Sunday, January 13, 2019

Godly Relationships

When individuals are in a realm of feeling devalued or forgotten with ones of close ties, then initially you were of original value to others first. Like a gem the more pure and refined the greater ability or unforeseen value will increase. A cubic zirconia is a replica of an original stone, but an authentic connection of feelings towards others is not able to be duplicated or replaced. Wholesome bonds with individuals desires for further advancement of hearts and minds, will mature as hearts filled with charity and patience press forward and lead to compounding relationships with enjoyment and peace. No other treasures are greater than family and friends living with hearts filled with charity and hope, will always be worth more. Reaping additional investments is only created by how much you desire to put into it. Open hearts and minds will multiply with greater benefits the most. Godly relationships have extra superiority of assistance for more abundant prosperity.

Each New Year

On the average most start the new year planing to achieve new expectations, goals, comments and horizons every new year. Other may be renewing vows and past recommitments, and other ideas is to payoff old financial charges and obligations to others. A few years back we were thinking and studying new ideas to update and reconstruct our house that we have been living in for several years. You know after you build a home you wind up sitting and walking throughout the house months and years latter thinking “I should or could have done that this way, or I wish I did not design or choose that particular appearance. So this year our goals will be yo change and recreate what we really desire and long for. Other objectives and plans with our home maybe to repaint and add new landscape, update the appliances and outside landscaping and appearances.
Now of course our health is the number one objective or trajectory to repair and improve. Some maybe easier than others but all will take commitments desires and patience to improve and achieve what is most important to us.
After refurbishing and restructuring our home we still have to check the important sources to see if anything would need reconnected or retightened to be secured and at ease within our minds and hearts.  Most of the times the original water and power grids and source will be just as strong as they were. After moving and shaping the inside of what was changed, still you will see if the water lines and wiring are in tact. 
With our lives the most import priorities would be our life and the strength we have with God family and friends is what we long and live for.


When a drinking glass falls and shatters into many pieces they will spread everywhere, and on wood floors there are more places each piece can fall into. Picking up the larger broken parts seems simple, but the larger they are the sharper the glass can be felt. Finding each and every of the small fragments is difficult, but with a dark tone of wood the particle will shine, sparkle and stand out as light comes across.
As long as the glass and floor colors are contrary from each other, it will always be easier to find from the largest to the smallest crushed piece. It takes a delicate touch while cleaning, to prevent any chance the glass particles will not penetrate into the skin. Of course the larger the fragment it will help to stand out more. Times I have experienced while picking up the glass, the smaller the piece the more of a chance it will be sharp from every angle. 
A heart and mind can be expressed in many ways, usually depends on the attitude at that time. And occasionally I will start to see if I feel my blood increasing at a faster rate, while a the mind is prejudging what to do or think what needs done.A tongue with a wrong spirit can easily be as sharp as a fresh cut of glass. 
I had two good examples of Grandfathers that had a demeanor about them that seemed to be calm and collected majority the time I can recall. Maybe being a grandchild humbleness and patience came out of them first. 
What would each day feel like if just family and friends alone could express hearts of charity and love towards each one, how each day will be easier and more enjoyable.
God arranged and structured for lives to be placed around family and friends to have and share close feelings, to be ready to reach and help and not turn away. Close connections at times may have cuts or splinters, but gentleness and hearts of mercy and charity with effort healing will take place.
And in my trade my skin being scared with my tools will happen. Having styptic and a bandage within a minute or two recovery will take place.
With a quick humbleness of heart reaching out to one’s first, will create a chance for sustaining healing bonds for reconciliation.

Unforeseen set backs with unknown reason.

