Monday, October 31, 2022

Close Relationships

Loyalty has a deep and detailed definition.

Most have an individual who you desire or have a close connection to ones who may help maintain and help keep up parts in your house utilities or your vehicles. Several have individuals you have a bond or just a preference towards your personal care or health provider. I know places you live around food providers or other need’s locations you shop or eat at satisfies your household items or taste buds more than others.

Many times feelings towards sports teams has a past to present connection you may have grown up with, keeping up with the teams there may be a history with family or friends you watched the sport together with. Until the end of my Father’s life we still talked about the past to present sports teams we shared time watching together. 

As you live and enjoy faithful relationships with deep devotion with family and friends there are different emotions that you feel and have a closer bond with.

For years the teams I enjoy keeping up with and watching will have bad luck or just not a complete team to win, but I have still pulled for the teams due to history and past fullness of prior success.

With individuals you have spent your life or many hours with there has been a reason and desired the time shared.

As times moves on and time and maturity has increased usually knowledge will increase. Diversity of ideas and perspectives of thoughts change. But good history between ones never will change. Times friends have built homes next to each other using the same builder, with a piece of land divided between ones for a little space between each other.

Ones may desire the same floor plan but the external landscape or color views is different. Even on the inside usually the furniture and appliances will be different. No matter the visual differences the foundations of homes from the ground to the concrete supplier the builder used should be the same.

If original desires and direction between ones from long term beginning of friendships, only growth within hearts and minds should continue to develop towards a closer relationship.  

We are not able to become what we need to be, remaining who are and what we are. Having faith with humbleness and determination will help carry ones farther, with hope and willingness of mind. A life filled with charity and a heart of forgiveness love will provide strength and motivation to reach out and hold on to others you once were or are connected together with, helps create a stronger heart and soul for success. Goals to achieve and desires to fulfill wither it will be with God, family and friends guidance by the following the path through the “fruits of the spirit” will lead with a Godly spiritual power that will bind you to any other destination or plateau that will not be found through other resources without feeling the spirit and presence of God helping and leading you. Choice is a beginning, opportunity takes action, learning from prior mistakes of your own is a guide how to lead toward advancement having  greater possibilities ahead. Development and growth within only comes through choice and diversity with increase of understanding, though desire and longing with continual effort seeking with a Godly life with the power he provides and is given to us, leads to happiness with a realization and triumph over past setbacks and sufferings.     

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