Thursday, December 5, 2019

Pursuing with Victory in mind.

Accepting mistakes wither it is your own or another you are searching for, the correct answer may be in front of you and the wrong decision was made through one’s own choice.
Reaping the benefits or adopting incorrect perspectives, or not having complete understanding ideas from the past may be unsure but pursuing the correct or proper and receiving the answer was not judging history but learning from it.
Examples are those who take on and continue searching for the characteristics of God.
Other times going contrary may bring forth  greater expectations coming from a different time or paths in everyone’s journey.
History does not always have to be repeated, but continuing without maneuvering while watching the direction that is attended to reach, change may be key issues in life.
To finish this thought for this direction and path or thought on this site I am able to stay in touch with a friend we were on the same teams playing 3 different sports. We played different positions on each team, different coaches and players were with each one. The common denominator on each team was playing with the same mindset like the others “team work”. We came out successful 2 of the 3 teams we played on, and came short at the end of the other reasons, but every player had their own part on each one. But the heart of enjoyment of my part of playing on each team, was the bond and respect for each other and choices each player made was supported and important even if a misjudged play or decision was made. And in times of short comings or not having correct accuracy of thought for the win, the feelings to blame or dishonor ones efforts while trying their best, will take away feelings or emotions of playing as a team having the same expectations to be delivered or come to.
Being successful as a complete team was our mission of playing together.
Like having connections with others with the same goals in business is trusting each other holding them up and working together is the need for success.
The most important ones in our lives is the family from blood to marriage plus friends that feel and are the same in our lives. A heart for God is having love and faith for others, and individuals that have oversight in our daily lives can be a challenge. Forgiveness and mercy will provide a power and love in life, and will hang downfalls snd stumbling blocks that will not a longing to be drawn upon again. Just leave it at the cross.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hope within All

Everyone has some hope in life. Here in Nashville there is a billboard that many dream about even myself,
it shows the total amount of the lottery you have a chance to win if you play. The common thought “What if I had the winning ticket?” Some proceed to purchase to take a chance to win. Some will purchase quick pick, others will use certain numbers they feel is lucky. The random thought by playing more with the continual numbers the greater the odds. If using the same numbers with the more tickets you purchase weekly the percentage is greater with change of numbers. With that same routine of numbers with each weekly drawing the odds never change. The chances may decrease with less numbers to match, but dreams will continue. 
Now let us change perspective and with the goal to achieve. With family and friends what type of a relationship would we have with each one if your all was given towards closer connections, without expecting anything monetary in return?
The desire is to become or to get closer with each individual with a feeling of family with loyalty in heart between each other. Having closer connections without monetary ideas but of heart is a true bond. As you reach out with desire for others will reap greater feelings and hope you will find. Even with friends or ones you listen to, you can always learn something from each one, even when you disagree with many ideas and thoughts. But friendships still develop and grow.
Feelings can be like a live hot wire through an electrical current towards others, it takes a electrical switch box to be on to keep a network of relationships alive. Many times circuit breakers or wires need to be upgraded, with the original wiring still is in tact. When 2 or more separate lights go off, there is usually a common denominator and reason. A lamp will not work without being plugged in.
Like my mothers recipes I enjoyed, I may need the precise ingredients to have the same taste to match. But many times it  is not taste the same without matching amount of ingredients . As once was, relationships can still be created if the original emotions and feelings to put the other one first with care to balance and reconnect the same feelings together. As you get older ones increase the thoughts of watching the ingredients and try to create a healthier recipe trying to keep close to a original taste. And even your taste buds and desires of foods change as you become older. But relationships will change some as you stay together the longer you are together. But the original feelings will grow and become stronger as you continue to learn and understand one another, as the minds change as older ideas and what was a necessity through talents and abilities no longer mean the same. But complete emotional hearts and minds become greater as you desire to give more and do more for ones, without them even asking. Strong bonds are expressed as ones think what ones need before they would express or even ask for something. 
Over all combinations of ideas and helps, while needs increase staying by ones just shows meanings of emotions of hearts, minds and feelings towards others you put ahead of yourself. As a Godly love and heart develops in all lives, searching to help and be concerned for others before yourself is all God is searching for. That will be what is desired to be and feel like a complete family.   

Monday, November 11, 2019

Having Liberty of Decisions

The word “free” is the most eye catching word for all humans. Majority of the time I will be thinking “what is in it for me.”
“How I can get something out of it”

Free) The definition has various descriptions or meanings, and how you use the word is by your own choice. In our daily society “free” may be the most eye catching advertising word that will be used. “What is there or they have for me.?” When you live a life with a heart filled and lead by the “fruits of the spirit"

But a heart of “giving” is having a free will towards and for others, which is following God’s will. Expression of the heart through the act of helping others without desire of return is a heart of love and charity. Help fulfill ones needs and assistance in life.
But charity does not always displayed through a monetary item or product, but the desire of giving from the heart mind soul. And strength.
To commit or provide for others is a purpose of life to become stronger and to have a greater spiritual life and the walk with God.
Putting to death hate, the roots of bitterness, anger, wrath, judgment, selfishness. That was bound through the tree of “Knowledge of Good and Evil.” After the elimination of all the negative selfishness issues towards destruction of feelings of the heart brings a rest bonding and peace. Disagreements to prove while destroying others will do more harm, than trying to understand others opinions or point of view. The mind is set from a child, “to take and not to give back.”
Resurrecting the heart and mind by the fruits of the spirit is being Christ -like.
The “Tree of life” opens the heart of love to take control of thinking, having a caring mind and spirit to be submissive and humble. Lascivious in life leads to a desire to blame others, and assist to be judgmental and not to have a mind and heart of forgiving with charity, virtue and love.
God’s feelings to have a family to share all was through the creation of Adam and Eve, and he placed them into the paradise and a realm to be with him.
So the realm God created to share had complete vegetation for health and nourishment for complete strength within. This atmosphere was established with pure food and water to keep life alive. With no pollution as the fresh Co2 hovered and flowed throughout all the living creations.
The tree God placed in garden for Adam was full of life for the heart and mind of love, not of judgement and selfish decisions.
The option to help and continue to develop and grow in God’s will, was through the rest of the trees were fresh and alive within and placed in the “Garden of Life.” for option of choice. There was only one in the midst of the rest that God gave the ability of decision for the mind and soul to serve and not take. The opportunity was offered to be able to “freely” eat at of all the trees with fresh fruit to live with God. The Tree of life was to share of the fruits of the spirit that will express a Christ-like attitude of life” a strong life to build and develop to a full maturity full of nutrients and protein to grow.
If accepting mistakes wither it is your own or another you are searching for, the correct answer may be in front of you and the wrong decision was made through one’s own choice.

