Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Constructing a Bridge

Trying to get where you need to go on the road where ones are repairing a damaged bridge is a challenge if you are trying to help ones reach a destination.
Finding another way is an adventure.
Assisting to repair the damages takes time.
Previous times trying to repair what was damaged, is tough when trying to use material from old damaged bridges.
Recycled material or lumber is good for short term re-pair,
but for long term new lumber will be needed.
The bridge ones are trying to pass over, is being built over a canyon that the walls are continuing collapsing due to erosion.
Older ways of repairing the breakage was the best that could have been tried and achieved with all they had to work with.
As progression of time, newer equipment and technology has been invented to allow the procedure to be able to repair it permanently
The ability and knowledge that has increased, does not mean the original process was wrong, but the direction of the repair work may need updated plans.
If the original way of repairing was capable of completion, the bridge would be able to withstand any type of shock or pressure upon it.
Updating the format or method of past performances is just to assist the first attempts to finalize the endeavor.
While performing any task of construction, usually injuries or wounds will be likely be received.
Since the early years of construction, medical equipment and medicines have been invented to be able to receive a quick healing or saving of the body parts.
During daily procedures, if the wounds were open and not covered, a continuation of dirt and other bacteria’s would enter healing would never take place.
New bandages are a necessity for a continual healing.
As the job continues if the ones that assisted you did not make the effort to continually check the injury,
you would wonder if the training classes for first aid were completed.
After the job is complete, a continual cleaning is necessary the wounds to heal.
If the scars or wounds continue to have bacteria infecting them intentionally or intentional, healing will never take place.

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