Saturday, November 21, 2020

A strong bond

Chalk and pencil can be erased, lightening and earthquakes can crake the ground but not removed.

Broken hearts and hurt feelings can heal, deep bruises and wounds may recover and restored, it takes time.

Hate and anger can destroy and dissolve good relationships. But lives being lead by the ‘fruits of the spirit” while being there for others in time of need. Support in construction is by bracing or placing a strong and stable element to apply means to hold together, secure and reinforce while keeping it up.

Judgement and forgiveness are contrary emotions, but having discernment and charity will help grow in charity and kindness while drawing away from disconnection due to disagreements and hardships causing a departure of lifetime connections. 

when writing upon ones hearts misunderstandings are common, but being able and allow mistakes or diversity of mind be deleted and put behind will assist a greater maturity with development between “family and friends” and create a greater outlook in life.  

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Concern for others

A short synopsis of respect, while seeking the same goal.

Larry Bird and Magic Johnson  2 pro NBA great players from college & pro. Win-loss they never put aside their friendship or bond on or off the court. That is one reason they have been considered, one of the “greatest rivals”

Many of us have or had close ties with family and friends that from the beginning emotional desire with strong connections, but the closeness of heart can be like my shoes for playing  sports. If I do not keep them tied firm the chances of them becoming loose is much greater. Times I had to double tie them to stay tight. On the court or field untied shoes gives you a greater chance to trip and become injured. During the 40 yrs. of playing team sports the number lesson to win was to play team ball. Backing each player up, preparing to pass or receive and to assist your team mates.  

At any time there may be a question of decision staying by their side provided the best security to play as a team to be successful and reset or format the play again. Questioning players ideas at that moment will not help the next team play or chance to score, it will lead to only “my thought matters.” 

Many times the outcome of a game was not what we desired and other occasions the result of success was an equal joy as a team. No matter what court or field,  a winning team comes by a mutual effort

playing together in accord with minds focused on the common shared goal.

As family and friends seek and are focused on the same inspirations and objectives towards unity with others looking for support to be able to share our hearts, minds and needs will help provide strength to carry on each day.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fresh energy

Ones own perspective of a development. A few painters can be given the same kind of canvas, brushes and paint. Then each sit in a same location looking and studying a beautiful sight. As you imagine while looking each has their own direction where to start on and with their own items to preform the painting. Not everyone has exactly the same vision of color or perspective of the landscape they are seeing. Who is there to say which view is correct. The spectacle or natural wonder that is solid does not change. Each location that is studied everyone has their own perception.

Being with friends and family having emotions towards the others comes across in different ways if each one tries to give their all putting the other first. Having a identical plan of growing and developing close ties to last and become stronger takes a search of doing something to help while they may not see or how to ask or understand what they need help in. The only way that will assist to mature and create to reach the goals of expectations while comprehending they are trying their best as you put your heart towards others you desire to have a stronger part of each others lives.

After 35 yrs my youngest sister and I made a trip with our families back up to Yosemite, we enjoyed recalling good memories. Of course the external parts of the mountains had changed do to fires and weather. But as we hiked up towards the water falls the granite had not changed the water maintains to flow off the same cliffs of the mountains. What did change was the water itself. Every second the rivers flow down while consistently shifting as it hits the same boulders and rocks as they continue to be purified.

If relationships do not keep pushing forward keeping a pure heart towards others, as feelings become lax and hearts to step in and help lift up others in time of need is when the fresh connections has a chance to re -engage a direction. Pressing on with strength for others in heart stops or dams up the future ahead. 

No matter where may be on this earth you may see the sky from different angles. Times it may have clouds in the sky or it may be clear. Other times the clouds may be filled with natural moister that may just be released alone, other times they may be filled with little bits of frozen rain drops. As each bump against each other while clouds are moving the collision causes an electrical charge as the compression takes place a electrical current brings a charge causing lightening to rake place.

