Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Neccessity of Understanding

Ones can take the most important things in life for granted and not to realize it is importance until it is too late. Many of us take our relationships for granted and move on until one day we wake up to realize, we do not have the connection any more.

Sometimes, this can lead to breakups or divorce, or simply just an uncomfortable relationship. Suddenly we realize something is wrong in the way things are going. . These sad experiences lead me to realize the most important thing in life is your relationships.

Good communication is the key to a good marriage. If you are having problems communicating with you spouse or you feel that there is a breakdown in your family communication. A person may need to check the attitude of feelings through expression of thoughts. Am I living by the fruits of the spirit and the intent of my heart?
Importance of Effective Communication
The importance of effective communication is demonstrated through daily activities. Everyday people all of the world rely on communication. Whether oral, auditory, written, electronic, non-verbal, or any other means, the communication process is repeated many times daily. Communication is the primary means by which people obtain and exchange information. When communication is misunderstood, schools, organizations, relationships, businesses, ideas, products, and people suffer. Eliminating misunderstandings is a key part of effective communication.
Communication is defined as the exchange of thoughts, messages, ideas, or information as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. Effective communication occurs only if receivers understand the exact message the sender intended to transmit and feel the information at the end of exchange is clear. The ultimate goal of communication is to convey information and understanding of information from one person or group to another person or group.
Individual and communitarian identities are two quite different ways of being in the world. They connect at some point, of course, since all groups are made up of individuals and all individuals find themselves in relationship with various groups. But the starting points are different. To discern the basic difference, ask yourself which is most in the foreground of your life, the welfare, development, security, prosperity, and well-being of yourself and others as individuals, or the shared heritage, ecological resources, traditional stories, and group accomplishments of your people? Generally, those who start with individualism as their beginning tend to be most comfortable with independence, personal achievement, and a competitive conflict style. Those who start with a communal orientation are more focused on social connections, service, and a cooperative conflict style.
Communication is the way we interact with others and express our feelings, thoughts, needs, and ideas. It involves not only words, but also our gestures, facial expressions, body positions, and perceptions. It is a complex process that requires more than clarity in use of words; it requires consistency between our words and our gestures, facial expressions, body “language” and perceptions. It also requires active listening and careful feedback of what is understood. Complicated as it always is, communication becomes even more complicated when it comes to natural and spiritual families communication and relationships.
Active listening is one of the most important elements of family communication. If you do not actively participate in the listening process, you'll find it difficult to solve problems or to make necessary adjustments as a family.

A comeplete bond with God, it the best way to help stabalaize any other realationships. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Bond Within

There is always a common denominator when trying to get to know someone.
If you realize you do not have something that interesting for someone that would be enjoyable to discuss or share,
then you try to find what is desired in an individual’s life.
Finding something that is mutual with someone, would be the first step.
In the case of my best decision in my life, was when I found out that girl had a destination to reach out to that final calling was a first step in trying to look for something in common.
Next we were able to get to understand more about each other, being able to see one another,  being raised in different locations of the country, but our church’s we attended has a history of fellowship with one another.
Seeking after what the Lord is endeavoring to be a part of; to bring forth and present a Family to His Father is Christ’s goal He is creating.
Due to that history, our Assembly’s began working closer together was the desires from both of our Pastors. 
After that was created a part of my family moved closer to their assembly to help work together.
Now when we took time to visit our family, we were able to know more about one another.
 Our lives were and still are serving God with all our hearts.
By a continual relationship, we were able to find what we were searching for, that would fulfill the need in our lives.
By having a spiritual bond, a natural bond has created for a relationship for the rest of our lives.
A lifetime of a special relationship, that as is repeated in the ceremonial quotations, to death do us part is a goal that ones are searching for.
There are ones that try to explain how to have great relationships.
Different men have written books, and have given speeches on how to enjoy relationships the right way without trouble.
On paper these words can be good guides, it is not in each others heart from the beginning no mans words are not able to create a perfect relationship.
It still takes an effort from both to have that relationship that was originally designed to have.

 Maintaining a special relationship is the goal that God desired, and had in mind when His first creation of flesh was created upon this world. 
The whole plan was to have a family upon the earth, so by have a creation from a marriage, is the beginning of what God first set to have on earth.
The final goal God is searching for a people to be part of His family and to have a bond that will last forever.
To be able to enjoy all of the creations that God and His Son developed to have a part to enjoy.
As God had a plan to create a family within His spiritual and natural creations. And God explained His will to unto His creations of life, how to be fruitful and multiply.
After the first two creations were brought forth, God’s family had started.
Due to the first disobedient thought that started in the, there was to separate emotions and thought patterns that took place.
And when God asked the next creations to show their obedience in bringing to Him an offering, the creation of choice He gave these two brothers, to search for a n offering to bring to Him, this is when God gave the natural mind option to follow His will of obedience of choice.
And due to the first decision of disobedience, the thought of impurity was thought by the decision of Cain’s offering.
The purity of mind that was created in humanity, was established
when Adam was given a wife that was a pure spiritual creation in the garden.
And the fall of impure thoughts was established in the carnal mind as we have today.
The differences between the sacrifices of Abel and Cain, was pure and impure. The decision to be Godly or ungodly was formed.
Pure and impure brings forth a separation from God and the flesh.
God’s people in Old Testament laws did not have the ability that the early church had.
The Jews had a chance to be Godly by being obedient to the law.
Gal. 3:21 the old law did nit bring life.
It took a different perspective from God to bring forth a chosen people.
Christ brought forth a new view to live, through the Spirit and love and charity.

God does not have laws and commandments or regulations,
He shows his way through principles and guides and helps to assist decisions.
To continue a Godly life of relationships through His spirit consists of,
feelings through love, caring feelings, a faithful trusting heart, respecting and honoring ones, sharing through confidence of your life being expressed by the fruits of the spirit.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love & Safety Forever

Love & Safety Forever
Recognizable divisions should be only between Godly and Ungodly, but our goal is to see the Ungodly become Godly. That is why Jesus sent the Apostles into the entire world, to search for a people that would desire to serve and work with Christ Mark 16:15. And Paul and Barnabas chose to go unto the gentiles. Acts 13:46
Jesus worked and ate with ungodly- Mt. 11: 19

Christ’s goal was to reach out to all that was and is searching for a life
of love and security in a life of turmoil and unrest.
A life of love with an outlook of enjoyment and peace is hard to find, without an effort to give more than to receive.
We can never be a able to out give God, after giving his only son to an world that was and is full of lack of love, without ones looking or knowing how to search for God and his Son.

MT 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.MT 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.MT 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light

God created a Son first to be able to share a life of bond and support for others through a life filled with the spirit of love and charity.
Expression of God’s principles is His goal for His family to share.

The creation of a marriage and family was for a lifetime.
It was God’s intent for the garden to be dwelt in for eternity.
After centuries latter the ceremonial words say, “Till death do us part”
“as long as you both shall live.”

God created the human body to live forever.
Due to the fall that is when limits started.
We are limited in our strength of our natural life, but not through our spiritual.

Adam was cast out of the garden after being outside the spiritual realm,
a short amount of life-time all living creations exist upon the earth.
After direct disobedience of God’s will, life began to have an expectancy of time. After the fall is when time limits and the word end came into existence.

The gift of God’s spirit that was given unto Adam at his creation
Gen. 2:7, and then reestablished on the day of Pentecost was and is for eternity. Rom. 5:5, Mt. 22:37, 1 Cor. 2:9

The garden was a physical location for life with God eternally.
But through God’s love mercy and grace by his spirit.
Opportunity has been given to mankind to fulfill God’s original plan.

After the fall the word old and earthly house came about, but due to the gift that Christ came to give us, and the definition of a new man was brought and given to the fallen man. Col. 3:9, 10

Early departure of our natural life can be timed due to lack of our medical or physical oversight, and by accidental assistance. It is up to every Spirit filled creature to continue their goal of a life with God by our daily attitude of spirit toward God and all mankind.

At time as a child you had times when you were frightened, first thing you did was looked for security from one of your parent’s arms.
Even after marriage has taken place, times come when you feel like your spouse becomes your only safety net to resolve your feelings of insecurity.