I have been in various points in my life trying and wondering “why.”
Have you  at times forgotten where you left or placed something you need for the moment, or feel you may have lost something you did have for years? At one point in your life you may have original pure feelings towards ones and put aside in the heart the good times once shared with your family and friends, your life is or will be a struggle. Many times you just felt like hiding or putting life into a box or even leaving it behind you. When you lose your sight on a Godly heart and forget how to live a life full of charity and love, it may be time to search to recall the happiness when God and others were first in your life. And if you do not understand or feel like asking what is a Godly life and heart is or do not feel that pure unconditional love, just see if you can recall the last time you originally had those emotional enjoyable times you shared, what have I changed? If ones would search or study the few passages on the “fruits of the spirit” or recall when you did, you may just find what is lacking in the hearts and minds of each one of us. Even if you never have searched before, the first step may help is to understand my own heart and prefer others, than to pay attention if someone else is following that path they have towards me or my own objective first? Realizing a life and heart full of love and charity and put it into a daily walk towards others is a great starting point. It will be my choice first. If I would have thoughts of myself being closer to God from thinking I may have more understandings or knowledge of written history, and do not have my heart steadfast and concerned more for others with a heart filled with the “fruits of the spirit” I should question Myself.
Being critical is one of the easiest and quickest ways to begin stages leading towards separation. Thinking of lifting ones up in support and help, reaching out with a charitable heart and mind will be a way to keep relationships or future connections solid and sure. Unconditional true feelings of a loving heart is the best way to stay pure in heart between one another. To cherish is the best way to recall.
Majority of people have heard about or have seen verses in the Bible throughout their lifetime without even opening up a bible. Because I have heard movies refer this verse within movies and shows, but may be using it with a different action of thought and  persuasion. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It has been taken with an attitude of revenge of heart and mind “do unto others as they did unto you”, “Instead of a heart to be aggressive why not try to reach out with a heart of charity instead. Thinking and watching if everyone would study and see that phrase or verse at the direction as it was lead to be, it would be a giving and sharing not as an attack or retaliation but a help towards others. Even disagreements has and can bring forth separation of one’s minds and hearts, times it may need a viewpoint from other perspectives to try for a more complete understanding and to cipher out misunderstandings. A peace of heart and mind takes effort with consistency. Love and Charity are great foundations to stand on.

Decisions of the heart

Choice the no.1 action and was first given from the creation, and the freedom is a decision to follow by the laws of the land and the guide lines of God.
There are occasions that come upon our lives that may be not by choice but being at the wrong place at wrong time. Sometimes I do not hav that ability to hav that freedom to be able to decide between other options. For instance I did not hav the freedom to be a part of my natural family, but did have the ability to create my own lineage through my decisions who I believed I would be happy and have the enjoyment until the end of my natural life. Then together we had a desire to carry on our live by adding another life we can our live and be and example and create and have a life if joy and happiness by a complete life living by the fruits of the spirit that was displayed through the greatest example who ever walked this planet, who by choice was created by the all mighty Father that is his only begotten. Through the life he walked going through trials and tribulations his decision was to fulfill Gods desires and wishes to behold all his creations with other individuals and share the great ideas he has displayed and has not been discovered by the human eyes yet.

The way I felt I should hav been treated and was not in my past, the choices of educational and financial moves in my life. If things turned out without my option, then my decisions for the future to learn not just what or how to do things or how not to. 

Through my life living by the “ fruits of the spirit” to love, honor and cherish my greatest commitment to my wife to live my life with, to share all my heart and give all I can was and still is my goal to achieve as long as I can. 
To call ones friend is an expression to live by someone with desire and intent to be with and try to help and enjoy time we have together. Usually it will be mutual enjoyments wither it may be sports, business or just time to share  how to decide with the same goal to follow a Godly path and learn more of God’s way to live. Other ones ideas can be helpful to understand more in-depth thoughts and ensiles of mutual  ideas
Contrary ideas and going against can cause splinters and scares without open hearts and minds to share each other’s thoughts by listening and caring other perspectives. The only way to learn is by having an opportunity to study the unsure directions ones may be looking towards. 
Exchanging various opinions may help educate the unknown searches and trajectories of future decisions that may come without foresight.
Accumulating other considerations without a first thought to be in defense, may help learn from other directions and channels that may have not been seeking towards. 
Having concerns for others hearts that may have difficulties  without having ideas of finding a way to walk in looking for their needs and uncertainties in life. 
Having a heart filled with love and charity is being by individuals with struggles of life, having concerns for others to help is a key through living by the “fruits of the spirit.”
Knowing God is love and his decision to have a advocate to extend into our hearts by displaying Christ for our mediator and example to have faith in Jehovah The Father.