As heavy disagreements occur it usually cause and develop emotions to create friction between one another. As each look to assist the other first and a charge of dissent takes over causing a break within each other.

The natural rain helps clean while moisturizing and enhancing development of woods and plants.

If we use our energetic feelings and emotions towards others past dust and dirt will be washed away, and new life will multiply and gain fresh bonding with others while growth continues. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Matter of choice and decisions

Rarely you find anyone that will enjoy the same menu at a restaurant or recipe at home precisely flavored the way you do.
Many enjoy the same foods but each one has different taste buds to enhance a certain flavor of spices you savor. Mutual cravings many times are enjoyable with others.
Myself I do not like certain condiments that many in my family prefer. On the other hand I desire to prepare my entrees for my personal preference.
How many friends and families disconnect due to different perspectives with similar ideas and views. Other detours are not always contradicting if they lead to the same destination. A gps gives you various choices to follow, living with a pure heart full of charity towards others is the greatest directional finder.
Many occasions the separation may be a subject of importance, many times abolishment will take place through irrelevant studies and selfishness.
That will hinder an ability to draw closer to others with a variety of expectations to discover was to advance towards higher callings and abilities to assist and be there for others. Through the years with all my setbacks if it was not for my family, friends and God being by my side who knows where I would be or even if I would have made it this far.
I am a living testimony of successful directions I achieved only with my close ties that stayed with me.
Letting God guide and lead you is the greatest pathfinder to reach your destination through your journey in life. An open heart and mind is a step towards a prosperous future.
Roads that have been filed with turmoils and disturbances many times can be a road with significant horizons with guidance from the “fruits of the spirit” to lead the way.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Assistance in time.

The easiest way to ruin asking or receiving an apology is to is to criticize, justify or judge. To bring harmony and peace is through mercy, forgiveness and charity while giving your time and heart with love in ones time of need and search for friendship.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Thinking of others

Accepting other viewpoints or contrast perspectives, does not always take a complete change, but a new enlightenment with additional thoughts.
I have heard bands and choirs play the same song with words and chords the same, but a change in octaves can bring forth a greater and more enhanced feeling with the same horns, singers and sheet music.
Strength and power is built as extra tension of muscle supported with strong bones, while adding more weight and additional pressure.
The most powerful ties you can have with ones, are feelings and emotions full of love, charity and forgiveness.
Just as Christ expressed his love by giving himself, or his Father through giving his only begotten. Unconditional love is a desire to love and share without expectations of return. The acceptance of ones love is when you give your all through your feelings and emotions to help others. Just think of a lock with only one key that you are holding, when you throw away or never look to find one, the connection or idea is to never let go or be released from the ties or strong grip that is holding you together.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Your own choice

Decisions from choices or options provides answers, at times come from personal opinions is all ones may only choose from.
Accusations will usually come from ones own direction of answers all that is pleasing to them. Conclusions ones may only walk the journey coming by everyone’s own path they desire to benefit.
When suggestions occur it could stand by caring with mutual feelings, respect and emotional aspirations to assist through a heart to care and help others.
When giving from the heart not expecting return, dual connections grow and increase.
Ones will desire for bonds and relationships to have unending. Opportunities to press on will mature and spread towards others through examples seeking for support form others.
The first initial effort trying to seek a life having Christ within, will be like hiking up a mountain and finding a place to rest with a pure river of water, and around is fresh wild fruit growing to be nourished to continue on the journey to reach the final destination of choice that your heart desires and is longing for. Transplanted replant plant - complete Beginning clean soil new seed digging plant up from the roots, Transfer- from one container or something else il to another . (Starting over) - Forgiveness with charity from the heart Plant- by choice allowing a heart to be filled and maintain with the “Fruits of the Spirit” The beginning of understanding who and letting God in Maintaining whatever you plant you must make sure moisture is the pure source for growth and development. When a dry time comes making sure water is supplying the roots for continual maturity. Making sure weeds do not grow and develop around to choke out all life within it. Freedom with a good heart

