Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A heart seeking

Times life is like playing tic tac toe, if you are playing with someone who has played before, usually there will be no winner, it will always come down down to a tie. If you are playing any card game many time having luck is a key factor.

In our daily life no one is never promised an easy day or a complete successful one. Besides a job where you are on the the clock, most of the times in life will be lead by choice and personal responsibilities and decisions. 

Occasionally your thoughts will be directed with judgments by drawing conclusions without full comprehension.

A friend or an individual that you may have ability to call them friend, is when you take the time to let ones feel the thought “they really have a heart with desire to help and having a concern for me.”

A life with a heart filled with charity and concern towards people searching for something they may not be able to understand each individual has an ability of a higher source to help guide and be there for ones seeking. 

That is the time you may have a chance to find that individual you can reach your hand out to help lift them up and guide them to that higher source, beginning by the love of God being expressed towards them through hearts with desire to help.