Overall the feelings of protection you will always have will be in the arms of our Savior.
How secure are you really in Jesus, if you are willing and open to do God’s will, you will find that ability for everlasting life.
Rom. 5:1 - 2 Cor. 13:11

Hearts and minds can be locked up, or chained down, or restrained.

Chains are for support, or for security,
If chains are not put on with precious delicate oversight items can scratch or damage or germinate. Some damaged items can be repaired and buffed out.

In most minds when ones think of chains, they think of being tied or held down without freedom to move. But chains can be thought of something that can hold ones together for help and safety for protection and strength.

God created a place of security that He could help protect His creations. God used His Spirit to link or hold together His bond with His creation of Mankind. By linking Heaven with all His creations, God goal was to have a peaceful dwelling place with man to enjoy all the wonderful beauty of life.
This was the foundation the life of God.

When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the ability to enjoy Paradise, and liberty to move around in the Garden as they pleased.
God did not create man to be shackled down but have a free will of choice.

A chain that has a link that might be weak while tension is upon it, before it would completely break you would add an extra piece to strengthen before it would break apart.
By increasing or adding links does not mean the old chain was not developed right. It was added to become stronger.

A habit can be another form of a chain. The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.
Finding the keys to unlock knowing what keys to use is another process.

Christ has the only master key and He went into the world to open up doors for ones to come and serve him. Christ did not come to restrain, nor did he come to hold back or control. Christ came to liberate set free and release from man’s will of life.

A combination lock does not have need of a key, but it is necessary to cipher the right figure for it to open.

When it comes to your heart what kind of lock is attached to your heart.
It does take the right key or combination to let ones into your heart.
Does your heart only have an inside slide lock, due to being defensive, overprotected or paranoid?
What is really tough, is trying to open a lock from within after losing the key on purpose.

Keeping chains on after being forgiven sometimes creates a mental bondage without the ability to live in peace.
Christ came to deliver ones from the chains of darkness. Ps.2: 2, 3Jer. 5:5. Deut. 12: 8-10, Deut. 27:2, Lev.20: 24, Jn.14: 2, 3
From the tabernacle in the wilderness unto the church’s the apostles built, majority were structures that had no doors, and the ones that did have doors probably did not have locks to secure from entering or leaving.
God’s idea of a connection with Man to be by his side in peace, but do to the disobedience of the direct commandment Adam was given, the complete link to Heaven through Adam was disconnected/

Man will sometimes bring forth a yoke and servitude upon ones, but by Christ coming he gave man an option to be free to serve Him without being held back from the past.

In Haggai He is referring to step back and study the perspective or viewpoint of the church and people, and where they are spiritually.
Hag. 1:5 think of the way you are going and where you are at?
By bringing in little you are not getting ahead, “consider you ways”

The lack of success, go and reach out to help construct this building.
By ones responding to perform this task, God will bless the effort.

The glory of His house will be magnified through the brightness of Christ’s spirit within us, through love and charity in our lives.
Concern for others and not in attitude of selfishness, is displaying God’s spirit in our lives.

Chains are sometimes upon us due to an emotion of fear, guilt, and displeasure of our own mind set.
An act of guilt or anger can bring upon a feeling of pressure or mental stress, and discomfort.

Forgiveness is the mental, emotional, and spiritual process of letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake. It can also mean ceasing to demand punishment or restitution for transgressions, real or imagined. Although forgiveness may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender, it is sometimes necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgment, apology, or restitution; this can often open the way for the person who perceives to be wronged to feel empowered to forgive.

A chain that has a link that might be weak while tension is upon it, before it would completely break you would add an extra piece to strengthen before it would break apart.By increasing or adding links does not mean the old chain was not developed or created right. It was added to become stronger.A habit can be another form of a chain. The bands of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Opening your heart is like opening a lock, one type of key is the only way for it to work.
A combination lock can only be opened by the one with the original code.
If the figures or original key form due not correspond match up precisely it will not open.

Feelings of the heart and mind are expressed through actions.
By giving or holding back is how are feelings are understood or brought forth.

God created feelings of expression, but originally He showed feeling of love and concern for mankind.
How many times did God express forgiveness upon Israel or has expressed upon my life?
The act of forgiveness can only be brought forth through love and charity, and compassion towards others.

Through the Children of Israel to the woman caught is adultery,
To the hanging on the cross, the expression of forgiveness, love and charity has been shown to mankind.

God’s Spirit flowing freely and openly within our lives will help our mindset towards ourselves and others.
The right spiritual attitude makes the difference in our lives everyday.

There are chains of Sin- Evil- Darkness, Destruction within
But being saved through Christ we are delivered, released from the darkness of life in this world.

God stands ready to pardon the vilest sinner. He is ever calling to men and women who have sinned: 'let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and God will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.' (Isaiah 55:7). There are those that think they have sinned too deeply to ever find pardon, but it is not so. It would be hard to find one

Living now and moving forward.
A spiritual growth depends on moving and growing farther than you were before.
You can never increase or continue on, if you stay where you always have been.

Letting go does not mean giving up or losing your way... it means “moving on”. It is one of the hardest things a person can do. Starting at birth, we grasp on to anything we can get our hands on, and hold on as if we will cease to exist when we let go. We feel that letting go is giving up, quitting, and that as we all know is cowardly. But as we grow older we are forced to change our way of thinking. We are forced to realize that letting go means accepting things that cannot be. It means maturing and moving on, no matter how hard you have to fight yourself to do so."
"Luke 2:52" - Even Jesus increased in wisdom and knowledge, by increasing means going farther than you were before.
Christ never was stagnant or dormant in His daily life; Christ continued to perform God’s will in His life for mankind.
Christ way of thinking is a continual change in our life, until we reach the status He has for His people.
Christ did not tell the Gentiles come unto me or else,He said come unto me, meaning my arms are open to help lead you to my Father.Christ did not demand love!He gave the option unto each individual for their decisions to be made.
All Christ expects is a freewill heart, with expressions of charity and love. A spirit filled caring individual that would be living by the fruits of the spirit, is all God is looking for to do his will.

“God's act” Remission is the creditor's, not the debtor's, act; though the debtor be obliged in justice to pay the debt, yet there is no obligation upon the creditor to demand the debt, because it is at his liberty to renounce or maintain his right to it; and God hath as much power as man to relax his right, provided it be with a salve to his own honor, and the holiness of his nature, which he cannot deny for the sinner's safety, as the apostle tells us 'God cannot deny himself.' Yet properly, say some, though sin be a debt, God is not to be considered in pardon as a creditor, because sin is not a pecuniary debt, but a criminal, and so God is to be considered as a governor, lawgiver, guardian, and executor of his laws, and so may dispense with the severities of them. If an inferior person tear an indictment, it may be brought again into court, but if the chief magistrate order the casting it out, who can plead it? It is God's act; and if God justifies, who can condemn? Rom. 8:33, 'Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that, justifies, who shall condemn?'
That God absolves thee that hath power to condemn thee, God who enacted the law whereby thou art sentenced, proclaims the gospel whereby thou art reconciled. It may offend God who is a forgiving God: that God whose name thou hast profaned, whose patience thou hast abused, whose laws thou hast violated, whose mercy thou hast slighted, whose justice thou hast dared, and whose glory thou hast stained.

Paul wrote, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust [desire] of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” (Gal. 5:16,17) Every devoted Christian has found, as Paul has stated, that it is impossible fully to keep the desires of the flesh under control, and that the struggle to do so is a continuing one. We all rejoice, however, that our unwilling imperfections are covered by the robe of Christ’s righteousness, and that under the covering of this robe our imperfect works are acceptable to our Heavenly Father.

