Thursday, April 14, 2011

the Word used by all Creatures

There is one word that is used by every creature.
It is expressed in many ways, that word is “Love”.
The foundation of all life is love.
The diversity of this word is amazing.
Love is a rendition of comfort that brings peace within.

One of the main messages that comes through loud and clear from studying our Bible is the extreme importance that God the Father is placing on that everyone learn how to love Him, love ourselves, love one another, and to even go as far as to be able to love our enemies and those who will try and hurt us.
You can be the greatest man of God and have some of the greatest gifts of God flowing through you – but if you are not walking with all of this in the spirit of love and humility, it will have all been for naught.
Love is a word that can be taken without full comprehension.
Love can be used selfishly or by giving from the heart.
Love is used as an action verb or just a verb.

The understanding of love can bring success to a family, marriage,
employment and in friendships.
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Ones say that the foundation of God is his spirit. Others may say it is His word. But if we look into the root source of God it is love.
1 John 4: 7,8.
The first action that God created was Christ, His first love.
The representation that Christ desire to have upon this earth,
Will be expressed through a host of people that has been referred to
as the church of Philadelphia , the church of “brotherly love”.

His church will have in their hearts love towards all mankind.
They will have the desire to help and reach out to ones through,
love and charity.

When the restoration of Israel will take place, it will only be due
to Israel excepting Jesus as their Messiah in love.

The word love really controls our daily lives,
It will be shown through the act to God and His Son.
Love will be shown in our work our health and in helping to serve others.

Love can be shown in hate, destruction, bitterness, theft, violence,
judgment and in immorality.
Love is a desire and it can be used for evil.
Desire is one longing or has adoration for.

What are the goals we desire in serving God?
\Ones has desires to have power authority and wealth.
What is in the will of God for me?

We can lose our first love,
Our original desire or longing for.

Everyone has memories of our childhood.
Having a mother prepare her homemade cookies,
Having a mother or grandmother that create or prepare something
to please our taste buds.
What was special about their cooking it was fresh, right out of the stove.

Other memories of love, was waiting for my father or mother to come home from long day at work.
Desiring to go over to my grandparent’s home,
Another ambition was anticipation of a vacation.

But my number one passion is still when my first love walks through the door from long day at work, and the feeling passion as we embrace is still true love to me.
Unconditional love is acceptance and forgiveness. It is not accepting unacceptable behaviour. Forgiveness is a compassionate understanding of self and others struggle for self-love.
Though unconditional love says: "I love you for who you are and all of who you are striving to become", also says "I forgive you for your transgressions in your struggle to become. I love you and want to be with you, but in order to "be" with me, you must amend the behaviour which prevents true connection".
Healthy relationship is a mutually expansive dynamic interplay and not a power-over dynamic. It takes both people in the relationship to understand the right use of real love. That it is about compassion, love, forgiveness and acceptance; but not an invitation to abuse power believing that no matter what the behaviour, one will continue to be embraced in relationship with their spouse without having to amend the behaviour that is being forgiven.
Each and every emotion that we experience as humans is merely a sub-category of the Ever so powerful essence of Love. Unconditional Love is the power that delivers to you WHATEVER it is that you ask for. It is both crucial and necessary to develop the awareness of exactly HOW these things are attracted and received if you are to ever effectively begin attracting to you those things that you most desire to have in your life.
Many have come to believe that it is specifically through spoken prayer that you communicate to the Source. It has become my belief that it is not that which you ask for through your human and physical words, but rather through your resonance which is determined by the emotions that you choose for yourself.
When you balance your mind and open your heart you experience unconditional love and whoever you love automatically loves you equally in return. When love is genuine one person does not have more or less love to share, unlimited love is pure equality.
Conditional love is not love, it is dictatorship. Unequivocal love does not mean you do whatever you want whenever you want to, that’s called being selfish. Absolute love requires one to have a balanced point of view, a vision that includes future generations, and a plan to go with it. The power of love requires that we tune into something bigger than ourselves.
It is impossible to experience unmitigated love without a balanced point of view. Every imbalance in the human mind can be balanced if one knows the questions to ask. So long as the mind is focused on what it does not like or want it will attract more of that. As long as the mind is focused on how much better it would be if… the mind will not come to be poised in love. Whatever is distracting us from the outside is a reflection of an unresolved personal issue on the inside. When we become balanced inside our own mind we feel balanced about others and the world around us. Love is never dependent on what is going on outside of our awareness. Love has everything to do with our own thoughts, feelings and opinions. Nobody can love for another person or stop another person from experiencing unlimited love. It is a personal responsibility to learn to love and to tap into the love and light that is all around us, all the time.
Can anyone really comprehend "infinite" love? It seems the love that parents have for their children is as close to unmitigated love as we can get without the help of God's love in our lives. We continue to love our children through good times and bad, and we do not stop loving them if they do not meet the expectations we may have for them. We make a choice to love our children even when we consider them unlovable; our love does not stop when we don't "feel" love for them. This is similar to God's love for us, but as we shall see, God's love transcends the human definition of love to a point that is hard for us to comprehend.

