Sunday, March 17, 2019

Decisions of the heart

Comparing yourself to others, is virtually impossible. Everyone has their own personality, interest and perspectives or even difficulties not by choice or desire. Many times ones can be guides or ones to assist while searching for an individual for yourself comes to choice and decisions.
Having talents abilities and foresight most of the time is not able to be duplicated or copied to pursue or please ones own ideas or desires.
Using gifts and strengths to assist and help is the best way to give. Developing and sharing your own ingredient will be the best way to mix a blend for your own recipe to be shared. My mother has an ability to create her own blend of spices and ingredients for what she was making to serve. I watch her enough creating and making one of my favorite meal ”homemade enchiladas” I attempted to make a pan with extra roast beef but I added a little more than she always did. Adding for my own taste, peppers, Tabasco sauce and red, white onions I put in for my own desire.
Thoughts of a picture of the sunshine reflecting off the water (pictures) for one moment the sun has the same amount of light from it rising to going down. Looking at two different pictures one from Florida the other from Cal.If you are only looking at the water and sun while being in the water just off both shores it would be very difficult to understand your true location by picture.
Everyone has their own panorama or viewpoints, just like taste buds everybody's are different. As in foods the search for the right flavor or aroma is an individual’s quest for enjoyment. Just like the temp or style the food is cooked.
Looking at trees or buildings shadows will be seen at different angles and depths from all sides.  As you broaden a vision of downtown structures and buildings the sun will hit each one differently depending time of day or location of the framework.
The way my life has developed or continually increasing and maturing, the knowledge I will instill or put into daily life only comes through my own effort.
Choice the no 1 action and first given from creation that is freedom I hav is choice.
There are occasions that come upon our lives that may be not by choice but being at the wrong place at wrong time. Sometimes I do not hav that ability to hav that freedom to be able to decide between other options. For instance I did not hav the freedom to be a part of my natural family, but did hav an ability to create my own lineage through my decisions who I believed I would be happy and have the enjoyment until the end of my natural life. Then together we had a desire to carry on our live by adding another life we can our live and be and example and create and have a life if joy and happiness by a complete life living by the fruits of the spirit that was displayed through the greatest example who ever walked this planet, who by choice was created by the all mighty Father that is his only begotten. Through the life he walked going through trials and tribulations his choice was to fulfill Gods desires and wishes to behold all his creations with other individuals and share the great ideas he has displayed and has not been discovered by the human eyes yet.

The way I felt I should hav been treated and was not in my past, the choices of educational and financial moves in my life. If things turned out without my option, then my decisions for the future to learn not just what or how to do things or how not to. 
Through my life living by the “ fruits of the spirit” to love, honor and cherish my greatest commitment to my wife to live and give my life with, to share all my heart and give all I can was and still is my goal to achieve as long as I can. 
To call ones friend is an expression to live by someone with desire and intent to be with and try to help and enjoy time we have together. Usually it will be mutual enjoyments wither it may be sports, business or just time to share  how to decide with the same goal to follow a Godly path and learn more of God’s way to live. Other ones ideas can be helpful to understand more in-depth thoughts and ensiles of mutual  ideas
Contrary ideas and going against can cause splinters and scares without open hearts and minds to share each other’s thoughts by listening and caring other perspectives. The only way to learn is by having an opportunity to study the unsure directions ones may be looking towards. 
Exchanging various opinions may help educate  the unknown searches and trajectories of future decisions that may come without foresight.
Accumulating other considerations without a first thought to be in defense, may help learn from other directions and channels that may have not been seeking towards. 
Having concerns for others hearts that may have difficulties  without having ideas of finding a way to walk in looking for their needs and uncertainties in life. 
Having a heart filled with love and charity is being by individuals with struggles of life, having concerns for others to help is a key through living by the “fruits of the spirit.”
Knowing God is love and his decision to have a advocate to extend into our hearts by displaying Christ for our mediator and example to have faith in Jehovah The Father.

Net- many fishermen use nets to catch or keep the fish after they are caught. They are used in sport activities as in volleyball or hockey, 
Fence- many times it is used for security purposes, other times it separates two pieces of properties with different owners. 
On other occasions it will be used around garden to keep different wildlife from disturbing or harming the future growth until it is fully ripe.
Times I have been practicing hitting in a batting  cage no matter where the ball comes off the bat the ball is prevented from anyone that  a re spectators or ones not prepared to catch it. The design and material is created and fastened right to be held together.
The heart can be and feel more secure by having a mind controlled with pure feelings and emotions full of charity and concern for others. If I would try to hit a ball in a inclosed room that the walls have no give or flex, the speed of the ball will slow down. Now when I play racquetball the design of the game with the rubber ball and smaller racquets the momentum coming off the walls will be at a greater pace and speed.
As life ricochet's back as you try to press forward against obstacles and hindrances that is or will be in front, many times you can maneuver around or step aside as it goes by. As you are playing sports with use of a ball missing it and being hit usually will cause some sort of bruise or mark, most of the time the initial sting or swelling will take a few minutes then you can continue on. If it is a deep within the muscles only time to relax is the answer until healing has taken place.
The walls in a heart are flexible and strong, as the blood is flowing through the arteries back into the heart the lining contracts for security for a constant flow of the blood.

In life the physical heart was amazingly designed and created for the body to function. This organ and as the rest of this natural being was created in many cases of damages it tears it has the ability through support and assistance to heal by itself.
The natural mind with the spiritual heart can assist through effort and will to repair conditions created by insecurities and vengeance to he healed, with the Godly mind and heart from the beginning was developed with maturity able to withdraw a forceful spirit to destroy and hurt, to heal wounds and scars of our lives with the walk living with the fruits of the spirit to guide us back onto the straight path that Christ displayed for us the live by.
A heart overflowing with God’s blood in us will keep me in the path he desires me to live by. 
The root of bitterness and hate will just create distraught and destruction with connections of disturbances, not being able to reach out to others that was and us part of the security of life takes us on the road of heartbreak and troubles in life. Unhappiness many times can be turned around with a life filled with the fruits of the spirit that was the original design in the garden of the ”tree of life” that God created to live by. 
Just like food we eat enjoyment we desire, it comes back through our own decisions and choice to support the life we live and long for.
If the pure blood is blocked or damned up life will come to an end. Keeping things out if the way if it impure or unhealthy is by my choice.
Life to flow like a fresh river of water that is clear and clean to absorb and fill our system of life to continue strength clarity of heart and mind, a fresh heart filled with charity, love and forgiveness will always feel refreshing and happy.

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