Paul explains that we have been called unto liberty. His reference is to freedom from the Mosaic Law. Those who are wholeheartedly devoted to the doing of God’s will do not need to be commanded not to commit any of the evil ‘works of the flesh’. While not under the old Law, Christians are under a higher law, one which we might refer to as the law of love. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” James quotes, and those who do love their neighbors will not in any way injure them.—James 2:8What the Apostle Paul describes as the works of the flesh are all evil, and the Christian should fight against these evil tendencies as resolutely as possible, looking to the Lord at all times for help in this struggle to crucify the flesh. The Lord’s help reaches us through the power of his indwelling Spirit, holy power, or influence, in our hearts and lives which produces the fruitage of “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such,” Paul says, “there is no law.”—Gal. 5:23
Our Key Verse states that we have been crucified with Christ. The apostle in his letter to the Romans also declares that we are crucified with Christ, “that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” (Rom. 6:6) In the 10th verse Paul explains that Christ “died unto sin,” and in the next verse we read, “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
It is made plain that we are dead to sin in the same sense that Jesus was dead to sin. Jesus did not possess sinful flesh—he was a perfect human being. He died unto sin in the sense that he gave up his human life as a sacrifice for sin. Through the merit of Christ our imperfect flesh is made acceptable to God as a sacrifice, so we can, as Paul explains, ‘reckon’ ourselves to be dead unto sin even as Jesus.
In other words, we, like Jesus, are laying down our lives in sacrifice as part of God’s plan to completely destroy all the sin throughout the earth, and to restore fallen and dying humanity to life and atonement with the Creator. This is our calling. This is what is implied in being ‘crucified with Christ’.
Since we are being crucified with Christ sacrificially, as part of what Paul describes as the ‘better sacrifices’ of the present age, and since this is part of God’s plan to eradicate sin from the earth, it would be inconsistent for us, as individuals, to have any sympathy with, or association with, sin.—Heb. 9:22,23

There could be no greater motive for putting off the works of the flesh than this. May the indwelling Spirit of God enable us to do this ever more successfully as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus day by day!

Monday, October 10, 2011

communication in relationships

Sometimes we take the most important things in life for granted and not to realize it is importance until it is too late. Many of us take our relationships for granted and move on until one day we wake up to realize, we do not have the connection any more.

Sometimes, this can lead to breakups or divorce, or simply just an uncomfortable relationship. Suddenly we realize something is wrong in the way things are going.
It may save your relationship. In the coming days, I will add more content on the importance of communication skills in relationships simply because, at the end of day, if you have no one to share your happiness with, all the money in the world is worthless.
Good communication is the key to a good marriage. If you are having problems communicating with you spouse or you feel that there is a breakdown in your family communication
Importance of Effective Communication
The importance of effective communication is demonstrated through daily activities. Everyday people all of the world rely on communication. Whether oral, auditory, written, electronic, non-verbal, or any other means, the communication process is repeated many times daily. Communication is the primary means by which people obtain and exchange information. When communication is misunderstood, schools, organizations, relationships, businesses, ideas, products, and people suffer. Eliminating misunderstandings is a key part of effective communication.
Communication is defined as the exchange of thoughts, messages, ideas, or information as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. Effective communication occurs only if receivers understand the exact message the sender intended to transmit and feel the information at the end of exchange is clear. The ultimate goal of communication is to convey information and understanding of information from one person or group to another person or group.
Individualist patterns involve ideas of the self as independent, self-directed, and autonomous. Many Western conflict-resolution approaches presuppose exactly this kind of person: someone able to make proposals, concessions, and maximize gains in their own self-interest. Children raised in this milieu are rewarded for initiative, personal achievement, and individual leadership. They may be just as close to their families as a child raised in a communitarian setting, but they draw the boundaries differently: in case of a conflict, they may feel more free to choose their individual preference. Duty, honor, and deference to authority are less prominent for those with individualist starting points than communitarian ones.
Individual and communitarian identities are two quite different ways of being in the world. They connect at some point, of course, since all groups are made up of individuals and all individuals find themselves in relationship with various groups. But the starting points are different. To discern the basic difference, ask yourself which is most in the foreground of your life, the welfare, development, security, prosperity, and well-being of yourself and others as individuals, or the shared heritage, ecological resources, traditional stories, and group accomplishments of your people? Generally, those who start with individualism as their beginning tend to be most comfortable with independence, personal achievement, and a competitive conflict style. Those who start with a communal orientation are more focused on social connections, service, and a cooperative conflict style.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Not easy to understand

Sometimes we take the most important things in life for granted and not to realize it is importance until it is too late. Many of us take our relationships for granted and move on until one day we wake up to realize, we do not have the connection any more.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is my objective?

Self-righteousness is the largest idol of the human heart - the idol which man loves most and God dislikes. You will always be going back to this idol. You are always trying to be something in yourself to prove, to gain God's or ones favor.

Proving one wrong is that the way to be right?
Demand will get you nowhere.
Forcing love is not true love.
The best defense of the scriptures is letting the truth run its course to be the offense.
Truth will never need to be defended, just enlightened.
Being willing and open, is the first step to peace.
Christ did not teach criticism, He assisted and guided.
God will set in order for all judgments to be under His decision and final word.
Christ did not come to judge, he came to guide and to be a negotiator.
He was and is our daysmen or mediator.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Things I can change

"The greatest mistake I can make in life is to continually fear I will make one." "It is not the mistake that has the most power, instead it is learning from the mistake to advance your own attributes.
Mercy is what God grants us, as we walk this path to completeness.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I am not able to change.
The courage is to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.
Success is when your children knows, where their strength comes from.
Lord, when I am wrong, help me to be willing to change; when I am right, help me to be easy to live with. So strengthen me that the power of my example will far exceed the authority that I have been given.
I am responsible for my own well-being, my own happiness. The choices and decisions I make regarding my life directly influence the quality of my days.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Living now and moving forward

Living now and moving forward.
A spiritual growth depends on moving and growing farther than you were before.
You can never increase or continue on, if you stay where you always have been.
Letting go does not mean giving up or losing your way... it means “moving on”. It is one of the hardest things a person can do.
Starting at birth, we grasp on to anything we can get our hands on, and hold on as if we will cease to exist when we let go.
We feel that letting go is giving up, quitting, and that as we all know is cowardly.
But as we grow older we are forced to change our way of thinking.
We are forced to realize that letting go means accepting things that cannot be. It means maturing and moving on, no matter how hard you have to fight yourself to do so."
"Luke 2:52" - Even Jesus increased in wisdom and knowledge, by increasing means going farther than you were before.

Christian Value: Value God

Christian Value: Value God
A core Christian value is having God first in our lives. This means continuously seeking His righteousness and totally relying on Him. As humans we have the freedom of choice to decide what is right and what is wrong, but if we value God we will look to Him for what is right and wrong. Most of us have the resource of God’s Spirit and means of His Word to take care of ourselves, but if we honor God we will rely on Him to take care of our needs. We value God when we acknowledge that He knows better than we do on what we need in our lives.
Righteousness is a core Christian adoration. When a Christian accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, he or she is now in right standing with God. They are a “new man”. A Christian is now set-aside for God to be holy and righteous. Righteousness becomes more and more precious as a Christian grows in his or her love of God. A Christian seeks to do God's will and do what is right in God's eyes because he or she desires to strengthen their godly relationship with mankind and with God.
Love is a core of a Christian life. Christian love is called “agape” love which means unmerited favor. Christians realize this type of love through God. Because of God's unmerited favor and grace, He offers all of mankind eternal life through Jesus Christ. This is true love that comes from God. Christians in turn regards God's love and have a desire to provide this Godly love of unmerited favor to others.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Peace of Mind

When the soul has come to the place where it can no longer take it, it snaps. There are many souls who pride themselves that they can "take it." They spend their entire lives convincing themselves and others they are tough. They are tough. Their insides have become hardened. They have no peace, but they proclaim great peace with themselves and with others. That’s because they must prove it and if they say they have peace, that’s all the proof they need. They become very angry if you question their inner peace. They are the children of experts. They were brought up by the new thoughts coming from the new storytellers. But others, whose hearts have not become hardened, but merely overcome, become "mentally ill" and have to be put away. Perhaps their mental illness leads them to suicide, or murder. There are other forms losing control takes, but none of them are pretty to look at.
To instill peace in yourself, you must build slowly and follow through with your plans. Some people find that they already have these traits. Some people have to work to attain them. One will build peace if one is a conscious worker. One can create peace with the right ingredients. The political and personal will must be embedded in you to create harmony amongst yourself and the people around you. One important factor to constantly remind yourself is that of the sheer patience one must have to build peace. It does not come within days.
Until you make peace with which you are, you will never be content with what you have when the power of love succeeds the love of power the world will know.
Peace is not the absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.
Peace can come about through a mutual understanding.
Disagreements sometimes lead to strife, discord and even divorce.
You can have peace even with a disagreeable understanding.
You will never have peace until there is a mutual intellect.
There are cases that feuds have continued, and the rival’s never knew the original reason. Some times did not even comprehend the confliction with each other.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Moving On