Reaping the benefits or adopting incorrect or not having complete understanding ideas from the past may be unsure but pursuing the correct or proper and receiving the answer was not judging history but learning from it.
Examples are those who take on and continue searching for the characteristics of God.
Other times going contrary may bring forth  greater expectations coming from a different time or paths in everyone’s journey.
History does not always have to be repeated, but continuing without maneuvering while watching the direction that is attended to reach, change may be key issues in life.
To finish this thought for this direction and path or thought on this site I am able to stay in touch with a friend we were on the same teams playing 3 different sports. We played different positions on each team, different coaches and players were with each one. The common denominator on each team was playing with the same mindset like the others “team work”. We came out successful 2 of the 3 teams we played on, and came short at the end of the other reasons, but every player had their own part on each one. But the heart of enjoyment of my part of playing on each team, was the bond and respect for each other and choices each player made was supported and important even if a misjudged play or decision was made. And in times of short comings or not having correct accuracy of thought for the win, the feelings to blame or dishonor ones efforts while trying their best, will take away feelings or emotions of playing as a team having the same expectations to be delivered or come to.
Being successful as a complete team was our mission of playing together.
Like having connections with others with the same goals in business is trusting each other holding them up and working together is the need for success.
The most important ones in our lives is the family from blood to marriage plus friends that feel and are the same in our lives. A heart for God is having love and faith for others, and individuals that have oversight in our daily lives can be a challenge. Forgiveness and mercy will provide a power and love in life, and will hang downfalls snd stumbling blocks that will not a longing to be drawn upon again. Just leave it at the cross. The word 
(Free) The definition has various descriptions or meanings, and how you use the word is by your own choice. In our daily society “free” may be the most eye catching advertising word that is used. “What is there or they have for me.?” When you live a life with a heart filled and lead by the “fruits of the spirit”
the desire will be for others first than “myself”. Giving your all for and to others through the heart is a challenge but our goal in life.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Languages from the Heart When we think from heart, is to relate to the life and world with emotions of love, that is not premeditated by thoughts or planning with ulterior and selfish motives, rather it is responding instantaneously with the direct vibrations triggered by expressions or feelings in reactions that interact with personal events of relationships within the inner most being of our heart, mind and soul. Having passion is developed by living the utmost care, by displaying a heart of charity, concerned affectionate behavior to others. Spirituality in real sense is beyond thoughts, feelings and senses, beyond mind, as all these are the creation made by and riddled with ego, which is anti spiritual! Intuitive relating to the world with almost reflexive awareness that is beyond mind is spirituality. It is more wholesome and integrated than the tiny and petty ego can weave. None of us needs instruction but times assistance in how to recognize what your heart is saying. We do need guidance, however on how to have the courage to follow those feelings, since they will force us to change our lives in any case. But consider the consequences of not listening to the heart's guidance: depression, confusion, and the wretched feeling that we are not on our life's true path, but viewing it from a distance. What is speaking From the Heart? Before we sell the merits of speaking from the heart, we must first define what it means.  What does it mean to speak from the heart?  It is a metaphor for speaking with genuine emotion.  It is not deliberately inserting emotional material to elicit emotional responses from different ones.  Who says the only feelings from the heart is sadness? If your heart is glad, let it be glad!  Speaking from the heart is being open from feelings present for the moment. An open and charitable heart should be the center of our life.  It is sharing from your essence, in each moment.  It is being authentic, being real. Too much focus on technique bulldozes the ones that desire to share feelings with you.  They do not get a chance to join in because we are too busy actively displaying or proving to them our latest ideas, or selfish ways. When we yearn for something our goal is to fulfill that desire or compassion we have for ourselves. Times we may feel for others and try to help, but can that be caused from a selfish act to manipulate or influence ones and receive utmost wishes for our self? But if we speak through a heart for others, we will try to penetrate a closed path into others hearts. We can come to a conclusion when your are really trying to talk to ones with a heart of love and charity, the effort to listen and share a full desire to show your willingness to make a way for them to feel your mind and heart is there when they would need to call upon someone. Many times you can tell them to take it in prayer to God, but if they do not have a basic understanding who God is, being a person with a heart of charity and care is what we can do to help express for them to choose the way to God. That is how we are able understand the mystery of God’s love, by following the path that Christ left for us in his word. (Having a tongue of the mind, or heart. Words to come across with the right spirit will override all wrong thoughts and actions.) Wholehearted devotion- Doing with all your heart soul mind and strength. Taking time out of your lifetime to help and do for others. No matter the outcome, if you give all you have through your heart is all God desires his followers to search for. If your goal is to help and love having the right spirit and attitude without recompense in return is all you can do. But if I think to be closer to God by telling if someone is living right, or having the right spirit, do I love ones greater than myself? Humans always enjoy telling another, that they need a heart or disposition adjustment. My heart should always be concerned for all others than putting myself first, and doing God’s will. That is how I can show God I will do His will, and love him with all my heart, mined, soul and strength. Devoting my life to God should be my goal in life. Yielding my life towards the feelings of others, by giving my life to the needs of family and all who need friendship. That is being a true child of God, by living with a Christ-like heart. A loving sincere heart is full of kindness and charity, with a loving spirit to help and not attack others, from disagreements to misunderstandings, or just anger built up from past happenings. There have been times I still have or once had hardships and discouragements kept in my heart, I did not release those feelings and all it caused was disturbance of my daily walk. That is where the heart of forgiveness comes into play. Holding on to past experiences is the hardest to get rid of in our heart, soul and mind. All that does is fills up the heart with anger, strife, hate and bitterness. Retaliation is what is in all hearts of mankind; revenge comes about by dwelling and not letting go. It is tough to turn the other cheek, walk away as anger is building up, it has always been hard for myself, it was very heard and that is what caused Abel’s death. Anger and jealousy was built up in the Heart of Cain. Cain did not put his whole heart in trying to find a sacrifice that god desired Him to give. Doing my best and giving all I have towards ones that need it in times of trouble in their lives. The decision to release and let go o f my desires first, and not seeing the needs for others is again under the category of selfishness and outing myself first, and not regarding for others feelings. Love to give with a free-will not expecting in return. Christ gave His life, and God gave all He had His only begotten son. Christ gave his physical life, but a gift of giving myself through a heart of understanding, without reason or question what about me, which is what charity is all about. Charity can fall under the category not just giving to needs, but having compassion with the right attitude for others. A judgmental call comes from the heart and spirit of pride and bias towards my own conjecture or predications. When I go forth by trying to prove ones wrong without realizing that I can learn from others thoughts, or consideration and regard to others. To prove is my Heart or Mind? Does anyone really need to prove that they are living a life for God? Ones that are working and talking by their heart and mind, will be shown by example by the way they live and walk daily through love and charity. Even if someone claims to be walking in God’s path or been called, does any Christian need to express their walk with God verbally, to really show God is working in their lives? Am I able to tell others, that they should live the way that I think a Christian should live? Or is it God’s choice to examine and to let ones know, in their heart and mind, what way God desires them to live? God does use ones to explain the written word through translating the word from Greek, Hebrew, and Latin definitions into the English language. During the 20th century when God was pouring out of His Spirit in the land, how can anyone say who God was calling or working with? God reached out to individuals he chose and asked them to follow to be used for his will, to preach and spread His word. God began to call Men to preach salvation and living by the fruits of the Spirit. In some cases God saved some people from the sinful world, but they still had difficulty with certain cravings of the world. God has delivered ones from sin, but ones may still had problems with illegal substances or habits of life. If God forgave them from this sinful world, and the individual continue to serve God with all their heart how can I say anything? How can I question God’s reason for not delivering them from their addictions? As long as ones continue working for God without harming anyone Spiritually, again how can I judge God? Being spiritual is working in many ways in God. The Fruits of the Spirit and the Sermon on the Mount are the most detailed ways God has asked for His people to live by. God working in ones lives is very important, but letting God use me by living the way He asked me to live, is all up to me. Salvation in God’s eyes is far greater vision than what my human and spiritual eyes can see. In life natural vision would be hard not to live with. But in my case I hit the time in my life where I had to start using reading glasses. But my son and my wife’s natural vision are far worse than mine. Does that mean with their assistance with glasses to bring they are nearsighted vision to 20- 20, does that make my vision of the stars any brighter? Man’s view of the vast stars in our galaxy, is very minute to God’s sight. God’s spiritual galaxy is far greater and more interesting than what man can see or understand. Having in possession some complete teachings of God’s word, how can I say that is greater than having a right spirit? Looking at the Centurion and the Rich young ruler, which one had the right spirit? Having the right spirit sometimes is far more important. When talking to people daily in my profession I need to be listening more than speaking, at times that is tough to do. Many discussions may bring a different viewpoint that what I may be use to hearing or seeing, but goal everyday is to learn something new everyday. If I start the every day at work with the idea, I am going to tell everyone how things are because I said so, would not go over very well. So in other words, my perspective may not always be right in others minds but slow explanation is what is needed majority of the time. If I see someone is searching for help or assistance with some understanding of what they need, I could be in a position to release my heart unto the desires they may need. Explaining ideas from an individual’s heart should be achieved if I know how to with a right spirit and an open mind and heart. Each time I open my mouth I try to since their feelings as I bring across my thoughts through my heart only for the purpose to help not to overtake or overbear them with my mind, but prevail with my heart. Trying to share and to push myself into the minds of others, are two different attitudes, one from the mind and the other from the inner most being of my life. When I exchange my goal is to performed live it from my heart. In sporting events ones may remember a team player that fumbles, turnovers or will make errors, but if that player latter in the game helps the team to win due to a last shot, a home run or runs the ball over into the end zone all incomplete plays incorrect decisions are put aside and forgotten after the game has been won. Life can be more enjoyable if mercy, forgiveness and charity would be embraced and then received by all family and friends. A grudge or bitterness will always keep disagreements and misunderstandings alive and living within hearts and minds daily. Outcome in games in championships series mistakes and miscues have changed results of games, but holding it over anyone may not help. The years I have played sports the best way I learned to correct my misplays or incorrect decisions was not from discouraging corrections but through my coaches helping me to see different viewpoints and help me to concentrate for the next play. Letting go of prior games helps to press forward and opens up for new development. Encouragement will always help improve and grow, where as judgement and criticism without a full or complete understanding of how the team is thinking, will cause setbacks and the ability not to succeed. To study and recall any past actions or choices many times will not give the answer “why” but help to conclude and guide you and think what to do next. Team effort has been the only way I was taught and helped for every win we achieved. Recognizing a coaches success is not by the number of wins, but by each player being able to pass on to the next generations how to seek with their hearts and minds how to press towards a goal of maturity and continual new development, and a attitude to work hard together with unity as a team. ( John Wooden) “ Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. It is only up to you to desire what you want to be.”

