Sunday, November 17, 2024

Heart of choice

 Life can be like a river water. Drinking from a high point of pure snow cap mountains from the Rockies or Sequoias.

I have had pure water from both rivers of those high elevations. In a glass or from clean hands, I expect a flavor or taste.

When drinking out of a plastic bottle or faucet usually you have a after taste. My life can be like water, having an attitude of heart towards others with pure emotions and feelings, or a selfish harsh attitude towards others. It always comes down to the thought “How do I desire to be treated from others? With my heart filled with the “fruits of the Spirit” or an attitude of revenge and hate will always come down to my own choice or decision. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A heart seeking

Times life is like playing tic tac toe, if you are playing with someone who has played before, usually there will be no winner, it will always come down down to a tie. If you are playing any card game many time having luck is a key factor.

In our daily life no one is never promised an easy day or a complete successful one. Besides a job where you are on the the clock, most of the times in life will be lead by choice and personal responsibilities and decisions. 

Occasionally your thoughts will be directed with judgments by drawing conclusions without full comprehension.

A friend or an individual that you may have ability to call them friend, is when you take the time to let ones feel the thought “they really have a heart with desire to help and having a concern for me.”

A life with a heart filled with charity and concern towards people searching for something they may not be able to understand each individual has an ability of a higher source to help guide and be there for ones seeking. 

That is the time you may have a chance to find that individual you can reach your hand out to help lift them up and guide them to that higher source, beginning by the love of God being expressed towards them through hearts with desire to help.    

Monday, June 17, 2024

Purifying our daily walk.

When the power of love and charity takes control over the love of power, peace will follow. Reaching out to help instead of always pulling towards ourselves, a merciful heart has prevailed. Strengthening the heart by understanding other perspectives may assist for greater knowledge.
Development is like a garden pulling the weeds out of a heart that continues to grow deep inside, will take continual turning over the hardened ground on top to become fresh within. A mind built on love and forgiveness will help reap a greater life as a new seed is planted to develop and take care of.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Reaching out to others.

Life is based on chemistry with mathematical formulas as the foundation.
And in my way of processing life, searching for root sources is one way I find success and then peace of mind. Take for instance financial investing, the need to study through logic and foresight
with reason why and what some businesses are searching for and going to do.
Just like today this particular time on the calendar there are a few of us I know of our journey of life were created through desire from parents that had a longing to add to their family.
The life I live in my career if a Barber provides a service for families that desire a different look and feel better. Of course another key reason to work is due to other businesses waiting with their hand out preparing payment for the service and assistance they help provide the necessities for our daily needs here at home and work.
Having my wife, family and friends with strength from God for support and enjoy life to it’s fullness is a help.
Starting with feelings filled with emotions to share each day with others. To assist my wife, family and our business cliental will take time and effort to fulfill their needs and desires they are searching for.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Trials with success.

In recent years I have had several family and friends pass away. Each time memories come back to us when we were young or adulthood, from current or 4 generations together. Recollection of thoughts come back to us, “only if I would have spent more time with them.’ The outcome of each day we do know the outcome. 

Occasionally something like music or pictures will spark connection of times you had with individuals sharing together. In a busy life we live time slips by to make effort to stay in touch with these friends.

I have been playing team sports since I was 12. I have been on several teams during these years, some with the same for years and current times with individuals I have just met or played on the same team.

No matter if you are able to be with them weekly or ones do not live close by, With technology now staying in touch or starting a fresh network or channel to reconnect the ties, and continue writing new chapters with lives you have enjoyed or new you can start a new future with. 

Friendships can be as strong as you desire with effort. A quick testimony why this has been strong and this train of thought has been read on my prior posts. With my past times since I was 12 to now I have had difficulty with epilepsy that had me back at times and situations, but since 2002 we were finally able to over achieve prior obstacles with help of surgical procedures and medicine. 

If it was not for that connection and network of family and friends my life would have been really been more complicated and difficult, especially with transpiration all who were my shaufers think you . But between God and all who were and are with me life has continue to be prosperous. Many of you who are reading these words have been the ones who helped create this testimony. So my heart is always appreciative to all from these I grew up with, played sports or went to church or school with you all have been a part to help through this testimony. Of course having a personal nurse for a wife has been the only way my mind has been at peace and secure having my best supporter for 40 yrs. Love is strength. Hope this may have help support ones who are going through trials and difficulties.