Feeling of Victory

Occasionally a change of mind and heart can bring the best response or completion.
Freedom with a life full of charity and love, provides peace to help relationships stay strong and close.
The most enjoyable times in playing sports, is when you feel the team is in one accord with each other, that will lead towards the goal of success while thinking alike on a team with the same desire inside each mind and heart being together. The players I had on teams having collective insight and feeling what the others were going to preform for the next play with shared thoughts created the method with indulgence and awareness for everyone. Fortunately victorious achievements took place each time.  
Objectives in life wither it is family, friends or business engagements to grow and create a close bond to increase thoughts of help and ambition to grow together and not apart, with a united concern and sympathy between each other is all that is needed will bring fulfillment in lives. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Not letting go.

Trying to prove someone wrong or you are right usually based on history of ones own perspective or position on a matter.
When an unsuccessful past is tried again it can bring a new light how to correct a dead end. Prior guidances and studies that are still being used and expressed, comes across with mutual and equal understanding.
Watching or being an example many times is the best education.
Change of mind and heart can bring the best response or completion.
Majority of divisions are based on opinions and not fact or full knowledge, and then categorized as political correctness or selfishness. “What is in it for me?”
Accepting other viewpoints does not always take a complete change, but a new enlightenment with additional thoughts can or will assist.
I have heard bands and choirs play or preform the same song with words and chords the same, but a change in octaves and beat can bring forth a greater enhanced feelings with the same horns, singers and sheet music.
Strength and power is built as extra tension of muscle supported with strong bones, while adding more weight and additional pressure.
The most powerful ties you can have with ones, are feelings and emotions full of love, charity and forgiveness. Being prepared to help when ones are in time of need, 
Just as Christ expressed his love by giving himself, or his Father through giving his only begotten. Unconditional love is a desire to love and share without expectations of return. The acceptance of ones love is when you give your all through your feelings and emotions to help others. Just think of a lock with only one key that you are holding, when you throw away or never look to find one, the connection or idea to never let go or released from the ties or strong grip that is holding together. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Mountains we climb.

Due to the current condition around us we have been sheltered without some control and with questions, while searching for an answer or reason? Then we study and seek for understanding we come to our own conclusions without being told throughout our life. In our daily walk we have routines and occasional obstacles that confront us without full knowledge of the challenges. With our attitude and emotions combined with oversight, responsibility and behavior is a choice, To have an accurate finish or outcome will be the answer as we long to be assured how to achieve the expectations of deliverance. We may have a chance and there will be many times the right call will be informed from correct knowledge, and other times the the incorrect call will be decided upon through my own research. Now look when you have felt lost in life with other individuals around, you may have recalled having time with full of joy peace and harmony, and think what happened? Then as you search and come upon the reason without a full conclusion or answer, seeking to be enlightened a complete awareness is always the goal.  
Longing for the right path to follow and continue to mature in wisdom, yielding your life to help and assist ones desiring for support is the target with incentive for a life God is in and will use. Humbleness and mercy, while having a hope followed with love and charity will be the way to follow the channel that leads to your walk with God as long as you allow him to use you for his good means and pleasure as he works in you. Following God and not man’s design or plan is the way to learn his intent for us. Hardships and misfortune will come about on our journey. Getting through tough times with ones by our side and God assisting us along, will help to reinforce for future struggles that lie ahead. Being open with acceptance while being honest to ourselves will create strength to carry on.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Finding power

