Monday, September 3, 2012

Unlocking doors

Unlocking doors

 In most minds when ones think of rope, they think of being tied or held down without freedom to move.

But chains can be thought of something that can hold ones together for help and safety for protection.

 God created a higher plateau or place that He could help protect His creations.

God used His Spirit to link or hold together His bond with His creation of Mankind.

By linking Heaven with all His creations, God desires to have a peaceful dwelling place with man to enjoy all the wonderful beauty of life.

 When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the ability to enjoy Paradise being capable to move around in the Garden as they pleased.

 God’s idea of a connection with Man to be by his side in peace, but do to the disobedience of the direct commandment Adam was given, the direct link to Heaven Adam had was broke.

 A habit can be another form of being bound. The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Being restrained after forgiveness or been forgiven, sometimes creates a mental bondage without the ability to live in peace.

 Holding yourself back or others and to let go is sometimes harder than being released or delivered.

Finding the keys to unlock knowing what keys to use is another process.

 There are different locks that are used by ones. There is a lock that locks from inside and one that is a double-sided key lock. There is a slide lock and chain locks that are used. There are even locks that can only be opened from the inside.

 Christ has the only master key and He came into the world to open up doors for ones to come and serve him.

 Man will sometimes bring forth yoke and servitude upon ones, but by Christ coming he gave man an option to be free to serve Him without being held back from the past.

Christ did not tell the Gentiles, come unto me or else.

He said some unto me, meaning my arms are open to help lead you to my Father.

He gave the option unto man.

 Chains are for support, or for security,

If chains are not put on right with precious delicate oversight   items can scratch or damage it and germinate. Some damaged items can be repaired and buffed out.

If a chain has a link that might be a little weak if you beat on it to bind it closer it just could break it,

 Chains are sometimes upon us due to an emotion of fear, guilt, and displeasure of our own mind set.

An act of guilt or anger can bring upon a feeling of pressure or mental stress, and discomfort.

 Forgiveness is the mental, emotional, and spiritual process of letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake. It can also mean ceasing to demand punishment or restitution for transgressions, real or imagined. Although forgiveness may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender, it is sometimes necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgment, apology, or restitution; this can often open the way for the person who perceives to be wronged to feel empowered to forgive.

Opening your heart is like opening a lock, one type of key is the only way for it to work.

A combination lock can only be opened by the one with the original code.

If the figures or original key form due not correspond match up precisely it will not open.

Feelings of the heart and mind are expressed through actions.

By giving or holding back is how our feelings are understood or brought forth.

 God created feelings of expression, but originally He showed feelings of love and concern for mankind.

How nay times did God express forgiveness upon Israel or has expressed upon my life?

The act of forgiveness can only be brought forth through love and charity.

 Through the Children of Israel to the woman caught is adultery,
up to being hung on the cross, the expression of forgiveness has been shown to mankind.