Opinions can be like bad breath, everyone can have it usually we take care of your own each has their individual remedies. Many times each individual has certain foods creates a stronger scent and hard to get rid of. Usually there is a purpose that will bring out various orders.
Society could not continue to develop and create without different points of view. Like looking out our back door of the house Crystal will study the back yard with a different perspective. I will usually look out and see what is not proportional or balanced right. From landscape to a structure “what can I do to make it balance out. I look at the batting cage and see the work that needs done to it. She may look at same location out from same window but see different with additional color or landscape that could fill in, or she may have thoughts when Kyle was out with his bulldog playing on the deck or throwing the tennis ball in the yard as the dog was trying to fetch it.
Trying to prove someone is wrong and you are right some reason usually based on history of ones own perspective.
When an unsuccessful past is tried again it may bring a thought how to correct a dead end. Prior education or curriculums that are still being used and expressed comes across with mutual and equal understanding. But there have been a few original understandings that may have been restructured or modified for further understanding and enlightenment.
Watching or being an example many times is the best education.
Change of mind and heart can bring the best or greater response or completion.
Majority of divisions are based on opinions and not fact or full knowledge, then times are categorized as political correctness or selfishness. “What is in it for me”
Accepting other viewpoints does not always take a complete change, but new sophistication with additional thoughts and experience.
I have heard bands and choirs play the same song with words and chords the same, but a change in octaves can bring forth a greater and more enhanced feeling with the same horns, singers and sheet music.
Strength and power is built as extra tension of muscle supported with strong bones, while adding more weight and additional pressure can help increase to a level of new ambitions.
The most powerful ties you can have with ones, are feelings and emotions full of love, charity and forgiveness.
Just as Christ expressed his love by giving himself, or his Father through giving his only begotten. Unconditional love is a desire to love and share without expectations of return. The acceptance of ones love is when you give your all through your feelings and emotions to help others. Just think of a lock with only one key that you are holding, when you throw away or lose it and never look to find one, the connection or idea is to never let go or be released from the ties or strong grip that is holding you together. Instead of continual search for the key or replace old one, you can just change the lock or even upgrade a new door.
Life has continual advancement and improvements, but support and change of futher trajectories can be reached and understood. I may have had different feelings about their desires for the decision of a dog to enter into our lives, but seeing the desire and wishes they had I accepted the new addition into the midst of our lives. And after a period of time for some reason that dog had a continual desire for me to take part in her life. But seeing a fulfillment it would bring I followed through and took part and added time and space to create a new enjoyment from within her,
Having new journeys and detour’s in a life may bring a new mindset for how other lives may be assisted and helped along the way.