It is my call

To blame is simple. After purchasing a new bat and the first time going to the plate I struck out. The next time to the plate I was handed another bat to use from the dugout struck out again. “it was the wrong bat I was handed” is an easy thought.  Another  ‘it was not the one I ordered” they store sent me the wrong one.” The next game we played trying another bat from a teammate, still having trouble at the plate, “this time it was a bad call from the umpire.” Not taking responsibility for my own decisions or actions is very common. It is the other ones fault for my bad judgment. It is just as simple to blame others for misunderstandings or choices, when they are not the way I think the answer should be. All the teams I have played on the best way to be called a “Team” is when we win or lose, we do it all together. To be there for others will be the best way to win with success. To find the reason many times looking into a mirror will provides the answer. 

One of the main messages that comes through loud and clear from studying our Bible is the extreme importance that God the Father is placing on that everyone learn how to love Him, love ourselves, love one another, and to even go as far as to be able to love our enemies and those who will try and hurt us.

You can be the greatest man of God and have some of the greatest gifts of God flowing through you – but if you are not walking with all of this in the spirit of love and humility, it will have all been for naught.
However, our abilities as fallen humans to love one another, is very limited. This is why it is so important for each and every Christian to work very closely with the Holy Spirit to get this fruit worked up into the core of our personalities. It is only when the love of the Holy Spirit starts to flow and enter into our personalities can we even begin to love God, love ourselves, and love one another to the degree and to the intensity that God would like to see from each one of us.