A change to stay strong eating live foods to nourish with pure water each day not man made processed foods that destroys the systems to become weak and unhealthy. Desire to love while maintaining to stay healthy, fighting off good tasting meals that are bad foods is hard, after the body feels strong and is healed from all impurities the taste and being uncontrollable eating junk food goes away through feeling strong and recalling how junk made you sick no energy of life. The desire for those foods that lead you to bad health should be instilled in the mind what happens after following the temptations for that short time of enjoyment. After time as the body is cleansed taste buds will change.
A right attitude of mind and heart controls cravings of impurities that takes down a healthy body. It will all come
down to choice of short enjoyment of flavor or long time with a healthy life, and change of habits for the good.
Life can be like eating a fresh fruit smoothie on a hot summer day, it helps you cool down and provides various flavors to quench different desires. Just like heat will melt away the shake without savoring the taste, having delight and joy being with family and friends to relish memories is worth it. At any time you feel a connection of anyone that has been called “friend” has or is slipped away, reestablishing or adhering to ones and become stronger with appreciating the current and prior relationships with a desire where no turmoil or rough waters will never overtake the hearts of your family and friends. Just like building muscle it takes solid effort with sweat while feeling sore, but after time the power is shown and felt while strength is being achieved. Eating right is just as important as treating others right to complete goals you seek with all your heart for stability and support. A character of a heart for others filled with love and charity with help surmount all hindrances that may lie ahead.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Opinions ans Ideas

Opinions can be like bad breath, everyone can have it usually we take care of your own each has their individual remedies. Many times each individual has certain foods creates a stronger scent and hard to get rid of. Usually there is a purpose that will bring out various orders.
Society could not continue to develop and create without different points of view. Like looking out our back door of the house Crystal will study the back yard with a different perspective. I will usually look out and see what is not proportional or balanced right. From landscape to a structure “what can I do to make it balance out. I look at the batting cage and see the work that needs done to it. She may look at same location out from same window but see different with additional color or landscape that could fill in, or she may have thoughts when Kyle was out with his bulldog playing on the deck or throwing the tennis ball in the yard as the dog was trying to fetch it.
Trying to prove someone is wrong and you are right some reason usually based on history of ones own perspective.
When an unsuccessful past is tried again it may bring a thought how to correct a dead end. Prior education or curriculums that are still being used and expressed comes across with mutual and equal understanding. But there have been a few original understandings that may have been restructured or modified for further understanding and enlightenment. 
Watching or being an example many times is the best education.
Change of mind and heart can bring the best or greater response or completion.
Majority of divisions are based on opinions and not fact or full knowledge, then times are categorized as political correctness or selfishness. “What is in it for me”
Accepting other viewpoints does not always take a complete change, but new sophistication with additional thoughts and experience.
I have heard bands and choirs play the same song with words and chords the same, but a change in octaves can bring forth a greater and more enhanced feeling with the same horns, singers and sheet music.
Strength and power is built as extra tension of muscle supported with strong bones, while adding more weight and additional pressure can help increase to a level of new ambitions. 
The most powerful ties you can have with ones, are feelings and emotions full of love, charity and forgiveness.
Just as Christ expressed his love by giving himself, or his Father through giving his only begotten. Unconditional love is a desire to love and share without expectations of return. The acceptance of ones love is when you give your all through your feelings and emotions to help others. Just think of a lock with only one key that you are holding, when you throw away or lose it and never look to find one, the connection or idea is to never let go or be released from the ties or strong grip that is holding you together. Instead of continual search for the key or replace old one, you can just change the lock or even upgrade a new door.
Life has continual advancement and improvements, but support and change of futher trajectories can be reached and understood. I may have had different feelings about their desires for the decision of a dog to enter into our lives, but seeing the desire and wishes they had I accepted the new addition into the midst of our lives. And after a period of time for some reason that dog had a continual desire for me to take part in her life. But seeing a fulfillment it would bring I followed through and took part and added time and space to create a new enjoyment from within her,
Having new journeys and detour’s in a life may bring a new mindset for how other lives may be assisted and helped along the way.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Free flowing generated power.

