Thursday, September 16, 2010

Necessity of Communication

Communication is a demand in life.
Expressing oneself will need to start with two open minds.
If it would be a marriage, family, business or in friendships,
Discussions or conversations are necessary.
It is just a courtesy to pay attention to ones that are trying
to relate to you their inner thoughts or needs.
In your family if you do not share ones ideas or problems,
It would be very hard to keep peace and love within each ones life.
Misunderstandings will take place in everyone’s life.
There are always ways to repair miscommunications.
Communication is having a sympathetic attitude while conversation with ones.
Training someone to work with the public, ones need to be attentive while ones release their feelings.
Letting ones speak their heart and emotions, usually will help ones bring peace
to their minds and soul.

Now is there is also selfish communication.
Most of the time, you can find this definition in process on the US Senate floor.
Do not make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
The longing we have to communicate clearly and directly with people is always hindered by how we express concern about our messages will be received.
The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives.
But you must realize that by holding yourself back, you are not only suppressing your feelings, knowledge and opinion. You are also denying the other person the opportunity to learn about you. This can affect you greatly in the long run.
Good relationships have a lot of benefits. It brings two individuals together. This is why communication skills for couples or communication skills in marriage assume significance. This also clears disagreements and misunderstandings between two people if there is proper communication between the two.
Relationships can work mutually only when we listen properly and speak frankly to the other. Thus, communication skills in relationships have great significance in bringing overall progress and better relationships with each and everybody.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Attaining a life of peace

“Sometimes ones did not even comprehend the confliction within ones, and with others.”
When the soul has come to the place where it can no longer take it, it snaps. There are many souls who pride themselves that they can "take it." They spend their entire lives convincing themselves and others they are tough. They are tough. Their insides have become hardened. They have no peace, but they proclaim great peace with themselves and with others. That’s because they must prove it and if they say they have peace, that’s all the proof they need. They become very angry if you question their inner peace. They are the children of experts. They were brought up by the new thoughts coming from the new storytellers. But others, whose hearts have not become hardened, but merely overcome, become "mentally ill" and have to be put away. Perhaps their mental illness leads them to suicide, or murder. There are other forms losing control takes, but none of them are pretty to look at.

To instill peace in yourself, you must build slowly and follow through with your plans. Some people find that they already have these traits. Some people have to work to attain them. One will build peace if one is a conscious worker. One can create peace with the right ingredients. The political and personal will must be embedded in you to create harmony amongst yourself and the people around you. One important factor to constantly remind yourself is that of the sheer patience one must have to build peace. It does not come within days
.Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have
When the power of love completes the love of power the world will know peace
Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.
You will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.
Ones have no peace, but they proclaim great peace with themselves and with others. That is because they must prove it and if they say they have peace, that’s all the proof they need.
One important factor to constantly remind yourself is that of the sheer patience one must have to build peace.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking or misunderstanding, which more than anything else, will determine its successful or unsuccessful outcome.”

I cannot change the wind, but I can always adjust the sails to reach my destination.
Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thoughts, and habits can be acquired. “An action repeated becomes an attitude realized.”

In the beginning the first feelings that were created, shown and expressed
Were the feelings of Love, Giving, Sharing, and Caring.
But do the act of reason, the attributes changed; Man became (Selfish, Hateful, Covetous, Resentful and Bitter).

That is why God made a way to give Man the ability for a new start.
A new Start was created and a made way through a transformation of Life.
Only the act of reconciliation, will be the way to put Mankind back into his
Rightful place.

Through expression of spiritual feelings and guidance, will be the way to
Bring forth life filled with Love, Joy, Peace and Happiness back into harmony.

Living through adjectives of Love, our lives will grow to full maturity and completeness.

Man was created to live a life that would flourish to have a Family that would be
Consummated to Completeness.

There are messages that are called “Prosperity Messages or Teachings”,
Living the message of Man. has the ability to create problems and difficulties
In ones lives.
The life of that will follow will bring forth greed, jealousy, power and unhappiness

Love is the only message that will bring Life to its Fullness and Happiness.

Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself.”
You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.”

If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.”

The Acts of Mercy and Charity will bring you a treatment of compassion, respect
and giving to help ones in need.

Consequently we are here under the mercy of God.
Judgments without full understandings, is like Emotions without Love and Compassion.
Emotion is an effectuated mental feeling, and being devotional in actions of care and respect in regards to other Children of God.

Showing Judgment without Mercy in the World is known as controlling others.

The nest way to see if actions have been in the wrong is by the outcome.

As I am traveling and I am looking for directions and the map that was provided
did not take me to the destination I was headed for,
Could it be that the map was in need for a update.
Not to say that the format or the layout of the original map was wrong,
It could be that others structures have been built upon the old roads.
So due to the new development, a new path was designed.
As long as the structure of the road is still in tact and will last as long as the original, a moderation of new paving is all that is needed.

As long as the Head Foreman and Master Designer is in charged,
I should have no worries to drive on the road that will lead to my final destination.