Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Free flowing generated power.

Life is like water
Calm powerful with peace, it forms to whatever holds it.
Purifies by the speed of the current from mountain top from a frozen atmosphere,
life will have serenity with pure hearts and minds towards others, when forgiveness and mercy is expressed and accepted.
When water stays stagnant impurity’s set in and becomes polluted and poisoned. By giving your heart to others in friendship and charity genuine and authentic feelings are expressed and lived by.
When a heart holds hate wrath and bitterness a life can be held back from growth with God, family and friends.
When God’s water of his spirit of life is living and dwelling within us, attitude is alive and living by the “fruits of the Spirit” then the river of life will flow without obstacles. Fruit will flourish and ripen when kept clean, feed and maintained. 
Life of rage hate and bitterness, can preform just as much damage in life, like raging waters the brings destruction towards land and life within it.
Water is not able to be damaged or destroyed, but infections from something that is dead and not moving can cause impurities and bacteria to set in and spread.
Water that is a fast rapid flowing river coming down from snow and rain, will purify and detox and dilutes itself. If the gushing channel seems that obstructions may be ahead, the momentum and pressure of the water will press through or create a new direction to reach the destination it is flowing towards. even if a created physical source is developed to prevent the movement forward substancial power will still be able to break down whatever is constituted or established for trying to hold it back.
Hearts full of the God’s spirit of love and charity will not be penetrated by any wrath or desire of destruction with hate and bitterness, but be able to hold ground and sheltered by God’s power through any time of storm.  

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