Here are some of the different definitions on what love is from the different Bible dictionaries and commentaries:

Unselfish, benevolent concern for another; brotherly concern; the object of brotherly concern or affection

The self-denying, self-sacrificing, Christ-like love, which is the foundation of all other graces

Unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the well being of another

The high esteem, which God has for His human children and the high regard, which they, in turn, should have for Him and other people

To love, to have affection for someone; to like; to be a friend; the love of brothers for each other

Here is how the quality of peace is described in some of the different Bible dictionaries and commentaries:

The presence and experience of right relationships

The tranquility of soul

Sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence

The inner tranquility and poise of the Christian whose trust is in God through Christ
Tranquility, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord

Sunday, October 20, 2019

You do not have to prove or verbally say your thoughts towards others if you love and respect them, or that you know who God is or if you are a christian. Your actions by the way you live and treat others, your daily walk will express your hearts desire. Usually the response back from others will show me if my heart will need to be restructured and changed.
Living by the “fruits of the spirit” is a decision and should be a desire for a peaceful life.
A life filled with mercy and charity will have no room for judgement, hate and bitterness, and without a heart of forgiveness.
You will not have to guess or question if hearts feel the same with others.
A Godly life should be the preeminence and journey in my life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The decision is mine

To blame is simple. After purchasing a new bat and the first time going to the plate I struck out. The next time to the plate I was handed another bat to use from the dugout struck out again. “it was the wrong bat I was handed” is an easy thought.  Another  ‘it was not the one I ordered” they store sent me the wrong one.” The next game we played trying another bat from a teammate, still having trouble at the plate, “this time it was a bad call from the umpire.” Not taking responsibility for my own decisions or actions is very common. It is the other ones fault for my bad judgment. It is just as simple to blame others for misunderstandings or choices, when they are not the way I think the answer should be. All the teams I have played on the best way to be called a “Team” is when we win or lose, we do it all together. To be there for others will be the best way to win with success. To find the reason many times looking into a mirror will provides the answer. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Lifetime Teammates

Being approved or feeling you have to be is common idea, to desire or make ones feel they have to prove themselves to others that they are up to the level or where you feel or others desire you to be higher plain. By degrading ones and not being where you or others should be, you may come up to a time when you are looking up while asking to help realizing you need to be pulled up.
Security or insecurity, which one does what your mind dwells upon?
On a ball team playing with others the best way to really feel like you are jelling together or playing as one, is not thinking where your teammates are on the court or field. If everyone is thinking the same as a team the plays will cone together or each thought or idea is common, that is called “in one accord”.
That is how a winning team needs to be.
A good team no one has to prove to the others you are on their team, the feeling should be mutual without effort.
Just like family and friends each will be there for the others without a thought, it will be a desire through the heart to be there for the others. No questions asked, just emotional security with fervent love for the other.
No matter distance or disagreements between family, friends and teammates you may try to forget, but the best of times will never be forgotten. Priorities is what changes any bad times of past, to building on the good times for the present and for the future.

Close Knit

Family and friends are a help to keep a life solid. When someone close to your heart is no longer able to be with us, the good times are never able to be taken away.
Close people with care and love are built like strong structures, natural events can take a roof or outside pieces of the building. When the ground shakes it may cause damage within the building. But I have seen wind, rain destroy roofs, walls and the framework. I have seen earthquakes not take away the foundations but may have cracked the concrete. Anything that may disturb the house you live in, great memories of love will never be taken away. Prior love and emotions will never leave us. The current time you have with ones may have had times of trouble or disturbances, like a place you built and live in, you can remodel or change decor you still have the original house built for you. Managing a good landscaped home while making sure the weeds are being pulled out by the roots while the ground is moist from a clean fresh rain is easier to keep the yard, gardens from dying or being controlled and taken over by weeds, poison ivy and such like.
Caring for trees and plants pruning and trimming them will help limbs and plants to grow and become a healthy plant to keep their color with strong limbs for continual growth. Pulling weeds out as soon as you see them start to come up from the ground is easier to bring forth others than letting the roots dig in deeper and spread out in the ground.
Keeping a homes landscape kept clean makes the outside looking great. But the inside of the house may be a disaster.
When you are trying to sell your house you keep it presentable for anyone who may be searching a house just for them. And looking at an inside of a home that is clean and maintained is a easier way to make a sale.
As your life continues it’s journey while trying to enjoy the time you have to be with family and friends. There is nothing better than recalling enjoyable moments you shared with others. Memories are hard to beat when reminiscing good times together. of course with the times of joy, you do recall disappointing moments you may desire to have the ability to change the past. Many times the past is great education for the current times and future.
Wounds are difficult to heal if after the process of healing if the scab continues to be pulled off, then it takes time to start the process again.
The deeper the cut the longer it may take to heal. As ones has had times of stress with others circumstances arise many times not even planning on it. Just like a bandage will help heal, comfort and pure emotions will help reassure there are open arms to catch you and lift you up. After you fall down while you are being helped up both have a grip using muscle to pull the other up.

Monday, September 30, 2019


Accepting forgiveness is like looking at the sun setting over the pacific ocean that day is over and will not be seen again that day. Asking for forgiveness will bring light into a darkened past, then looking for brighter days ahead. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Trying with hard effort

Recently an historical monumental tree in Cal. was brought down and destroyed by a natural source of lighting without chance of restoration. In other cases in Cal. I saw earthquakes take down structures thinking they would not recover or be brought back on the solid foundation. But through consistent vigorous work and new materials the buildings were rebuilt and restored with more advanced and greater conditions than even before. Family and friends have had divisions and separations, but revamping and reconciliation takes effort with hearts if understanding of one another and mercy and open minds and hearts would be allowed and forgiveness will intervene to take control. With some disasters recovery is impossible. But through time, humbleness and original feelings and concerns whatever damage has taken place in ones heart and mind, through the fruits of the spirits, respect and care for others repairing and starting over can begin. Choice can be the greatest or worst decisions in our daily walk. But many times the right choices in some predicaments is through respecting another idea and study how it may be beneficial and instilled to help continue building on ones own thoughts. Education never stops until you stop trying.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Taking responsibility