Life is like water
Calm powerful with peace, it forms to whatever holds it.
Purifies by the speed of the current from mountain top from a frozen atmosphere,
life will have serenity with pure hearts and minds towards others, when forgiveness and mercy is expressed and accepted.
When water stays stagnant impurity’s set in and becomes polluted and poisoned. By giving your heart to others in friendship and charity genuine and authentic feelings are expressed and lived by.
When a heart holds hate wrath and bitterness a life can be held back from growth with God, family and friends.
When God’s water of his spirit of life is living and dwelling within us, attitude is alive and living by the “fruits of the Spirit” then the river of life will flow without obstacles. Fruit will flourish and ripen when kept clean, feed and maintained. 
Life of rage hate and bitterness, can preform just as much damage in life, like raging waters the brings destruction towards land and life within it.
Water is not able to be damaged or destroyed, but infections from something that is dead and not moving can cause impurities and bacteria to set in and spread.
Water that is a fast rapid flowing river coming down from snow and rain, will purify and detox and dilutes itself. If the gushing channel seems that obstructions may be ahead, the momentum and pressure of the water will press through or create a new direction to reach the destination it is flowing towards. even if a created physical source is developed to prevent the movement forward substancial power will still be able to break down whatever is constituted or established for trying to hold it back.
Hearts full of the God’s spirit of love and charity will not be penetrated by any wrath or desire of destruction with hate and bitterness, but be able to hold ground and sheltered by God’s power through any time of storm.  

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Emotional Outlook

Times we will think we are living in “scary times then we can study the history there has always been times of turmoil and fear, it has come to understanding more to reality. Times of bitterness, jealousy, strife, hate and destruction has had a role and has been with humans it comes when Individuals assist to stir up the feelings and emotions that are deep within, and helped to create the reason why is our perception is like it is?
When we create a family and friendships mutual emotions are developed and then multiplied and feelings towards others continue then bonds and connections will mature and spread into a realm you think has no turning around but just pressing forward to greater expectations.
There has been many occasions where being creative to enjoy new times with ones you always felt nothing will stand within or in the way to finding more and new things to cherish lives together with each one we care about. (Friendships)
Then you study and look around and think “what has happened” that may have been helped where no separation could have taken place. Now thoughts start to roll back at the good and tough times, episodes that were created before we had any chances to hold back from emotional setbacks with wrong feelings may build towards individuals you thought I would have helped and give my all for. With a little attitude adjustment my mind can uninstall any wrong thought towards ones. “The next step “Forgiveness of Heart” When lives are living with hearts of love and charity thoughts of division are invalidated.  
History has been examples of just not was done, but what can be taught what will I do for now for others and as life continues.
From a beginning of relationships to a new birth for a future the mutual goals are to carry and move forward to grow with strength and love that you will never let go of.
Like an investment to grow and mature towards a successful one, the rate and percentage to compound and multiply is the best to achieve, and be called the right move and decision. Usually you have a guide to help but the choice is still mine. And in history we saw the market collapse and set backs took place, brokers had no foreknowledge or ability to help but just to assist and reset goals for the future. We can always look back and say “only if I did” or “why did I” both are educational to learn from.
From 1929 up to recent times “starting over” was a must. Like everything else in life from natural disasters, health conditions to anything that I had no capability or option, not pressing forward and moving ahead is the only reason why there is no chance for change.
The depths of our trajectory for future plateaus in growth we desire to place our current and future marks we make, must start by a Christ-like life filled with the “fruits of the the Spirits” we allow to be guided with the emotions God shares towards us if we accept and call upon him.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Key to Development

