Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Continuing to grow adding strength

Life can be exciting and interesting, or it can be upsetting and disappointing.
Many cases we teach the child to respect and to treat others like we desire to be treated. Then as the parent we correct them when they do not follow by the way we told them to do. As they see the parent treat and disrespect their other parent, family, friends or others they do not even know the parent immediately tries to tell them their incorrect or wrongful thoughts and actions.
But if they see the parent disrespect their own parent, spouse, friends and even the child we wonder why they are not doing what I told them to.
It is when I express charity, mercy, honor, and forgiveness living by the rest of the “fruits of the spirit” even when disagreements come about with family, friends and others is being the example I long for my child to be.
It is like an open cut after I or another had the choice to pick up the sharp item the right wrong and getting a deep cut, then having it treated and as the skin was put back together with a bandage or another way to heal, it will never happen if I keep picking or pulling up the protective covering or stitches the original bond of the skin will never grow back to together like we desire and long for it to. When we know the original feelings and sensation that was felt when the first decision was made. As we even realizing the skin will never heal and scar we still do it the, it comes down to why? So next time I receive another cut within myself I will seek the reason or purpose my choice was made, was it for me or someone else I will blame for my own actions and faults. The only way I would desire a change from the past, is to keep my eyes on the goal I originally longed for. From the beginning the desire was to share my life by giving and sharing a heart filled to give with a life living like God desired to have a family to have. So if God is Love is why Christ was an example and expressed why the tree of the “Fruits of the Spirit” was originally created is for a heart and life to enjoy a family desire by giving and sharing my life to create a strong family so it can grow and continue to develop.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Source through Development

I have lived in locations where both has taken place. When we built our home we had an unfinished basement added to the plans. In preparation for the future both were wired into the main source of power outside the house, but both have their own separate breaker box. The other location we lived in there was a detached garage with additional framework for an apartment. The main source of power for both structures relied on the same power grid from the street grid. So when power was lost from the main grid both breaker boxes lost the same connection of power. Even when storms have damaged the cities electrical substations, everyone loses power that all are networked together, even when they may not be next to each other.
So when ones start building subdivisions or just two separate homes by each other on a same piece of property usually everyone has that same origin of electrical power lines.
In times of past natural disasters that has taken place and majority of damage is wide spread. It has been shown that the best way recovery came about is by everyone worked and had a part together. And as new development is created several cases the new structures are redesigned to stand against any new tragedies and misfortunes that comes about. 
Having hearts and minds that are seeking for some kind of peace within, strength only comes by strong connections and not through blockages of hearts but lives keeping the “Fruits of the Spirit” in guidance in a daily walk.