Common thought “is always someone else’s fault” Blaming others is easy for projects or ideas not coming out as you think or thought it should have been while the choice was yours.
To turn and blame others or blaming a manufacturer for a flashlight that will not work, then finding out the batteries were not in or they were not put in properly.
Another scenario is to blame shoe salesmen thinking they gave you the wrong shoes because they keep coming off, then realizing you are not tying the shoes right, or they were laced incorrectly. Mistakes are easy to be made, blaming your catcher after you threw a wild pitch or forgetting the correct sign.
In most cases as the saying is “hindsight is 20-20.
If Accepting mistakes wither it is your own or another you are searching for, the correct answer may be in front of you and the wrong decision was made by your own choice.
Reaping the benefits or adopting the incorrect ideas from the past may be helpful, by pursuing the correct or proper and receiving the answer was not judging history but learning from it.
History does not always have to be repeated, but continuing without maneuvering while watching the direction that is attended to reach, change is the key issue.

To finish this train of thought for the direction and path on this site I am able to stay in touch with a friend we were on the same teams in 3 different sports. We played different positions on each team different coaches and players had a part on each one. The common denominator on each team was playing with the same mindset like the the others “team work”. We came out successful 2 of the 3 teams and came short at the end of different seasons, but everyone had their own part on each team. But the heart of enjoyment of my part of playing on each team, was the bond and respect for each other and choices each player made was supported and backed up even if a misjudged play or decision made. It was a team effort no matter the outcome.
Like connections with others the same goals in business is trusting each other holding them up and working together is the need for success.
The most important ones in our lives is the family from blood to friends that feel and are the same in our lives. I just investigated through a company to seek my past blood line or genealogy of prior individuals in history.
It was interesting from the past but thinking of current family and friends my ambitions is to become stronger and closer with others while joining to reach out together. To become stronger takes effort desire and longevity to become unified. As the natural blood flows through the body at times scars and scabs that may not be healed up, while scratching them may cause some excess bleeding or fluid to flow out of the wound, but with bandage and a form of septic or ointment healing with start to take place. Before medical treatment was created nature had other means of healing assistance. an aloe plant is a pure form for a healing process to occur. The impact on a open sore with aloe will preform a process to clean and help to prevent harmful bacteria from entering into the body.
Though aloe an antioxidant and other natural plants and herbs can help the physical sores to heal, the attitude of the heart will be able to cause emotions and feelings to come to pass a mental, emotional or spiritual type of hurt and pain.  
Affection and concern will bring feelings to help and assist when ones are in need. Just like the use of a bandage tight around a cut it will help to stop the flow of our natural fluids within to be lost. Just like skin can be separated, hearts and true feelings can be the same. Having concern and affections towards ones that are close and well established in lives deep within, the bandage of forgiveness and feelings of charity will provide a true and complete healing that can never cause hardships as long as old wounds are not reopened and apart.
Just like when I hit my hand or foot by a quick painful object, the other hand reaches out to help supply the other damaged parts of the body. To reach out with emotions of concern and help will to help healing process to take place brings peace within hearts and minds. Many times my opinions can hold back or slow down problems rom healing, but assisting with a clean heart to reap benefit for clear ideas to share.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

To be Zealous

Emotions, feelings are like a landmark or location. the area and angle is just the way you can study a direction you desire or are looking for.
Life is always searching for another or more.
The inner soul may feel the need to refill or just put in more for security.
History is like a mountain or the ocean, you can detour away and not able to return
but the original mountain or waters will always be there. Occasionally what we see behind can easily be helpful for further education for new decisions, while leaving the past.
You can come upon a new location and fulfill what may be low, as a car that is almost running out of fuel, the gas you put in may be from another station but filling up the car to journey on is what matters, as long as you can reach the new or next destination.
New inventions of vehicles may power from other way of means, but the land marks that are solid have not moved just the roads around them. 
Even we I go back to the city I was raised in I could see two mountains and the roads in that location ran north to south, or east to west. Here is Nashville the city is built around the river with bridges to cross. But like the mountains to be the guides, Nashville has 3 main passages through it, but 1 that goes and circles the city. So that is the best way to get back when you are returning home. And it has 1 skyscraper for a guide.
Overall the path way in our daily journey is to be guided by our hearts and minds, and when we would need a refueling to continue on prayer for new fresh energy can be available through pray and seeking God’s will to follow with his love in our hearts and his spirit within I s a gift to help guide us.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Value of holding strong.

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by current responsibilities and all that are not seen yet. Lives of mercy, charity, with feelings and the heart of forgiveness will create a unstoppable growth in all relationships.  
In the long run, we create and strengthen lives in our relationships while we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we pass. The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. The best way to resolve mistakes and setbacks, is being accountable of our own actions, without trying to find ways to justify the history that has been left behind. While climbing a steep mountain, it will be easier to lose balance while looking behind as we try to seek and press forward. Just keep your eyes on the sight we are aiming for as we strive to reach the top of the pursuit of happiness, joy and success we long for. As you progress then try to throw stones may just be the ones that your hand is reaching for to keep balance and grip in life as you continue to climb higher. Staying strong will help for you to have the ability and endurance to reach out and help to brace ones journey, while ones struggle as they press through life. If your life is is just being held with rope as you move along with ones, if you then try to cut that resource that holds the only possession of endurance and stability, that will help you lose that grasp in life to carry and press on. The decision is yours. In my life I thought my life was running short of rope or connection with others, then I studied and recalled the only way I made it to now, was when I continued to tie on to secure stable friendships as I was seeking or support. And being fortunate to have family, friends and God to pull me up when I was down. A grip from others that hold on to the stability of relationships, is the only way to stay firm and feel safe. Many times the best move for that strength from others is by not letting go or releasing the original connections from strong prior fellowships. You can always make the effort and reach out to gain from others that gave you a feeling of comfort and love.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lives Searching