Due to the current condition around us we have been sheltered without some control with questions or reason?
Then we study and seek for the understanding, we come to our own conclusions without being told through our own personal lives. In our daily walk we have routines and occasionally obstacles will confront us without full knowledge of the challenges.
But with our attitude and emotions with our oversight with responsibilities behavior is a choice, to have a right finish will be the answer to be assured how to achieve the expectations of deliverance as we have a chance for. There will be many times the right call will be conformed through correct knowledge with examination, and other times the the incorrect call will be the decision my own research .
Now look when you have felt locked up around life or other individuals you may have recalled having time with full of joy peace and harmony, and think what happened? Then as you search you come upon the reason but effort you can see where and when you had the key that kept your life opened and then see what my life has been lead by. Times a lock will be from the inside and other occasions the door with a double sided lock that both need a key to open.
If someone tries to come in with the their own capabilities, it will still take effort to be unlocked from the inside.
As a parent usually there is knowledge and patience for achievement, with an investor there is times an insight other times being fortunate with some foresight. And with a friend there is a heart to help to strengthen others. Success will come by the correct action coming from the heart or thoughts of our mind, the right channel of decisions will find why set backs with misery and confusion you feel trying to understand.
What the source or influence my life is trying to follow or allow to be led or I have to take over my journey of life is up to me. As maturity approaches and time has come by your own preferences, it may be little more difficult to say I was told to, but I should be the one first to study the unknown and find the procedure.
To conquer the path of disturbances and strife we find the desire and cause with the right trajectory to reach the goals we long for. Seeking the appropriate way may start by giving over to the higher power with the answers that is needed, the selection is mine.The door is always available to be opened it takes me to step through and yield to God’s spirit the options of understanding God has given us the ability with his arms wide open just waiting, the move is mine to make.
The same results will happen with family and friends we allow the “fruits of the spirit” to be the guide lives are lead by.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Decisions for Success

Then as we study we can seek for understanding at times , and come to our own conclusions without being told through our own personal lives. In our daily walk we have routines and occasionally obstacles confront us without full knowledge of the challenges.
But with our attitude and emotions within responsibility and behavior is usually a choice, to have a right finish will be the answer to be assured how to achieve the expectations of deliverance as we have a chance for, there will be many times the right call will be informed from correct knowledge and other times the the incorrect call will decided upon with my own research.
Now look when you have felt locked up around life or other individuals you may have recalled having times full of joy peace and harmony, and think what happened? Then as you search you come upon the reason but effort you can see where and when you had the key that kept your life opened and then see what my life has been lead by. Times a lock will be from the inside and others it is a door with a double sided lock that both need a key to open.
If someone tries to come in with the their own capability, it will still take an effort for it to be unlocked.
As a parent usually there is knowledge and patience for achievement, with an investor there are times an insight other times being fortunate with a little foresight. And with a friend there is a heart to help and strengthen others. Success will come by the correct action coming from the heart or thoughts of our mind, the right channel of decisions will find why set backs with misery and confusion you feel and understand.
What the source or influence my life is trying to follow or allow to be led. I have to control my journey of life it is up to me. As maturity approaches and time has come for your own individual choices it is easier to say "I was told to", but I should be the one to study what could be unstoppable outcomes and may have had a procedure or examples to follow. Easy to say “what should have” or “could have” but what am I to learn from past setbacks?
To conquer the path of disturbances and strife we find the desire and cause with the right trajectory to reach the goals we long for. Seeking for the correct way may start by yielding over to the higher power with the answers that are vital, it is all up to me to decide. The door is always available to be opened it takes me to step through and prefer the opportunity of understanding that God has given us the ability with his arms wide open just waiting, the move is mine to make.
The same results of victory or feeling of accomplishment will happen with family and friends when hearts are allowing the “fruits of the spirit” to be the guide and allowing your life to have a feeling of success.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Continuing to grow adding strength

