A change to stay strong eating live foods to nourish with pure water each day not man made processed foods that destroys the systems to become weak and unhealthy. Desire to love while maintaining to stay healthy, fighting off good tasting meals that are bad foods is hard, after the body feels strong and is healed from all impurities the taste and being uncontrollable eating junk food goes away through feeling strong and recalling how junk made you sick no energy of life. The desire for those foods that lead you to bad health should be instilled in the mind what happens after following the temptations for that short time of enjoyment. After time as the body is cleansed taste buds will change.
A right attitude of mind and heart controls cravings of impurities that takes down a healthy body. It will all come
down to choice of short enjoyment of flavor or long time with a healthy life, and change of habits for the good.
Life can be like eating a fresh fruit smoothie on a hot summer day, it helps you cool down and provides various flavors to quench different desires. Just like heat will melt away the shake without savoring the taste, having delight and joy being with family and friends to relish memories is worth it. At any time you feel a connection of anyone that has been called “friend” has or is slipped away, reestablishing or adhering to ones and become stronger with appreciating the current and prior relationships with a desire where no turmoil or rough waters will never overtake the hearts of your family and friends. Just like building muscle it takes solid effort with sweat while feeling sore, but after time the power is shown and felt while strength is being achieved. Eating right is just as important as treating others right to complete goals you seek with all your heart for stability and support. A character of a heart for others filled with love and charity with help surmount all hindrances that may lie ahead.