Science in this world are still amazed seeking and searching for answers about spaceNeanderthal Man or virtual reality insight. What if ones would seek within the reality of their own lives that are controllable. What if respect and care for others were the basis how to reach to others hearts and emotions to help with concern to assist we could be farther along. In the last 50 yrs. invention have been incredibly amazing. But if we could continue investigating and searching  more about the soul and spirit and thoughts in our own live, how much farther can family, friendships and new connections would be more advanced. Since time of the Grecian reign studying the atmospheric conditions, seeking for a greater answer of creation or complete unknown beginning without faith in mind and heart besides the scientific studies of life. If investigations were preformed on the original reason for a Godly family to live with our creator, for the ones who are interested in a living God to look inside trying to live by the “ fruits of the Spirit" instead of tearing down others but exploring to help ones with the heart, how much more of a peace would be upon us we could be farther along. 
In the last 50 yrs. invention have been incredibly amazing with new discoveries. But if we could continue investigating and searching  more about the soul and spirit and thoughts in our own lives, how much farther can family, friendships, God and new connections would be more advance. Since time of the Grecian reign studying the atmospheric conditions, seeking for a greater answer of creation or complete unknown beginning without faith in mind and heart besides the scientific studies of life. If investigations were preformed on the original reason for a Godly family to live with our creator, for the ones who are interested in a living God to look inside trying to live by the “ fruits of the Spirit instead  of tearing down others but exploring to help ones with the heart, how much more of a peace would be upon us.
Searching for “greater or better” is a wonderful task to achieve no matter the subject. But what can be currently be discovered how not to think for others with ideas of control with my own understanding, proving ones wrong is a common desire. If building on concrete is stable what if life would continue multiplying and developing with a charitable heart with a Godly walk how much farther along a peace would come about?
Regarding  disagreements but trying to add more knowledge with others perspectives or ideas being contrary or not, at times a piece to the puzzle could be used. If my attitude would be not to prove to others and turning by back with  animosity and bitterness, but charity life would be more calm and peaceful. Like all my coaches in sports playing as a team will be the only way to success to win.
My enjoyment playing with ones with greater abilities on the team, my most enjoyable part of the game was when I could pass the ball without the defense seeing it coming. Being able to catch the ball or protect the quarterback backing up each play or assisting on the diamond, no matter which game it was thinking in harmony was exciting while outplaying the competition we were playing. Playing with and as team was the fun out the final outcome.
In my business looking to please the customer with their ideas or a mutual creation for a haircut can be a challenge at times.
Understanding ones direction of thought and goal to reach is a need for success. Relying on experience with addition to continual advancement in technique is helpful for the profession. An open mind with patience is a must to progress for the business to grow with the future.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Direction of my Heart

When individuals are in a realm of unstable feelings during turbulent trials, it may have been devaluated or forgotten with ones of close ties as ones may have different thoughts or ideas ahead. Like a gem the more pure and refined the greater ability or unforeseen appraisal will increase. A cubic zirconia is a replica of an original stone, but an authentic connection of feelings towards others is not able to be duplicated or replaced. Wholesome bonds with individuals desires for further advancement of hearts and minds, will mature as hearts of unity filled with charity and patience press forward and lead to compounding relationships with enjoyment and peace. No other treasures are greater than family and friends living with a heart God filled with charity and hope, it will always be worth more with unlimited amount of effort. Reaping additional investments is only created by how much you desire to put into it. Open hearts and minds will multiply with greater benefits the most.A spiritual relationship with God has abilities to install in minds extra superiority with a spiritual oversight for a more abundant prosperity. At times God has encounters or connections with others without full understanding or knowledge in it. As you see a network with other individuals slowly gaining a equal feeling of minds, peruse with a charitable heart and mind trying to reap and share ideas and emotions with resources of every heart. Ones that are close to your heart and are irreplaceable, there is real value and unlimited worth being together. My relationships will become stronger if I focus on their strengths than weaknesses or short comings through my own opinions. If hearts are in accord in feelings or emotions with one another there will be no thoughts of set backs or breakups, but sincerity with a pure heart will lead the way. Identifying a togetherness is real, there will be no thought of purpose or reason but a desire to do more for others in the heart and mind without return. There is no rate of expenditure or balance with others hearts, just a compounding worth and closeness increases with lives filled with endless goals to carry on through the “Fruits of Spirit” that God provides for us to help lead the way in our hearts and minds.Being together in one accord with family and friends is the greatest investment that God has put into each others lives while walking with him daily.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Broadening Spiritual Thoughts

Rob Massie

Show Host
Rob Massie is the host of the Planet Jesus podcast. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

New & Continual Development

Change may educate from past thoughts, misunderstandings or decisions. Further challenges ahead through the incorrect answers I already concluded to, it may come about by an redirection the path your journey is heading for.    
Having goals to assist and follow the greatest influence for the straight and narrow way 
and learn from the words of Christ of our greatest hope and future leading the way.
Educate from Webster and Wikipedia, but gain your greatest knowledge from the only one that showed us the straight and narrow way, and learn from the words of Christ our greatest hope and future. 
The choice to proceed and move forward for an higher calling as  to help others, than to turn and seek to dwell where you could or should have been without complete answers.
Have you ever watched ones restore a house or car, being meticulous and detailed will bring back pieces of harmony, some pieces may not be original but searching for the precise or explicit part may fulfill the desire you longed for.

Replanting a new tree from a broken off branches by powerful storms can be done through the robust roots with the help of pure water and sunshine the process begins. Just like limbs of trees, some from the same tree or even ones just next to each other with diversity and varieties will propagate and develop next each other. Sharing good feelings from hearts full of mercy, charity and forgiveness will help stimulate new and prior connections to help produce and grow together, just as trees are usually instilled in yards for a greater fulfilling blend while color or fruit will come to fruition as the trees were grown together until a harvest takes place. Just as the maturing of any plants proper maintenance and oversight is needed. Emotions and feelings can have heavy wind or other disturbances come across individuals minds and hearts, that is when I would find a solid ground to reestablished pure growth and to flourish new devotional harmony with others. 