God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unequivocal, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He does not love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.

Original Love is the first love felt by every soul upon creation. It is the pure love of God instilled in each soul. Before anything else each soul began with Original Love.
Authentic Love is the juice, the driver, the force and the energy; that is what we come with and what we leave with. In the middle of the coming and going, it is hard to detect or believe in love. The writings are the reminder to my soul that there is love, all the time and everywhere.

Feeling love is not a luxury for some people to enjoy. It is a need. Yes, you need to feel love feelings to enjoy your life and to stay healthy. If your traumatic energy is not released, your over activated nervous system will keep your body tense, and stressed. You know that is not healthy, and in the long run it will undoubtedly result in a chronic illness, you will wish you never got. Please take some action now to keep yourself healthy and full of joy for life.

You can release traumatic energy and regain love feelings. Integrated Healing Energy Techniques are very powerful. Once you learn how to release traumatic energy, you will be able to heal yourself. Trauma recovery will no longer be a mystery to you. PTSD symptoms will disappear and a life full of love and positive feelings will replace the trauma.
If you desire a more permanent healing of energy and love, you can find the connection with God and His beloved Son.
Being consistent with love toward my family and friends and God, should be a goal for achievement

What really is Love?
Love is a strong and emotional feeling for one.
The first memories of Love I can recall, both of my Parents expressing their feelings,
By telling me and by wrapping their arms around me with security through love.
Even at an infant’s stage, the child’s mind can feel the expression of love from their parents.
The feeling was created to give and to receive.
The professing of love is detrimental to ones life.
As a plant needs water, a person needs Love.
Without water the plant will die.
And a Person without love, or feels loved Mankind has no hope.
In the case of suicide, the common denominator is lack of feeling Loved and Respected.
Enjoyment is prompted by a loving feeling or caring for ones and what you do.
Satisfaction is a necessity of life.

A common thought about a daily employment “I hate my Job”.
What really creates that thought, a lack of desire or pleasure?
Finding a job you enjoy or the feeling of appreciation is a need.
The same goes for a Marriage.
Finding a companion that will fulfill your needs and interests will be one of the main reasons to enjoy life.
But finding your Creator is the most important way to feel your life is complete.
When you get to the point when you do not feel like you can reach out and touch the one you need during tough times, who moved?
You need to feel excitement and pleasure, when you walk into the doors of your Home, or you’re Church.
“Am I really doing my job or keeping the trust the other one needs for me to keep peace and fulfillment in our relationship”.
In the feeling of love, respect is a key factor.
Keeping or finding that 1st love, my memory was trying to spend all the time I could just to be with that person.
There is no room for selfishness, sharing is a necessity.
And not sharing the wrong thoughts of your mind, blaming the other person will get you nowhere.
Cutting off ones hands during disagreements, could be detrimental when you need hand to help you up after falling down.
During the thought of disagreement, start resolving the issue with a love and kindness.
As a child is being raised, or the birthing of a newborn baby,
Correction with care and mercy is a must.
Love will last forever, but discouragement and wrong correction will damage and scar ones permanently.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Built upon Decisions.

Christ’s will have a Church that will be able to reach to all hearts of mankind.
The Church will be able to help ones in time of need.
His Church will be a place for ones with instability in their families and lives.
The only way His Church will be complete is if Love is the foundation of life.
Areas of Hate, Bitterness, Jealousy and will not be able to have a part in His Kingdom.
His Church will be like Abraham, “a Friend of God."
God created Man with a mindset of having children who will be coheirs with his Son. (Rom. 8:17)
After the fall, God never changed His idea for his Family to reign with Him,
to have the ability for a Spirit-filled Church, all in one accord to do His will.
God's intentions for His people are to to have them share and enjoy His creations with His Son. For them to live eternally is his whole objective.
Studying the mistakes from ancestors should show me the path not to follow.
The past should be the guide in my life. Wrong decisions are easy to judge when I did not have to give or come up with the answer.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
Looking behind will just be stumblingblocks for the path ahead. Change is to be made for trying to correct any past failures or faults.
Fearing change will never let me get ahead.
The pathways. successes, and mistakes of my Forefathers should be an easy guide to live by.

In finances, the only way to get ahead financially is by correcting my wrong ways of mishandling of my funds, seeing what is more important to spend my money on, determining wat is necessary and what is not.
Investing for the future is a good plan.
In some investments you make, you will never see the prosperity of that decision until the investment flourishes, and that takes time.
Your broker will guide you, but it is still your decision to buy or sell.
When I would invest without corresponding with my broker, and my investment could turn out to be a bad decision,
It would not be my broker's fault that I made the wrong decision; it would be mine.
My broker is just my guide, not my decision-maker.
Finally when my debt is paid off and my checkbook is balanced,
Then the decisions will be shown as success or not.
The success or oversights of my broker will guide me into the need for re-investments.
After all that, I will feel thankful for the ones to show me how to budget.
But it still took me being studious and conservative with my money.
Most of all, no one else could have done it for me.
It took me to make up my mind to be successful.