also be plentiful. What is needed is a fuller immersion in, and experience of, the 'vibration' of Love, so that it becomes a living reality that is first offered to the self, after which it can be offered to others.
The vibration of limitless or unconditional love is not one that is self-created. Rather, it partakes of the Divine and must be received in the way of an experience of God's love that softens the heart, melting the sharp edges that are often carried in relation to unhealed situations in life or in relation to people with whom one has had difficulty in the past. One can speak of 'unconditional love' and understand that it lives within each human heart at its Divine core, but to arrive at the place where it can be felt as a feeling and conveyed to others as well, it must be awakened first, and this awakening is an awakening of the Christ-self within.
To speak of the Christ-self within is not to identify such love with any particular religion, for it does not belong to any religion. It belongs to the universe of souls and to the Heart from which all human hearts derive. This greater Heart has included in the lesser, the capacity to reach toward the limitless in the way of love, compassion, mercy, and gratitude, and has provided an inner path to do so which is carved out by the many ways in which one can pray for, meditate on, and receive an experience of Divine love. In this way, the human heart becomes connected with the Heart of God, the Heart of Hearts, and can then love others with what it has experienced within itself.
Love Is a Form of Energy
Foremost, we are created to receive God’s love and to reflect that love back to him. I believe that love itself is a form of energy. There is a law of physics that states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It may be transferred from one object to another and manifest itself in different ways. One type of energy may be expended and stored as potential energy of another type. For example, the heat and light energy of the sun drives the biochemical reactions that produce the tree that becomes the energy of heat and light when the wood of the tree is burned. In like manner, love emanates from God who is the source of love. He is the essence of pure unconditional love. His love reaches out to us, touches us, draws us unto himself with the expectation that his love will flow through us back to him while producing the desired results in us.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Definition of Love
Love means having strong feelings for someone that can be close friends, family or even someone in a romantic relationship. Love is a strong feeling that represents affection toward someone dear to you heart.
The greatest love of all is unconditional love.( It is also perfect love because it allows you to act from love and not fear). All fear based actions is the result of attachment to outcome and not trusting the divine. Perfect love is fearless.( We do not have to love because love is already present. We just have to realize it and allow it to be expressed through us).( Unconditional love is only possible when you love God more than any other). You trust the universe completely. Loving God is loving yourself with the best love.
Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun
Love is a given, hatred is acquired.
Unconditional love is love that is free). You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated.( When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection). You love fearlessly and freely without needing anything back. (The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love). It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.
If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate." -
True love will never fade unless it was all a lie
"...Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."
Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change). Sure you might desire positive change but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)
True Love comes from God, and love is demonstrated through character
"And where there's pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind."
True love never fails. Unconditional love is the whole secret of the law of attraction with detachment).( It is also the law of God action and acting from spirit). When you act with these three laws of the universe, you can never fail to create what you truly desire which is according to your highest good. (Unconditional love is simply God in action). (When you follow your heart and act according to your highest intentions, you are serving the divine within). We are all here to do God’s work, which is to express his love.
Love is a master key which opens the gate of happiness."
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)
Christian love is giving to others those things that you would want them to give you if you were in their situation -- and it's doing so even if they can't pay you back. In fact, it's doing so especially if they can't pay you back! Christian love is respect for others. It's mercy. It's charity.
How Do We Express Love?
We do not always express our love. Love is a feeling and the expression of that feeling is separate. It’is an action. There’is a practical reason we do not always express our love for another. It is an issue of TIME. We only have 24 hours in a day (if you make it up that way). If the expression of love was a core ingredient to love, we would have to be stingy with who we loved, because there simply would not be enough time to demonstrate our love for everyone! If you see the distinction between the feeling and the expression, you can then love endless numbers of people.
Love is not just an emotion, or a state of mind. Love is also an emotional necessity for human beings; we fail to thrive when there is too little love in our lives. And since we can only assimilate our minimum daily requirement of love when it is given in tangible, recognizable forms, our loved ones need to SEE that we love them -- not just assume it, or hear about it once in a while.
Unfortunately, many people take this important requirement for granted, and invest too little time and effort into demonstrating their love to the people they care for. We may not even realize that our relationships and our loved ones suffer as a result. But if we love somebody, they need us to show them. And moreover, if we really love somebody, we WANT to show them.
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)
Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change). Sure you might desire positive change but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)
The greatest love of all is unconditional love.( It is also perfect love because it allows you to act from love and not fear). All fear based actions is the result of attachment to outcome and not trusting the divine. Perfect love is fearless.( We do not have to love because love is already present. We just have to realize it and allow it to be expressed through us).( Unconditional love is only possible when you love God more than any other). You trust the universe completely. Loving God is loving yourself with the best love.
Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun
Love is a given, hatred is acquired.
Unconditional love is love that is free). You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated.( When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection). You love fearlessly and freely without needing anything back. (The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love). It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.
If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate." -
True love will never fade unless it was all a lie
"...Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."
Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change). Sure you might desire positive change but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)
True Love comes from God, and love is demonstrated through character
"And where there's pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind."
True love never fails. Unconditional love is the whole secret of the law of attraction with detachment).( It is also the law of God action and acting from spirit). When you act with these three laws of the universe, you can never fail to create what you truly desire which is according to your highest good. (Unconditional love is simply God in action). (When you follow your heart and act according to your highest intentions, you are serving the divine within). We are all here to do God’s work, which is to express his love.
Love is a master key which opens the gate of happiness."
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)
Christian love is giving to others those things that you would want them to give you if you were in their situation -- and it's doing so even if they can't pay you back. In fact, it's doing so especially if they can't pay you back! Christian love is respect for others. It's mercy. It's charity.
How Do We Express Love?
We do not always express our love. Love is a feeling and the expression of that feeling is separate. It’is an action. There’is a practical reason we do not always express our love for another. It is an issue of TIME. We only have 24 hours in a day (if you make it up that way). If the expression of love was a core ingredient to love, we would have to be stingy with who we loved, because there simply would not be enough time to demonstrate our love for everyone! If you see the distinction between the feeling and the expression, you can then love endless numbers of people.
Love is not just an emotion, or a state of mind. Love is also an emotional necessity for human beings; we fail to thrive when there is too little love in our lives. And since we can only assimilate our minimum daily requirement of love when it is given in tangible, recognizable forms, our loved ones need to SEE that we love them -- not just assume it, or hear about it once in a while.
Unfortunately, many people take this important requirement for granted, and invest too little time and effort into demonstrating their love to the people they care for. We may not even realize that our relationships and our loved ones suffer as a result. But if we love somebody, they need us to show them. And moreover, if we really love somebody, we WANT to show them.
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)
Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change). Sure you might desire positive change but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)
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