Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is my objective?

Self-righteousness is the largest idol of the human heart - the idol which man loves most and God dislikes. You will always be going back to this idol. You are always trying to be something in yourself to prove, to gain God's or ones favor.

Proving one wrong is that the way to be right?
Demand will get you nowhere.
Forcing love is not true love.
The best defense of the scriptures is letting the truth run its course to be the offense.
Truth will never need to be defended, just enlightened.
Being willing and open, is the first step to peace.
Christ did not teach criticism, He assisted and guided.
God will set in order for all judgments to be under His decision and final word.
Christ did not come to judge, he came to guide and to be a negotiator.
He was and is our daysmen or mediator.