A dream is your creative outlook for your life in the future. You must break out of your current personal realm of security and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.
Spiritual outlook for the future is a movement and not being stagnant.
If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your relaxing sphere, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.
We tend to be held back from our goals by the simplicity of our own dwelling sectors of life...but just how comfortable are we? Wouldn't we be more content living in our dreams?
My experience is that you cannot have everything you want but you can achieve anything you really want, you just need to decide what it is and then plan your exit from the comfort vicinity.
If you do not step out of your comfort area and face your fears, the number of situations that make you uncomfortable will keep growing.
If you're in a pleasurable place, afraid to venture out, remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt.
Christ coming down from Heaven was a venture.
Christ could have stayed with His Father in that heavenly abode, but in obedience to His Father, and His heart for mankind he left that Spiritual satisfying domain.
What really did Christ think?
The point is to stop letting fear make your decisions, and start making them yourself. It will take some time to get used to this new way of thinking, but before long you'll automatically begin questioning your fear and stop letting it control you. Once that happens, there is no telling the levels of success and happiness you can reach!
Another reason is that people are not ready for change in their lives. They would prefer to stay where they are in life and just hope that something grand comes their way in the very near future. If that sounds like you then you are in for a unknown wait. Life does not wait for anyone, but spiritually you need to increase and grow and move on.

Being successful in life will require you to make some adjustments, permanent changes, and having the ability to remain steadfast and persistent while stepping out of your comfort zone or the box. Once you have achieved all of those key areas in your life while on your journey of success.
Children of Israel desired to go back to captivity than using faith and desiring God’s will.
Again, the way to shift through a fear is to feel the fear and take action anyway. To expand past the comfort state, one is to come to a place of acceptance that the anxiety is just a natural stage kind of a oh this is here and it is ok and then shift through it by taking action in faith and love even if the fear and anxiety are there. For fear and anxiety are illusions of ego consciousness. Fear is free from ever being where love is present. Meditation, being centered within in continued faith will ease this anxiety to eventually you will see there was nothing to fear. We create conflict when we are scared to grow and change.
Why are minds scared to change? Because we often feel that we are unable to be strong enough to cope with greater responsibility of which we really are that is love. We believe in illusions such as that we are low in self-esteem and self-love and therefore punish our souls because we feel we are unworthy. The universal truth is that we are scared to change because we believe we are unworthy of Love. We think, "Who am I to be more spiritual?"
Nehemiah’s story, which is recorded for us in the Old Testament, is one of the great epochs of Christian history. Not only is Nehemiah’s story a manual on leadership, organization, and how to accomplish goals, it shows us what God can do through a man whose heart is totally and completely His.
Yet one fateful day, some Jewish friends of Nehemiah returned from a jaunt to Jerusalem. And he asked them a question that ended up changing his life: “How is it with the people of Jerusalem?” And they said, “Nehemiah, it is not good. The walls are down, the gates are burned with fire, and the people are living in shame and disgrace.”

When Nehemiah heard this, it was like a shot to the solar plexus. It buckled him. It swept him off his feet and onto his knees! And he began to cry out to God… but not for just a moment. For four months he prayed until God showed him what to do!
Nehemiah refused to ignore what God was doing in his heart…which was to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. He could have continued to live in luxury in Persia, but Nehemiah’s heart was a thousand miles away…in Jerusalem. His heart was the heart of God.
Nehemiah by going back had to decide to change his way and rebuild what was never finished, by the original ways it was never completed.
Living now and moving forward.
A spiritual growth depends on moving and growing farther than you were before.
You can never increase or continue on, if you stay where you always have been.
Letting go does not mean giving up or losing your way... it means “moving on”. It is one of the hardest things a person can do. Starting at birth, we grasp on to anything we can get our hands on, and hold on as if we will cease to exist when we let go. We feel that letting go is giving up, quitting, and that as we all know is cowardly. But as we grow older we are forced to change our way of thinking. We are forced to realize that letting go means accepting things that cannot be. It means maturing and moving on, no matter how hard you have to fight yourself to do so."
"Luke 2:52" - Even Jesus increased in wisdom and knowledge, by increasing means going farther than you were before.


Forgiveness is a mental, emotional, and spiritual process of letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake. It can also mean ceasing to demand punishment or restitution for transgressions, real or imagined. Although forgiveness may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender, it is sometimes necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgment, apology, or restitution; this can often open the way for the person who perceives to be wronged to feel empowered to forgive.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Proving one wrong

Proving one wrong is that the way to be right?
Demand will get you nowhere.
Forcing love is not true love.
The best defense of the scriptures is letting the truth run its course to be the offense.
Truth will never need to be defended, just enlightened.
Being willing and open, is the first step to peace.
Christ did not teach criticism, He assisted and guided.
God will set in order for all judgments to be under His decision and final word.
Christ did not come to judge, he came to guide and to be a negotiator.

Freedom Poem

It is great to have the freedom of love, releasing and reaching like wings of a dove. Damming up the expressions deep within, is like a pure running river you never take in. The enjoyment of life we long to abide, like the feelings we have deep inside. By pressing through life as busy it may, with you by my side I get through each day. No one can fill that place with you I will abide; I can’t hide the feelings deep down inside. I hope to be with you each and every day, it brings peace to my soul and it always will stay. My goal is not to bother or push one around, my heart is just pumping can you hear the sound. So these words I have written to you I hope you believe, with my love flowing through my desire is for you to receive.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Chains from Habits.

The chains from habits are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.
Inside door locks will protect from the outside, outside locks can be picked or broken.

Hearts and minds can be locked up, or chained down

Chains are for support and for security; if chains are not put on gently items can be scratched and damaged. Some damaged items can be repaired and buffed out, but other damages can be permanent.

In most minds when ones think of chains, they think of being tied or held down without freedom to move.
But chains can be thought of something that can hold ones together for help and safety for protection and strength.

God created a place of security that He could help protect His creations.
God used His Spirit to link or hold together His bond with His creation of Mankind.
By linking Heaven with all His creations, God goal was to have a peaceful dwelling place with man to enjoy all the wonderful beauty of life.
This was the foundation of the life of God.

When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the ability to enjoy Paradise, and liberty to move around in the Garden as they pleased.
God did not create man to be shackled down but have a free will of choice.

A chain that has a link that might be weak while tension is upon it, before it would completely break you would add an extra piece to strengthen before it would break apart.
By increasing or adding links does not mean the old chain was not developed right. It was added to become stronger.

A habit can be another form of a chain. The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Keeping chains on after forgiveness or been forgiven, sometimes creates a mental bondage without the ability to live in peace.

Putting chains and locks on you or on others and to let go is sometimes harder than being released or delivered.
Finding the keys to unlock knowing what keys to use is another process.

There are different locks that are used by ones. There is a lock that locks from inside and one that is a double sided key lock. There are slide locks and chain locks that are used.
A combination lock does not have need of a key, but it is necessary to cipher the right figure for it to open.

When it comes to your heart what kind of lock is attached to your heart.
It does take the right key or combination to let ones into your heart.
Does your heart only have an inside slide lock, due to being overprotected or paranoid?
What is really tough, is trying to open a lock from within after losing the key on purpose.
Doors that have double sided locks can be the best to use, so you can unlock to get out or ones you have given the ability to open the door when you need help they would be able to assist you in time of need.
God has the only master key and He went into the world to open up doors for ones to come and serve him.