When individuals are in a realm of unstable feelings it may be devalued or forgotten with ones of close ties, then initially you were of original value to others first. Like a gem the more pure and refined the greater ability or unforeseen value will increase. A cubic zirconia is a replica of an original stone, but an authentic connection of feelings towards others is not able to be duplicated or replaced. Wholesome bonds with individuals desires for further advancement of hearts and minds, will mature as hearts of unity filled with charity and patience press forward and lead to compounding relationships with enjoyment and peace. No other treasures are greater than family and friends living with a heart of God filled with charity and hope, will always be worth more with unlimited amount of effort. Reaping additional investments is only created by how much you desire to put into it. Open hearts and minds will multiply with greater benefits the most. Godly relationships has abilities  to have extra superiority with a spiritual oversight  for a more abundant prosperity.
Ones that are close to your heart and are irreplaceable, there is real value and unlimited worth being together. My relationships will become stronger if I focus on their strengths than weaknesses or short comings through my own opinions. If hearts are in accord with one another there will be no thoughts of set backs or breakups, but sincerity with a pure heart will lead the way.
Identifying a togetherness is real, there will be no thought of purpose or reason but a desire to do more for others in the heart and mind without return.
There will no rate of expenditure or balance with others hearts, just a compounding worth a closeness increases with lives filled with charity and endless goals to carry on as love and charity leads the way.     

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Understanding Love

Understanding Love
Fulfilling Love To be successful you need Love. The need to have love control our lives. To have unconditional love - absolute, total - without limit - indubitable Our love is not only conditional, it is also mercurial. We love based on feelings and emotions that can change from one moment to the next. The divorce rate is extremely high in today's society because husbands and wives supposedly stop loving one another-or they "fall out of love". They may go through a rough patch in their marriage, and they no longer "feel" love for their spouse, so they call it quits. Evidently, their marriage vow of "until death do us part" means they can part at the death of their love for their spouse rather than at their physical death. 

Can anyone really comprehend "unconditional" love? It seems the love that parents have for their children is as close to unconditional love as we can get without the help of God's love in our lives. We continue to love our children through good times and bad, and we do not stop loving them if they don't meet the expectations we may have for them. We make a choice to love our children even when we consider them unlovable; our love does not stop when we don't "feel" love for them. This is similar to God's love for us, but as we shall see, God's love transcends the human definition of love to a point that is hard for us to comprehend. God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is categorical, and it is not based on feelings or emotions. He does not love us because we are lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship. Can anyone really assimilate "infinite" love? It seems the love that parents have for their children is as close to unmitigated love as we can get without the help of God's love in our lives. We continue to love our children through good times and bad, and we don't stop loving them if they don not meet the expectations we may have for them. We make a choice to love our children even when we consider them unlovable; our love does not stop when we do not "feel" love for them. This is similar to God's love for us, but as we shall see, God's love transcends the human definition of love to a point that is hard for us to comprehend.

Forgiving Hearts

A life can be like the shoes you wear, depending on what the event or daily activities oschedule then usually they may changed to fit the outfit.I know in my trade standing on my feet at times all day I need shoes that are comfortable with quality supportive souls for my feet to last all day standing.If it is a day I may be just casual it really does not matter. At times I may go out wearing an outfit more dressed up I will change again.I know playing sports as long as I have, I have worn different shoes for the sport I was playing that day. In basketball and tennis I usually I will wear ones to support for my ankles, baseball and football cleats are better for traction and speed for my support. At least now they are more comfortable and hold together longer.In my daily walk my attempt in attitude oheart and mind towards everyone, I should have an humble and peaceful manner in life.If I live my life with an charitable spirit of heart looking with desire to help and serve, usually an open mind will take me farther to achieve more goals I plan to be successful with joy and pleasure.Just like tying my shoes they will be tighter and laced more securely so they will not come loose while being active.Over time hearts can become little more insecure and forgetful from past times of enjoyment ones shared.The past may be hard to forget but if I would try it may be easier for me to continue and press on. The best thing about the past it can be very educational to repeat or not to. Either way to continue on with desire to engage to have a greater life then searching for a higher plateau of success that will lead to an stronger life you desire.A heart with forgiveness and acceptance without complete ideas or perspective to succeed , than mercy will be the best way to start new journeys ahead together with ones searching for strength.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Deep Within

