Powerful natural forces without being seen, is just like harsh feelings and emotions.
The temperature is not seen but just the occurrence of high and low atmospheric conditions caused by change in temperature affects the body and is felt by the speed of the internal circulation of blood flow within.Strength from the heart and mind can cause calmness and peace or trouble and turmoil.Wind is not able to be seen just heard. As pollution or items are picked up into the pressure of a centrifugal force, the power from this energy has control over all substance held around and within.An attitude or feelings of judgment can be entertained into our minds as disturbances get built up an internal unrest takes place.Certain memories made from the past and in current times can hold back a progression of growth in relationships with family, friends and God. It can and will bring a halt for further maturity and development of strength between individuals.A life filled, lead and lived by the “fruits of the spirit”will bring a joy and peace in lives, while enjoying time with loved ones and possible future connections that may be added within lives enjoying current and further times ahead.
What I should of, could of, what I did is all past conclusions.
“what I am going to do” is a present life we live.
Past brings enlightenment with education, present gives you opportunity to complete or correct. A heart filled with love and charity has ability for a continual growth and development, with feelings to share and help others.