From the tabernacle in the wilderness unto the church’s the apostles built, majority were structures that had no doors, and the ones that did have doors probably did not have locks to secure from entering or leaving.

God’s idea of a connection with Man to be by his side in peace, but do to the disobedience of the direct commandment Adam was given, the complete link to Heaven Adam has was broke.

Man will sometimes bring forth a yoke and servitude upon ones, but by Christ coming he gave man an option to be free to serve Him without being held back from the past.

Christ did not tell the Gentiles come unto me or else,
He said some unto me, meaning my arms are open to help lead you to my Father.
Christ did not demand love!
He gave the option unto each individual for their decisions to be made.

In Haggai He is referring to step back and study the perspective or viewpoint of the church and people, and where they are spiritually.
Hag. 1:5 think of the way you are going and where you are at?
By bringing in little you are not getting ahead, “consider you ways”

The lack of success, go and reach out to help construct this building.
By ones responding to perform this task, God will bless the effort.

The glory of His house will be magnified through the brightness of Christ’s spirit within us, through love and charity in our lives.
Concern for others and not in attitude of selfishness, is displaying God’s spirit in our lives.
Chains are sometimes upon us due to an emotion of fear, guilt, and displeasure of our own mind set.
An act of guilt or anger can bring upon a feeling of pressure or mental stress, and discomfort.

Forgiveness is the mental, emotional, and spiritual process of letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake. It can also mean ceasing to demand punishment or restitution for transgressions, real or imagined. Although forgiveness may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender, it is sometimes necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgment, apology, or restitution; this can often open the way for the person who perceives to be wronged to feel empowered to forgive.

Opening your heart is like opening a lock, one type of key is the only way for it to work.
A combination lock can only be opened by the one with the original code.
If the figures or original key form due not correspond match up precisely it will not open.

Feelings of the heart and mind are expressed through actions.
By giving or holding back is how are feelings are understood or brought forth.

God created feelings of expression, but originally He showed feeling of love and concern for mankind.
How many times did God express forgiveness upon Israel and has expressed upon my life?
The act of forgiveness can only be brought forth through love and charity, and compassion towards others.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Different Perspectives

There have been famous artists through the years and some of the paintings they have displayed all have come through a picture in the mind of every artist.
Rembrandt and Picasso both could be looking at an object and both of them may see something different than the other. The object never changed but the perspective they expressed to let others see from different viewpoints. They would use the same brushes, canvas and paint but each one would come out a little different.
Over all their came goal was to paint the same object. Even with exactly the same items the outcome would still be a little different. A view would be the difference. That would not mean either one is better than the other, but their goals were the same.
Each artists skills have their own insight of pictures in their minds, their own projection how objects look unto them. Opinions of each artist can bring forth a deeper insight to be able to express the true beauty of an object or picture scene.
In music the famous musical artist’s skills and abilities are different. In the case of Mozart and Bach had their own insight on how an orchestra should sound. While each had their own way of hearing and seeking and using their abilities, they were all still referred to as great musicians. With the same sheet music, the musical numbers may not sound alike from each orchestra; each one was still precise and unique.
In sports each team has their own manager or coach to help guide them to become a complete ball player. Every coach has their own duty or job to bring to light how everyone can play there position correctly. The manager has his duty to see if all operations are being overseen or performed properly. Commonly each owner will be the one to take disciplinary actions if a manager if there has not operated his tasks properly, the owner will always have the final conclusion. Players on their own free will still have to respond to the guidance they have been shown.
What is the same for all teams is follow the rules of the game. Even though managers do not write the rules, each one has to follow the precepts written from the same original book.
After searching God’s word, you can see the writers had a common goal, and that was to spread God’s word to the best as possibly can and with the gift God has blest them with.
Different dispensations searched God’s word using the language of their own time.
The bible has been written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin, and in the most recent time in English. Each translation was understood in each dispensation of language of time. Even if everyone is not able to read only one translation, what is common among each of these writings is the conclusion of the book is the same

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Giving and Sharing

Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others."

Give- Pay, contribute, donate, produce, yield, bestow,
Each action is desired and most accepted.
The return of positive expressions is very well desired.
The respect of feelings is shown through verbal gratitude,
is a great way to show a heart of love and attention.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Does God really give us the answer, or does he enlighten our eyes or and quicken our minds and hearts to help us choose to make the right decision. That would still be called our choice.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

"Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save.
Before you blame, research. Before you speak, listen. Before you die, give. Before you answer, study. Before you judge, check yourself.”

Do not be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.

It is rare indeed that people give. Most people guard and keep; they suppose that it is they themselves and what they identify with themselves that they are guarding and keeping, whereas what they are actually guarding and keeping is their system of reality and what they assume themselves to be.
God’s greatest gift was shown through the gift of His Son, and through His Spirit.

All God desires in return is our lives through love and submission.
We make a living from what we receive; we make a life by what we give.

“Happiness is not so much in having or sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Monday, May 23, 2011

Comfort Zone

A dream is your creative or developed vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.

Spiritual outlook for the future is movement and not being stagnant.

If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.

We tend to be held back from our goals by the simplicity of our comfort zones, but just how comfortable are we? Would we not be more content living in our dreams?

My experience is that you cannot have everything you want but you can anything you really want, you just need to decide what it is and then plan your exit from the comfort zone.

If you do not step out of your comfort zone and face your fears, the number of situations that make you uncomfortable will keep growing.

If you're in a comfort zone, afraid to venture out, remember that all winners were at one time filled with doubt.

Christ coming down from Heaven was a venture.

What really did Christ think?

Being spirit-led was and is the way we are shown by Christ.

The point is to stop letting fear make your decisions and start making them yourself. It will take some time to get used to this new way of thinking, but before long you will automatically begin questioning your fear and stop letting it control you. Once that happens, there is no telling the levels of success and happiness you can reach!

Another reason is that people are not ready for change in their lives. They would prefer to stay where they are in life and just hope that something grand comes their way in the very near future. If that sounds like you, then you are in for an unknown wait. Life does not wait for anyone, but spiritually you need to increase and grow and move on.

Being successful in life will require you to make some adjustments, permanent changes, and have the ability to remain steadfast and persistent while stepping out of your comfort zone.

Moving 2,000 miles across the country was definitely a test of faith.

The Children of Israel desired to go back to captivity rather than using faith and desiring God’s will.

Again, the way to shift through a fear is to feel the fear and take action anyway. To expand past the comfort zone, one is to come to a place of acceptance that the anxiety is just a natural stage and to take action in faith and love even if the fear and anxiety are there. For fear and anxiety are illusions of consciousness. To fear is to be free from ever being where love is present. Meditation, being centered within in continued faith will ease this anxiety to where eventually you will see there was nothing to fear. We create conflict when we are scared to grow and change.

Why are minds scared to change? Because we often feel that we are unable to be strong enough to cope with greater responsibilities? We believe in illusions such as that we are low in self-esteem and self-love and therefore punish our souls because we feel we are unworthy. The universal truth is that we are scared to change because we believe we are unworthy of Love. We think, "Who am I to be more spiritual?"

My Grandfather was truly one to watch a daily regiment of healthy food intake.

Throughout his life he spent time studying how to treat your body through natural nutrition.

He always referred to the nutrients of God’s creation; all the natural ingredients that were placed upon this planet are for our enjoyment and good pleasure.

God’s assistance to man’s knowledge to medicine was another thought of my Grandfather's.

But even with the understanding of holistic health, other procedures may be necessary. My Grandfather tried His best to treat physical conditions himself on many occasions.

In one case in His life, He was having difficulties with His gallbladder.

A continual treatment of herbs and supplements was tried, but eventually an emergency procedure was needed.

Even though He had faith in God and in His own knowledge in holistic ingredients, they still did not provide the necessary needs for His gallbladder difficulties, which then lead to an emergency surgery.

A removal of his gallbladder was critical after the natural frenzy took place.

Even with the understanding of God’s healing power and experiences, he allowed this procedure to take place out of necessity.

My Grandfather had to remove Himself from His natural comfort Zone of lifestyle for His problem to be resolved. God gives man the ability to be able to control his life through diet and exercise.

