Solar eclipse will be caused by the moon passing between the earth and the sun preventing light on the earth. Times we may keep a darkness of good exciting prior events that will block a bright future ahead. Lunar eclipse can be like keeping a light of past anger or harsh feelings in the present walk with others. Living in shadows of history with others will always cause a continual darkness that does not help growth and development between ones. Lives filled with hearts full of love, charity, mercy and forgiveness with bring a brighter and closer bond between ones. Creating new bonds and compounding closeness and desire with past connections while helping new stay together and become stronger. Longing for a greater walk with God, family and friends will take place as we put others first while keeping hearts full of love and charity and not vengeance and hate. Beginning of relationships the desire to be a help ones by putting the other first, brings forth a longing for hearts filled by giving your all for the other.Great memories while keeping new and fresh bonds are best examples for the next generation to show how a to enjoy lives with others through lives filled with the “fruits of the spirit” is the best education expressing Godly lives. Feud from bitterness and anger will be just a harmful as a meteoroid clashing against the earth.