Friday, August 28, 2020

Thinking of others

Accepting other viewpoints or contrast perspectives, does not always take a complete change, but a new enlightenment with additional thoughts.
I have heard bands and choirs play the same song with words and chords the same, but a change in octaves can bring forth a greater and more enhanced feeling with the same horns, singers and sheet music.
Strength and power is built as extra tension of muscle supported with strong bones, while adding more weight and additional pressure.
The most powerful ties you can have with ones, are feelings and emotions full of love, charity and forgiveness.
Just as Christ expressed his love by giving himself, or his Father through giving his only begotten. Unconditional love is a desire to love and share without expectations of return. The acceptance of ones love is when you give your all through your feelings and emotions to help others. Just think of a lock with only one key that you are holding, when you throw away or never look to find one, the connection or idea is to never let go or be released from the ties or strong grip that is holding you together.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Your own choice

Decisions from choices or options provides answers, at times come from personal opinions is all ones may only choose from.
Accusations will usually come from ones own direction of answers all that is pleasing to them. Conclusions ones may only walk the journey coming by everyone’s own path they desire to benefit.
When suggestions occur it could stand by caring with mutual feelings, respect and emotional aspirations to assist through a heart to care and help others.
When giving from the heart not expecting return, dual connections grow and increase.
Ones will desire for bonds and relationships to have unending. Opportunities to press on will mature and spread towards others through examples seeking for support form others.
The first initial effort trying to seek a life having Christ within, will be like hiking up a mountain and finding a place to rest with a pure river of water, and around is fresh wild fruit growing to be nourished to continue on the journey to reach the final destination of choice that your heart desires and is longing for. Transplanted replant plant - complete Beginning clean soil new seed digging plant up from the roots, Transfer- from one container or something else il to another . (Starting over) - Forgiveness with charity from the heart Plant- by choice allowing a heart to be filled and maintain with the “Fruits of the Spirit” The beginning of understanding who and letting God in Maintaining whatever you plant you must make sure moisture is the pure source for growth and development. When a dry time comes making sure water is supplying the roots for continual maturity. Making sure weeds do not grow and develop around to choke out all life within it. Freedom with a good heart

Feeling of Victory

Occasionally a change of mind and heart can bring the best response or completion.
Freedom with a life full of charity and love, provides peace to help relationships stay strong and close.
The most enjoyable times in playing sports, is when you feel the team is in one accord with each other, that will lead towards the goal of success while thinking alike on a team with the same desire inside each mind and heart being together. The players I had on teams having collective insight and feeling what the others were going to preform for the next play with shared thoughts created the method with indulgence and awareness for everyone. Fortunately victorious achievements took place each time.  
Objectives in life wither it is family, friends or business engagements to grow and create a close bond to increase thoughts of help and ambition to grow together and not apart, with a united concern and sympathy between each other is all that is needed will bring fulfillment in lives. 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Not letting go.

Trying to prove someone wrong or you are right usually based on history of ones own perspective or position on a matter.
When an unsuccessful past is tried again it can bring a new light how to correct a dead end. Prior guidances and studies that are still being used and expressed, comes across with mutual and equal understanding.
Watching or being an example many times is the best education.
Change of mind and heart can bring the best response or completion.
Majority of divisions are based on opinions and not fact or full knowledge, and then categorized as political correctness or selfishness. “What is in it for me?”
Accepting other viewpoints does not always take a complete change, but a new enlightenment with additional thoughts can or will assist.
I have heard bands and choirs play or preform the same song with words and chords the same, but a change in octaves and beat can bring forth a greater enhanced feelings with the same horns, singers and sheet music.
Strength and power is built as extra tension of muscle supported with strong bones, while adding more weight and additional pressure.
The most powerful ties you can have with ones, are feelings and emotions full of love, charity and forgiveness. Being prepared to help when ones are in time of need, 
Just as Christ expressed his love by giving himself, or his Father through giving his only begotten. Unconditional love is a desire to love and share without expectations of return. The acceptance of ones love is when you give your all through your feelings and emotions to help others. Just think of a lock with only one key that you are holding, when you throw away or never look to find one, the connection or idea to never let go or released from the ties or strong grip that is holding together.