In regards to God’s creations of all natural substances, we must expand our knowledge and faith in more than just what is natural.

God did give man the knowledge to create more within our own thoughts and resources.

Nutrition is crucial for overall well-being and health. A balanced diet helps the body function properly and build a defense against harmful diseases and conditions. Lack of nutrients hurts the body internally and affects the body externally.
Food provides the energy and essential nutrients for your body. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins. The correct balance is very important in preventing the development of diseases, some of which are life-threatening. A diet consisting of essential nerve-building vitamins, blood-building minerals, gland-stimulating protein, and hormone-nourishing unsaturated fatty acids will give you good nutritional health.

Some of the benefits of eating good food improved intelligence, memory and mood, increased energy and resistance to stress, achieving peak physical performance, turning back the clock, fighting infections naturally, detoxing your body, defeating allergies, reducing fat, etc. The healthier you are, the better you can resist illness and disease. A mineral-rich diet helps condition you for optimum health, and a shortage of just one mineral can disrupt the harmony and balance of your system.

Not every dietary supplement or routine is for everyone. There are ones that need to watch their blood sugar levels. Some need a strong balance of protein for assisting muscle growth.

In many cases there may be a need for calcium increase through dairy products.

Overall, the need to follow a guideline will assist ones own lifespan.

In the case of spiritual well-being, spiritual nutrients are necessity.

Just like a newborn infant, the mother’s nutrients are needed.

Her natural milk is a must, 1 Pet. 2:2

Spiritual water is a must for growth.

As maturity and spiritual growth increases, strong meat and protein is a must.

As the child increases in growth from toddler into adulthood, parents can lay a foundation of a nutritious diet.

As they turn into teenagers, then to full development, it will be up to each one to make the choice to follow a dietary nutritional lifestyle.

And as adulthood arrives, a continual diet and exercise routines are needed to maintain a healthy and an optimistic healthy life.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

What is really Love?

Love is a strong and emotional feeling for one. The first memories of Love I can recall, both of my Parents expressing their feelings, By telling me and by wrapping their arms around me with security through love. Even at an infant’s stage, the child’s mind can feel the expression of love from their parents. The feeling was created to give and to receive. The professing of love is detrimental to ones life. As a plant needs water, a person needs Love. Without water the plant will die. And a Person without love, or feels loved Mankind has no hope. In the case of suicide, the common denominator is lack of feeling Loved and Respected. Enjoyment is prompted by a loving feeling or caringfor ones andwhat you do. Satisfaction is a necessity of life. A common thought about a daily employment “I hate my Job”. What really creates that thought, a lack of desire or pleasure? Finding a job you enjoy or the feeling of appreciation is a need. The same goes for a Marriage. Finding a companion that will fulfill your needs and interests will be one of the main reasons to enjoy life. But finding your Creator is the most important way to feel your life is complete. When you get to the point when you do not feel like you can reach out and touch the one you need during tough times, who moved? You need to feel excitement and pleasure, when you walk into the doors of your Home, or you’re Church. “Am I really doing my job or keeping the trust the other one needsfor me to keep peace and fulfillment in our relationship”. In the feeling of love, respect is a key factor. Keeping or finding that 1st love, my memory was trying to spend all the time I could just to be with that person. There is no roomfor selfishness, sharing is a necessity. And not sharing the wrong thoughts of your mind, blaming the other person will get you nowhere. Cutting off ones hands during disagreements, could be detrimental when you need hand to help you up after falling down. During the thought of disagreement, start resolving the issue with a love and kindness. As a child is being raised, or the birthing of a newborn baby, Correction with care and mercy is a must. Love will lastforever, but discouragement and wrong correction will damage and scar ones permanently.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

the Word used by all Creatures

There is one word that is used by every creature.
It is expressed in many ways, that word is “Love”.
The foundation of all life is love.
The diversity of this word is amazing.
Love is a rendition of comfort that brings peace within.

One of the main messages that comes through loud and clear from studying our Bible is the extreme importance that God the Father is placing on that everyone learn how to love Him, love ourselves, love one another, and to even go as far as to be able to love our enemies and those who will try and hurt us.
You can be the greatest man of God and have some of the greatest gifts of God flowing through you – but if you are not walking with all of this in the spirit of love and humility, it will have all been for naught.
Love is a word that can be taken without full comprehension.
Love can be used selfishly or by giving from the heart.
Love is used as an action verb or just a verb.

The understanding of love can bring success to a family, marriage,
employment and in friendships.
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Ones say that the foundation of God is his spirit. Others may say it is His word. But if we look into the root source of God it is love.
1 John 4: 7,8.
The first action that God created was Christ, His first love.
The representation that Christ desire to have upon this earth,
Will be expressed through a host of people that has been referred to
as the church of Philadelphia , the church of “brotherly love”.

His church will have in their hearts love towards all mankind.
They will have the desire to help and reach out to ones through,
love and charity.

When the restoration of Israel will take place, it will only be due
to Israel excepting Jesus as their Messiah in love.

The word love really controls our daily lives,
It will be shown through the act to God and His Son.
Love will be shown in our work our health and in helping to serve others.

Love can be shown in hate, destruction, bitterness, theft, violence,
judgment and in immorality.
Love is a desire and it can be used for evil.
Desire is one longing or has adoration for.

What are the goals we desire in serving God?
\Ones has desires to have power authority and wealth.
What is in the will of God for me?

We can lose our first love,
Our original desire or longing for.

Everyone has memories of our childhood.
Having a mother prepare her homemade cookies,
Having a mother or grandmother that create or prepare something
to please our taste buds.
What was special about their cooking it was fresh, right out of the stove.

Other memories of love, was waiting for my father or mother to come home from long day at work.
Desiring to go over to my grandparent’s home,
Another ambition was anticipation of a vacation.

But my number one passion is still when my first love walks through the door from long day at work, and the feeling passion as we embrace is still true love to me.
Unconditional love is acceptance and forgiveness. It is not accepting unacceptable behaviour. Forgiveness is a compassionate understanding of self and others struggle for self-love.
Though unconditional love says: "I love you for who you are and all of who you are striving to become", also says "I forgive you for your transgressions in your struggle to become. I love you and want to be with you, but in order to "be" with me, you must amend the behaviour which prevents true connection".
Healthy relationship is a mutually expansive dynamic interplay and not a power-over dynamic. It takes both people in the relationship to understand the right use of real love. That it is about compassion, love, forgiveness and acceptance; but not an invitation to abuse power believing that no matter what the behaviour, one will continue to be embraced in relationship with their spouse without having to amend the behaviour that is being forgiven.
Each and every emotion that we experience as humans is merely a sub-category of the Ever so powerful essence of Love. Unconditional Love is the power that delivers to you WHATEVER it is that you ask for. It is both crucial and necessary to develop the awareness of exactly HOW these things are attracted and received if you are to ever effectively begin attracting to you those things that you most desire to have in your life.
Many have come to believe that it is specifically through spoken prayer that you communicate to the Source. It has become my belief that it is not that which you ask for through your human and physical words, but rather through your resonance which is determined by the emotions that you choose for yourself.
When you balance your mind and open your heart you experience unconditional love and whoever you love automatically loves you equally in return. When love is genuine one person does not have more or less love to share, unlimited love is pure equality.
Conditional love is not love, it is dictatorship. Unequivocal love does not mean you do whatever you want whenever you want to, that’s called being selfish. Absolute love requires one to have a balanced point of view, a vision that includes future generations, and a plan to go with it. The power of love requires that we tune into something bigger than ourselves.
It is impossible to experience unmitigated love without a balanced point of view. Every imbalance in the human mind can be balanced if one knows the questions to ask. So long as the mind is focused on what it does not like or want it will attract more of that. As long as the mind is focused on how much better it would be if… the mind will not come to be poised in love. Whatever is distracting us from the outside is a reflection of an unresolved personal issue on the inside. When we become balanced inside our own mind we feel balanced about others and the world around us. Love is never dependent on what is going on outside of our awareness. Love has everything to do with our own thoughts, feelings and opinions. Nobody can love for another person or stop another person from experiencing unlimited love. It is a personal responsibility to learn to love and to tap into the love and light that is all around us, all the time.
Can anyone really comprehend "infinite" love? It seems the love that parents have for their children is as close to unmitigated love as we can get without the help of God's love in our lives. We continue to love our children through good times and bad, and we do not stop loving them if they do not meet the expectations we may have for them. We make a choice to love our children even when we consider them unlovable; our love does not stop when we don't "feel" love for them. This is similar to God's love for us, but as we shall see, God's love transcends the human definition of love to a point that is hard for us to comprehend.