Life can be exciting and interesting, or it can be upsetting and disappointing.
Many cases we teach the child to respect and to treat others like we desire to be treated. Then as the parent we correct them when they do not follow by the way we told them to do. As they see the parent treat and disrespect their other parent, family, friends or others they do not even know the parent immediately tries to tell them their incorrect or wrongful thoughts and actions.
But if they see the parent disrespect their own parent, spouse, friends and even the child we wonder why they are not doing what I told them to.
It is when I express charity, mercy, honor, and forgiveness living by the rest of the “fruits of the spirit” even when disagreements come about with family, friends and others is being the example I long for my child to be.
It is like an open cut after I or another had the choice to pick up the sharp item the right wrong and getting a deep cut, then having it treated and as the skin was put back together with a bandage or another way to heal, it will never happen if I keep picking or pulling up the protective covering or stitches the original bond of the skin will never grow back to together like we desire and long for it to. When we know the original feelings and sensation that was felt when the first decision was made. As we even realizing the skin will never heal and scar we still do it the, it comes down to why? So next time I receive another cut within myself I will seek the reason or purpose my choice was made, was it for me or someone else I will blame for my own actions and faults. The only way I would desire a change from the past, is to keep my eyes on the goal I originally longed for. From the beginning the desire was to share my life by giving and sharing a heart filled to give with a life living like God desired to have a family to have. So if God is Love is why Christ was an example and expressed why the tree of the “Fruits of the Spirit” was originally created is for a heart and life to enjoy a family desire by giving and sharing my life to create a strong family so it can grow and continue to develop.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Source through Development

I have lived in locations where both has taken place. When we built our home we had an unfinished basement added to the plans. In preparation for the future both were wired into the main source of power outside the house, but both have their own separate breaker box. The other location we lived in there was a detached garage with additional framework for an apartment. The main source of power for both structures relied on the same power grid from the street grid. So when power was lost from the main grid both breaker boxes lost the same connection of power. Even when storms have damaged the cities electrical substations, everyone loses power that all are networked together, even when they may not be next to each other.
So when ones start building subdivisions or just two separate homes by each other on a same piece of property usually everyone has that same origin of electrical power lines.
In times of past natural disasters that has taken place and majority of damage is wide spread. It has been shown that the best way recovery came about is by everyone worked and had a part together. And as new development is created several cases the new structures are redesigned to stand against any new tragedies and misfortunes that comes about. 
Having hearts and minds that are seeking for some kind of peace within, strength only comes by strong connections and not through blockages of hearts but lives keeping the “Fruits of the Spirit” in guidance in a daily walk.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Trying with effort

Everything that irritates us about others, can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. Older mistakes are a great way to be educated. Disagreeing through prior information that has not been complete, may be the best time to research and seek while drawing closer to others. With a continual effort may be a goal to develop to reach a destination ones long for. Live through example is a great way to express the direction I hope for. I never gained knowledge when trying to prove ones incorrect, instead of listening for further comprehension with other perspectives may bring a greater enlightenment.  
Being approved or feeling you have to be is common idea, to desire or make ones feel they have to prove themselves to others that they are up to the level or where you feel or others desire you to be higher plain. By degrading ones and not being where you or others should be, you may come up to a time when you are looking up while asking to help realizing you need to be pulled up.
Security or insecurity, which one does what your mind dwells upon?
On a ball team playing with others the best way to really feel like you are jelling together or playing as one, is not thinking where your teammates are on the court or field. If everyone is thinking the same as a team the plays will cone together or each thought or idea is common, that is called “in one accord”.
That is how a winning team needs to be.
A good team no one has to prove to the others you are on their team, the feeling should be mutual without effort.
Just like family and friends each will be there for the others without a thought, it will be a desire through the heart to be there for the others. No questions asked, just emotional security with fervent love for the other.
No matter distance or disagreements between family, friends and teammates
you may try to forget, but the best if times will never be forgotten. Priorities is was is what changes any bad times of past, to building on the good times for the present and for the future.
That is my thought and desire of a “Complete Friendship”