Languages from the Heart When we think from heart, is to relate to the life and world with emotions of love, that is not premeditated by thoughts or planning with ulterior and selfish motives, rather it is responding instantaneously with the direct vibrations triggered by expressions or feelings in reactions that interact with personal events of relationships within the inner most being of our heart, mind and soul. Having passion is developed by living the utmost care, by displaying a heart of charity, concerned affectionate behavior to others. Spirituality in real sense is beyond thoughts, feelings and senses, beyond mind, as all these are the creation made by and riddled with ego, which is anti spiritual! Intuitive relating to the world with almost reflexive awareness that is beyond mind is spirituality. It is more wholesome and integrated than the tiny and petty ego can weave. None of us needs instruction in how to recognize what your heart is saying. We do need guidance, however on how to have the courage to follow those feelings, since they will force us to change our lives in any case. But consider the consequences of not listening to the heart's guidance: depression, confusion, and the wretched feeling that we are not on our life's true path, but viewing it from a distance. What is speaking From the Heart? Before we sell the merits of speaking from the heart, we must first define what it means.  What does it mean to speak from the heart?  It is a metaphor for speaking with genuine emotion.  It is not deliberately inserting emotional material to elicit emotional responses from different ones.  Who says the only emotion from the heart is sadness? If your heart is glad, let it be glad!  Speaking from the heart is being open from feelings present for the moment. An open and charitable heart should be the center of our life.  It is sharing from your essence, in each moment.  It is being authentic, being real. Too much focus on technique bulldozes the ones that desire to share feelings with you.  They do not get a chance to join in because we are too busy actively displaying or proving to them our latest ideas, or selfish ways. When we yearn for something our goal is to fulfill that desire or compassion we have for ourselves. Times we may feel for others and try to help, but can that be caused from a selfish act to manipulate or influence ones and receive utmost wishes for our self? But if we speak through a heart for others, we will try to penetrate a closed path into others hearts. We can come to a conclusion when your are really trying to talk to ones with a heart of love and charity, the effort to listen and share a full desire to show your willingness to make a way for them to feel your mind and heart is there when they would need to call upon someone. Many times you can tell them to take it in prayer to God, but if they do not have a basic understanding who God is, being a person with a heart of charity and care is what we can do to show them the way to God. That is how we are able understand the mystery of God’s love, by following the path that Christ left for us in his word. (Having a tongue of the mind, or heart. Words to come across with the right spirit will override all wrong thoughts and actions.) Wholehearted devotion- Doing with all your heart soul mind and strength. Taking time out of your lifetime to help and do for others. No matter the outcome, if you give all you have through your heart is all God desires his followers to search for. If your goal is to help and love having the right spirit and attitude without recompense in return is all you can do. But if I think to be closer to God by telling if someone is living right, or having the right spirit, do I love ones greater than myself? Humans always enjoy telling another, that they need a heart or disposition adjustment. My heart should always be concerned to all others than putting myself first, and doing God’s will. That is how I can show God I will do His will, and love him with all my heart, mined, soul and strength. Devoting my life to God should be my goal in life. Yielding my life towards the feelings of others, by giving my life to the needs of family and all who need friendship. That is being a true child of God, by living with a Christ-like heart. A loving sincere heart is full of kindness and charity, with a loving spirit to help and not attack others, from disagreements to misunderstandings, or just anger built up from past happenings. There have been times I still had hardships and discouragements kept in my heart, I did not release those feelings and all it caused was disturbance of my daily walk. That is where the heart of forgiveness comes into play. Holding on to past experiences is the hardest to get rid of in our heart, soul and mind. All that does is fills up the heart with anger, strife, hate and bitterness. Retaliation is what is in all hearts of mankind; revenge comes about by dwelling and not letting go. It is tough to turn the other cheek, walk away as anger is building up, it has always been hard for myself It was very heard and that is what caused Abel’s death. Anger and jealousy was built up in the Heart of Cain. Cain did not put his whole heart in trying to find a sacrifice that god desired Him to give. Doing my best and giving all I have towards ones that need it in times of trouble in their lives. The decision to release and let go o f my desires first, and not seeing the needs for others is again under the category of selfishness and outing myself first, and not regarding for others feelings. Love to give with a fee-will not expecting in return. Christ gave His life, and God gave all He had His only begotten son. Christ gave his physical life, but a gift of giving myself through a heart of understanding, without reason or question what about me, which is what charity, is all about. Charity can fall under the category not just giving to needs, but having compassion with the right attitude for others. A judgmental call comes from the heart and spirit of pride and bias towards my own conjecture or predications. When I go forth by trying to prove ones wrong without realizing that I can learn from others thoughts, or consideration and regard to others. To prove is my Heart or Mind? Does anyone really need to prove that they are living a life for God? Ones that are working and talking by their heart and mind, will be shown by example by the way they live and walk daily through love and charity. Even if someone claims to be walking in God’s path, or been called by called, does any Christian need to express their walk with God verbally, to really show God is working in their lives? Am I able to tell others, that they should live the way that I think a Christian should live? Or is it God’s choice to examine and to let ones know, in their heart and mind, what way God desires them to live? God does use ones to explain the written word through translating the word from Greek, Hebrew, and Latin definitions into the English language. During the 20th century when God was pouring out of His Spirit in the land, how can anyone say who God was calling or working with? God was calling Men to be used for his will, to preach and spread His word. God began to call Men to preach salvation and living by the fruits of the Spirit. In some cases God saved some people from the sinful world, but they still had difficulty with certain cravings of the world. God has delivered ones from sin, but ones may still had problems with legal substances of life. If God forgave them from this sinful world, and the individual continue to serve God with all their heart how can I say anything? How can I question God’s reason for not delivering them from their addictions? As long as ones continue working for God without harming anyone Spiritually, again how can I judge God? Being spiritual is working in many ways in God. The Fruits of the Spirit and the Sermon on the Mount are the most detailed ways God has asked for His people to live by. God working in ones lives is very important, but letting God use me by living the way He asked me to live, is all up to me. Salvation in God’s eyes is far greater vision than what my human and spiritual eyes can see. In life natural vision would be hard not to live with. But in my case I hit the time in my life where I had to start using reading glasses. But my son and my wife’s natural vision are far worse than mine. Does that mean with their assistance with glasses to bring they are nearsighted vision to 20- 20, does that make my vision of the stars any brighter? Man’s view of the vast stars in our galaxy, is very minute to God’s sight. God’s spiritual galaxy is far greater and more interesting than what man can see or understand. Having in possession some complete teachings of God’s word, how can I say that is greater than having a right spirit? Looking at the Centurion and the Rich young ruler, which one had the right spirit? Having the right spirit sometimes is far more important. When talking to people daily in my profession I need to be listening more than speaking, at times that is tough to do. Many discussions may bring a different viewpoint that what I may be use to hearing or seeing, but goal everyday is to learn something new everyday. If I start the every day at work with the idea, I am going to tell everyone how things are because I said so, would not go over very well. So in other words, my perspective may not always be right in others minds but slow explanation is what is needed majority of the time. If I see someone is searching for help or assistance with some understanding of what they need, I could be in a position to release my heart unto the desires they may need. Explaining ideas from an individual’s heart should be achieved if I know how to with a right spirit and an open mind and heart. Each time I open my mouth I try to since their feelings as I bring across my thoughts through my heart only for the purpose to help not to overtake or overbear them with my mind, but prevail with my heart. Trying to share and to push myself into the minds of others, are two different attitudes, one from the mind and the other from the inner most being of my life. When I exchange my goal is to performed live it from my heart. In sporting events ones may remember a team player that fumbles, turnovers or will make errors, but if that player latter in the game helps the team to win due to a last shot, a home run or runs the ball over into the end zone all incomplete plays incorrect decisions are put aside and forgotten after the game has been won. Life can be more enjoyable if mercy, forgiveness and charity would be embraced and then received by all family and friends. A grudge or bitterness will always keep disagreements and misunderstandings alive and living within hearts and minds daily. Outcome in games in championships series mistakes and miscues have changed results of games, but holding it over anyone may not help. The years I have played sports the best way I learned to correct my misplays or incorrect decisions was not from discouraging corrections but through my coaches helping me to see different viewpoints and help me to concentrate for the next play. Letting go of prior games helps to press forward and opens up for new development. Encouragement will always help improve and grow, where as judgement and criticism without a full or complete understanding of how the team is thinking, will cause setbacks and the ability not to succeed. To study and recall any past actions or choices many times will not give the answer “why” but help to conclude and guide you and think what to do next. Team effort has been the only way I was taught and helped for every win we achieved. Recognizing a coaches success is not by the number of wins, but by each player being able to pass on to the next generations how to seek with their hearts and minds how to press towards a goal of maturity and continual new development, and a attitude to work hard together with unity as a team. ( John Wooden) “ Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. It is only up to you to desire what you want to be.”