God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unequivocal, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He does not love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.

Original Love is the first love felt by every soul upon creation. It is the pure love of God instilled in each soul. Before anything else each soul began with Original Love.
Authentic Love is the juice, the driver, the force and the energy; that is what we come with and what we leave with. In the middle of the coming and going, it is hard to detect or believe in love. The writings are the reminder to my soul that there is love, all the time and everywhere.

Feeling love is not a luxury for some people to enjoy. It is a need. Yes, you need to feel love feelings to enjoy your life and to stay healthy. If your traumatic energy is not released, your over activated nervous system will keep your body tense, and stressed. You know that is not healthy, and in the long run it will undoubtedly result in a chronic illness, you will wish you never got. Please take some action now to keep yourself healthy and full of joy for life.

You can release traumatic energy and regain love feelings. Integrated Healing Energy Techniques are very powerful. Once you learn how to release traumatic energy, you will be able to heal yourself. Trauma recovery will no longer be a mystery to you. PTSD symptoms will disappear and a life full of love and positive feelings will replace the trauma.
If you desire a more permanent healing of energy and love, you can find the connection with God and His beloved Son.
Being consistent with love toward my family and friends and God, should be a goal for achievement

What really is Love?
Love is a strong and emotional feeling for one.
The first memories of Love I can recall, both of my Parents expressing their feelings,
By telling me and by wrapping their arms around me with security through love.
Even at an infant’s stage, the child’s mind can feel the expression of love from their parents.
The feeling was created to give and to receive.
The professing of love is detrimental to ones life.
As a plant needs water, a person needs Love.
Without water the plant will die.
And a Person without love, or feels loved Mankind has no hope.
In the case of suicide, the common denominator is lack of feeling Loved and Respected.
Enjoyment is prompted by a loving feeling or caring for ones and what you do.
Satisfaction is a necessity of life.

A common thought about a daily employment “I hate my Job”.
What really creates that thought, a lack of desire or pleasure?
Finding a job you enjoy or the feeling of appreciation is a need.
The same goes for a Marriage.
Finding a companion that will fulfill your needs and interests will be one of the main reasons to enjoy life.
But finding your Creator is the most important way to feel your life is complete.
When you get to the point when you do not feel like you can reach out and touch the one you need during tough times, who moved?
You need to feel excitement and pleasure, when you walk into the doors of your Home, or you’re Church.
“Am I really doing my job or keeping the trust the other one needs for me to keep peace and fulfillment in our relationship”.
In the feeling of love, respect is a key factor.
Keeping or finding that 1st love, my memory was trying to spend all the time I could just to be with that person.
There is no room for selfishness, sharing is a necessity.
And not sharing the wrong thoughts of your mind, blaming the other person will get you nowhere.
Cutting off ones hands during disagreements, could be detrimental when you need hand to help you up after falling down.
During the thought of disagreement, start resolving the issue with a love and kindness.
As a child is being raised, or the birthing of a newborn baby,
Correction with care and mercy is a must.
Love will last forever, but discouragement and wrong correction will damage and scar ones permanently.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Built upon Decisions.

Christ’s will have a Church that will be able to reach to all hearts of mankind.
The Church will be able to help ones in time of need.
His Church will be a place for ones with instability in their families and lives.
The only way His Church will be complete is if Love is the foundation of life.
Areas of Hate, Bitterness, Jealousy and will not be able to have a part in His Kingdom.
His Church will be like Abraham, “a Friend of God."
God created Man with a mindset of having children who will be coheirs with his Son. (Rom. 8:17)
After the fall, God never changed His idea for his Family to reign with Him,
to have the ability for a Spirit-filled Church, all in one accord to do His will.
God's intentions for His people are to to have them share and enjoy His creations with His Son. For them to live eternally is his whole objective.
Studying the mistakes from ancestors should show me the path not to follow.
The past should be the guide in my life. Wrong decisions are easy to judge when I did not have to give or come up with the answer.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
Looking behind will just be stumblingblocks for the path ahead. Change is to be made for trying to correct any past failures or faults.
Fearing change will never let me get ahead.
The pathways. successes, and mistakes of my Forefathers should be an easy guide to live by.

In finances, the only way to get ahead financially is by correcting my wrong ways of mishandling of my funds, seeing what is more important to spend my money on, determining wat is necessary and what is not.
Investing for the future is a good plan.
In some investments you make, you will never see the prosperity of that decision until the investment flourishes, and that takes time.
Your broker will guide you, but it is still your decision to buy or sell.
When I would invest without corresponding with my broker, and my investment could turn out to be a bad decision,
It would not be my broker's fault that I made the wrong decision; it would be mine.
My broker is just my guide, not my decision-maker.
Finally when my debt is paid off and my checkbook is balanced,
Then the decisions will be shown as success or not.
The success or oversights of my broker will guide me into the need for re-investments.
After all that, I will feel thankful for the ones to show me how to budget.
But it still took me being studious and conservative with my money.
Most of all, no one else could have done it for me.
It took me to make up my mind to be successful.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The word is “Love”.

There is one word that is used by every creature.
It is expressed in many ways, that word is “Love”.
The foundation of all life is love.
The diversity of this word is amazing.
Love is a rendition of comfort that brings peace within.

One of the main messages that comes through loud and clear from studying our Bible is the extreme importance that God the Father is placing on that everyone learn how to love Him, love ourselves, love one another, and to even go as far as to be able to love our enemies and those who will try and hurt us.
You can be the greatest man of God and have some of the greatest gifts of God flowing through you – but if you are not walking with all of this in the spirit of love and humility, it will have all been for naught.
Love is a word that can be taken without full comprehension.
Love can be used selfishly or by giving from the heart.
Love is used as an action verb or just a verb.

The understanding of love can bring success to a family, marriage,
employment and in friendships.
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Ones say that the foundation of God is his spirit. Others may say it is His word. But if we look into the root source of God it is love.
1 John 4: 7,8.
The first action that God created was Christ, His first love.
The representation that Christ desire to have upon this earth,
Will be expressed through a host of people that has been referred to
as the church of Philadelphia, the church of “brotherly love”.

His church will have in their hearts love towards all mankind.
They will have the desire to help and reach out to ones through,
love and charity.

When the restoration of Israel will take place, it will only be due
to Israel excepting Jesus as their Messiah in love.

The word love really controls our daily lives,
It will be shown through the act to God and His Son.
Love will be shown in our work our health and in helping to serve others.

Love can be shown in hate, destruction, bitterness, theft, violence,
judgment and in immorality.
Love is a desire and it can be used for evil.
Desire is one longing or has adoration for.

\Some do have desires or ambitions for power, authority and wealth.
What are the goals we desire in serving God?

We can lose our first love,
Our original desire or longing for.

Everyone has memories of our childhood.
Having a mother prepare her homemade cookies,
Having a mother or grandmother that create or prepare something
to please our taste buds.
What was special about their cooking it was fresh, right out of the stove.

Other memories of love, was waiting for my father or mother to come home from long day at work.
Desiring to go over to my grandparent’s home,
Another ambition was anticipation of a vacation.