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Power with Might

An original friendship is like the sunlight, you can go from one side of the earth to the other the shine still comes from the same place. I have been from Hawaii to New York from Alaska to Florida the brightness still shines from that same source of power and illumination. No matter trying to forget good times they will always be there. If by death or a separation by locations, the good times will always remain with each one. The radiation of a first commitment with a friend with great memories will not be forgotten. The strength of a bond is like the waves in the water, watching the water hit the rock of a cliff the water will bounce back to the ocean. As hurricanes come on the shore we have seen devastation and damage. It tears down the man made structures but seldom has ability to destroy that original granite or solid rock. Stability will always stand with effort and desire thought the heart, mind and soul there is strength. And in rough times the heart and mind dwelling with love and charity still stands.
Family and friends are a help to keep a life solid. When someone close to your heart is no longer able to be with us, the good times are never able to be taken away.
Close people with care and love are built like strong structures, natural events can take a roof or outside pieces of the building. When the ground shakes it may cause damage within the building. But I have seen wind, rain destroy roofs, walls and the framework. I have seen earthquakes not take away the foundations but may have cracked the concrete. Anything that may disturb the house you live in, great memories of love will never be taken away. Prior love and emotions will never leave us. The current time you have with ones may have had times of trouble or disturbances, like a place you built and live in, you can remodel or change decor you still have the original house built for you. Managing a good landscaped home while making sure the weeds are being pulled out by the roots while the ground is moist from a clean fresh rain is easier to keep the yard, gardens from dying or  being controlled and taken over by weeds, poison ivy and such like.
Caring for trees and plants pruning and trimming them will help limbs and plants to grow and become a healthy plant to keep their color with strong limbs for continual growth. Pulling weeds out as soon as you see them start to come up from the ground is easier to bring forth others than letting the roots dig in deeper and spread out in the ground.
Keeping a homes landscape kept clean makes the outside looking great. But the inside of the house may be a disaster. 
When you are trying to sell your house you keep it presentable for anyone who may be searching a house just for them. And looking at an inside of a home that is clean and maintained is a easier way to make a sale.
As your life continues it’s journey while trying to enjoy the time you have to be with family and friends. There is nothing better than recalling enjoyable moments you shared with others. Memories are hard to beat when reminising good times together. of course with the times of joy, you do recall disappointing moments you may desire to have the ability to change the past. Many times the past is great education for the current times and future.
Wounds are difficult to heal if after the process of healing if the scab continues to be pulled off, then it takes time to start the process again.
 The deeper the cut the longer it may take to heal. As ones has had times of stress with others circumstances arise many times not even planning on it. Just like a bandage will help heal, comfort and pure emotions will help reassure there are open arms to catch you and lift you up. After you fall down while you are being helped up both have a grip using muscle to pull the other up.

Friday, January 3, 2020

A new start for the Year.

At the beginning of each new year the common history has been to have ambitions and enthusiasm to achieve from a list of intentions and targets to pursue for the year.What if we look back at other times when thoughts and determinations were a success, some were categorized under prosperity, to strengthen our daily life within and others come as our walk continues each day. Prosperity is usually from times past searching and questioning for understandings, while gaining new knowledge with further education to press farther. Other occasions it may help to think “what have I accomplished” instead of “what did I push aside or did not care about that may have been a need or obligations for others. When I have a lamp that no longer seems to work my first thought “need a new bulb.” Then I look and see it was unplugged so it lost it’s original connection from the power source. Another quick idea “oh I just need to replace it.” Then as I continue investigating for the reason why I see the the main power with was turned off not sending the power i needed. Many times severing the origin of activity or function of the heart is like trying to start a car without a strong or recharged battery or spark plug to ignite it. Having fresh ideas and open hearts while bonding will be like filling up the tank with new fuel to keep pressing forward with brighter expectations. God’s power can assist to be the strongest power of strength we can hope by desiring an understanding the path we seek. But the beginning starts when we put our trust and heart towards Him while treating others as we would desire to be approached and seen with a life and mind full of the “Fruits of the Spirit” as we walk or daily lives putting god and others first. That is the best way to be called a Friend or to create new relationships.