Chalk and pencil can be erased, lightening and earthquakes can crake the ground but not removed.
Broken hearts and hurt feelings can heal, deep bruises and wounds may recover and restored, it takes time.
Hate and anger can destroy and dissolve good relationships. But lives being lead by the ‘fruits of the spirit” while being there for others in time of need. Support in construction is by bracing or placing a strong and stable element to apply means to hold together, secure and reinforce while keeping it up.
Judgement and forgiveness are contrary emotions, but having discernment and charity will help grow in charity and kindness while drawing away from disconnection due to disagreements and hardships causing a departure of lifetime connections.
when writing upon ones hearts misunderstandings are common, but being able and allow mistakes or diversity of mind be deleted and put behind will assist a greater maturity with development between “family and friends” and create a greater outlook in life.