But my number one passion is still when my first love walks through the door from long day at work, and the feeling passion as we embrace is still true love to me.
Unconditional love is acceptance and forgiveness. It is not accepting unacceptable behaviour. Forgiveness is a compassionate understanding of self and others struggle for self-love.
Though unconditional love says: "I love you for all of who you are and all of who you are striving to become". It also says "I forgive you for your transgressions in your struggle to become. I love you and want to be with you, but in order to "be" with me, you must amend the behaviour which prevents true connection".
Healthy relationship is a mutually expansive dynamic interplay and not a power-over dynamic. It takes both people in the relationship to understand the right use of real love. That it is about compassion, love, forgiveness and acceptance; but not an invitation to abuse power believing that no matter what the behaviour, one will continue to be embraced in relationship with their spouse without having to amend the behaviour that is being forgiven.
Each and every emotion that we experience as humans is merely a sub-category of the Ever so powerful essence of Love. Unconditional Love is the power that delivers to you WHATEVER it is that you ask for. It is both crucial and necessary to develop the awareness of exactly HOW these things are attracted and received if you are to ever effectively begin attracting to you those things that you most desire to have in your life.
Many have come to believe that it is specifically through spoken prayer that you communicate to the Source. It has become my belief that it is not that which you ask for through your human and physical words, but rather through your resonance which is determined by the emotions that you choose for yourself.
When you balance your mind and open your heart you experience unconditional love and whoever you love automatically loves you equally in return. When love is genuine one person does not have more or less love to share, unlimited love is pure equality.
Conditional love is not love, it is dictatorship. Unequivocal love does not mean you do whatever you want whenever you want to, that’s called being selfish. Absolute love requires one to have a balanced point of view, a vision that includes future generations, and a plan to go with it. The power of love requires that we tune into something bigger than ourselves.
It is impossible to experience unmitigated love without a balanced point of view. Every imbalance in the human mind can be balanced if one knows the questions to ask. So long as the mind is focused on what it does not like or want it will attract more of that. As long as the mind is focused on how much better it would be if… the mind will not come to be poised in love. Whatever is distracting us from the outside is a reflection of an unresolved personal issue on the inside. When we become balanced inside our own mind we feel balanced about others and the world around us. Love is never dependent on what is going on outside of our awareness. Love has everything to do with our own thoughts, feelings and opinions. Nobody can love for another person or stop another person from experiencing unlimited love. It is a personal responsibility to learn to love and to tap into the love and light that is all around us, all the time.
Can anyone really comprehend "infinite" love? It seems the love that parents have for their children is as close to unmitigated love as we can get without the help of God's love in our lives. We continue to love our children through good times and bad, and we do not stop loving them if they do not meet the expectations we may have for them. We make a choice to love our children even when we consider them unlovable; our love does not stop when we don't "feel" love for them. This is similar to God's love for us, but as we shall see, God's love transcends the human definition of love to a point that is hard for us to comprehend.

God is Love, and His love is very different from human love. God's love is unequivocal, and it's not based on feelings or emotions. He does not love us because we're lovable or because we make Him feel good; He loves us because He is love. He created us to have a loving relationship with Him, and He sacrificed His own Son (who also willingly died for us) to restore that relationship.

Original Love is the first love felt by every soul upon creation. It is the pure love of God instilled in each soul. Before anything else each soul began with Original Love.

Authentic Love is the juice, the driver, the force and the energy; that is what we come with and what we leave with. In the middle of the coming and going, it is hard to detect or believe in love. The writings are the reminder to my soul that there is love, all the time and everywhere.

Feeling love is not a luxury for some people to enjoy. It is a need. Yes, you need to feel love feelings to enjoy your life and to stay healthy. If your traumatic energy is not released, your over activated nervous system will keep your body tense, and stressed. You know that is not healthy, and in the long run it will undoubtedly result in a chronic illness, you will wish you never got. Please take some action now to keep yourself healthy and full of joy for life.

You can release traumatic energy and regain love feelings. Integrated Healing Energy Techniques are very powerful. Once you learn how to release traumatic energy, you will be able to heal yourself. Trauma recovery will no longer be a mystery to you. PTSD symptoms will disappear and a life full of love and positive feelings will replace the trauma.
If you desire a more permanent healing of energy and love, you can find the connection with God and His beloved Son.
Being consistent with love toward my family and friends and God, should be a goal for achievement

What really is Love?
Love is a strong and emotional feeling for one.
The first memories of Love I can recall, both of my Parents expressing their feelings,
By telling me and by wrapping their arms around me with security through love.
Even at an infant’s stage, the child’s mind can feel the expression of love from their parents.
The feeling was created to give and to receive.
The professing of love is detrimental to ones life.
As a plant needs water, a person needs Love.
Without water the plant will die.
And a Person without love, or feels loved Mankind has no hope.
In the case of suicide, the common denominator is lack of feeling Loved and Respected.
Enjoyment is prompted by a loving feeling or caring for ones and what you do.
Satisfaction is a necessity of life.

A common thought about a daily employment “I hate my Job”.
What really creates that thought, a lack of desire or pleasure?
Finding a job you enjoy or the feeling of appreciation is a need.
The same goes for a Marriage.
Finding a companion that will fulfill your needs and interests will be one of the main reasons to enjoy life.
But finding your Creator is the most important way to feel your life is complete.
When you get to the point when you do not feel like you can reach out and touch the one you need during tough times, who moved?
You need to feel excitement and pleasure, when you walk into the doors of your Home, or you’re Church.
“Am I really doing my job or keeping the trust the other one needs for me to keep peace and fulfillment in our relationship”.
In the feeling of love, respect is a key factor.
Keeping or finding that 1st love, my memory was trying to spend all the time I could just to be with that person.
There is no room for selfishness, sharing is a necessity.
And not sharing the wrong thoughts of your mind, blaming the other person will get you nowhere.
Cutting off ones hands during disagreements, could be detrimental when you need hand to help you up after falling down.
During the thought of disagreement, start resolving the issue with a love and kindness.
As a child is being raised, or the birthing of a newborn baby,
Correction with care and mercy is a must.
Love will last forever, but discouragement and wrong correction will damage and scar ones permanently.

Monday, March 21, 2011


'charity suffereth long.' That is what patience is all about. Charity 'is not easily pro'charity suffereth long.' That is what patience is all about. Charity 'is not easily provoked' is another aspect of this quality, as is charity 'beareth all things.' And finally, charity 'endureth all things' is certainly an expression of patience From these defining elements it is evident that without patience gracing our soul, we would be seriously lacking with respect to a Christ like character
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other"
voked' is another aspect of this quality, as is charity 'beareth all things.' And finally, charity 'endureth all things' is certainly an expression of patience From these defining elements it is evident that without patience gracing our soul, we would be seriously lacking with respect to a Christ like character
"Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don't judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone's differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn't handle something the way we might have hoped. Charity is refusing to take advantage of another's weakness and being willing to forgive someone who has hurt us. Charity is expecting the best of each other"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Constructing a Bridge

Trying to get where you need to go on the road where ones are repairing a damaged bridge is a challenge if you are trying to help ones reach a destination.
Finding another way is an adventure.
Assisting to repair the damages takes time.
Previous times trying to repair what was damaged, is tough when trying to use material from old damaged bridges.
Recycled material or lumber is good for short term re-pair,
but for long term new lumber will be needed.
The bridge ones are trying to pass over, is being built over a canyon that the walls are continuing collapsing due to erosion.
Older ways of repairing the breakage was the best that could have been tried and achieved with all they had to work with.
As progression of time, newer equipment and technology has been invented to allow the procedure to be able to repair it permanently
The ability and knowledge that has increased, does not mean the original process was wrong, but the direction of the repair work may need updated plans.
If the original way of repairing was capable of completion, the bridge would be able to withstand any type of shock or pressure upon it.
Updating the format or method of past performances is just to assist the first attempts to finalize the endeavor.
While performing any task of construction, usually injuries or wounds will be likely be received.
Since the early years of construction, medical equipment and medicines have been invented to be able to receive a quick healing or saving of the body parts.
During daily procedures, if the wounds were open and not covered, a continuation of dirt and other bacteria’s would enter healing would never take place.
New bandages are a necessity for a continual healing.
As the job continues if the ones that assisted you did not make the effort to continually check the injury,
you would wonder if the training classes for first aid were completed.
After the job is complete, a continual cleaning is necessary the wounds to heal.
If the scars or wounds continue to have bacteria infecting them intentionally or intentional, healing will never take place.