Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Languages from the Heart When we think from heart, is to relate to the life and world with emotions of love, that is not premeditated by thoughts or planning with ulterior and selfish motives, rather it is responding instantaneously with the direct vibrations triggered by expressions or feelings in reactions that interact with personal events of relationships within the inner most being of our heart, mind and soul. Having passion is developed by living the utmost care, by displaying a heart of charity, concerned affectionate behavior to others. Spirituality in real sense is beyond thoughts, feelings and senses, beyond mind, as all these are the creation made by and riddled with ego, which is anti spiritual! Intuitive relating to the world with almost reflexive awareness that is beyond mind is spirituality. It is more wholesome and integrated than the tiny and petty ego can weave. None of us needs instruction but times assistance in how to recognize what your heart is saying. We do need guidance, however on how to have the courage to follow those feelings, since they will force us to change our lives in any case. But consider the consequences of not listening to the heart's guidance: depression, confusion, and the wretched feeling that we are not on our life's true path, but viewing it from a distance. What is speaking From the Heart? Before we sell the merits of speaking from the heart, we must first define what it means.  What does it mean to speak from the heart?  It is a metaphor for speaking with genuine emotion.  It is not deliberately inserting emotional material to elicit emotional responses from different ones.  Who says the only feelings from the heart is sadness? If your heart is glad, let it be glad!  Speaking from the heart is being open from feelings present for the moment. An open and charitable heart should be the center of our life.  It is sharing from your essence, in each moment.  It is being authentic, being real. Too much focus on technique bulldozes the ones that desire to share feelings with you.  They do not get a chance to join in because we are too busy actively displaying or proving to them our latest ideas, or selfish ways. When we yearn for something our goal is to fulfill that desire or compassion we have for ourselves. Times we may feel for others and try to help, but can that be caused from a selfish act to manipulate or influence ones and receive utmost wishes for our self? But if we speak through a heart for others, we will try to penetrate a closed path into others hearts. We can come to a conclusion when your are really trying to talk to ones with a heart of love and charity, the effort to listen and share a full desire to show your willingness to make a way for them to feel your mind and heart is there when they would need to call upon someone. Many times you can tell them to take it in prayer to God, but if they do not have a basic understanding who God is, being a person with a heart of charity and care is what we can do to help express for them to choose the way to God. That is how we are able understand the mystery of God’s love, by following the path that Christ left for us in his word. (Having a tongue of the mind, or heart. Words to come across with the right spirit will override all wrong thoughts and actions.) Wholehearted devotion- Doing with all your heart soul mind and strength. Taking time out of your lifetime to help and do for others. No matter the outcome, if you give all you have through your heart is all God desires his followers to search for. If your goal is to help and love having the right spirit and attitude without recompense in return is all you can do. But if I think to be closer to God by telling if someone is living right, or having the right spirit, do I love ones greater than myself? Humans always enjoy telling another, that they need a heart or disposition adjustment. My heart should always be concerned for all others than putting myself first, and doing God’s will. That is how I can show God I will do His will, and love him with all my heart, mined, soul and strength. Devoting my life to God should be my goal in life. Yielding my life towards the feelings of others, by giving my life to the needs of family and all who need friendship. That is being a true child of God, by living with a Christ-like heart. A loving sincere heart is full of kindness and charity, with a loving spirit to help and not attack others, from disagreements to misunderstandings, or just anger built up from past happenings. There have been times I still have or once had hardships and discouragements kept in my heart, I did not release those feelings and all it caused was disturbance of my daily walk. That is where the heart of forgiveness comes into play. Holding on to past experiences is the hardest to get rid of in our heart, soul and mind. All that does is fills up the heart with anger, strife, hate and bitterness. Retaliation is what is in all hearts of mankind; revenge comes about by dwelling and not letting go. It is tough to turn the other cheek, walk away as anger is building up, it has always been hard for myself, it was very heard and that is what caused Abel’s death. Anger and jealousy was built up in the Heart of Cain. Cain did not put his whole heart in trying to find a sacrifice that god desired Him to give. Doing my best and giving all I have towards ones that need it in times of trouble in their lives. The decision to release and let go o f my desires first, and not seeing the needs for others is again under the category of selfishness and outing myself first, and not regarding for others feelings. Love to give with a free-will not expecting in return. Christ gave His life, and God gave all He had His only begotten son. Christ gave his physical life, but a gift of giving myself through a heart of understanding, without reason or question what about me, which is what charity is all about. Charity can fall under the category not just giving to needs, but having compassion with the right attitude for others. A judgmental call comes from the heart and spirit of pride and bias towards my own conjecture or predications. When I go forth by trying to prove ones wrong without realizing that I can learn from others thoughts, or consideration and regard to others. To prove is my Heart or Mind? Does anyone really need to prove that they are living a life for God? Ones that are working and talking by their heart and mind, will be shown by example by the way they live and walk daily through love and charity. Even if someone claims to be walking in God’s path or been called, does any Christian need to express their walk with God verbally, to really show God is working in their lives? Am I able to tell others, that they should live the way that I think a Christian should live? Or is it God’s choice to examine and to let ones know, in their heart and mind, what way God desires them to live? God does use ones to explain the written word through translating the word from Greek, Hebrew, and Latin definitions into the English language. During the 20th century when God was pouring out of His Spirit in the land, how can anyone say who God was calling or working with? God reached out to individuals he chose and asked them to follow to be used for his will, to preach and spread His word. God began to call Men to preach salvation and living by the fruits of the Spirit. In some cases God saved some people from the sinful world, but they still had difficulty with certain cravings of the world. God has delivered ones from sin, but ones may still had problems with illegal substances or habits of life. If God forgave them from this sinful world, and the individual continue to serve God with all their heart how can I say anything? How can I question God’s reason for not delivering them from their addictions? As long as ones continue working for God without harming anyone Spiritually, again how can I judge God? Being spiritual is working in many ways in God. The Fruits of the Spirit and the Sermon on the Mount are the most detailed ways God has asked for His people to live by. God working in ones lives is very important, but letting God use me by living the way He asked me to live, is all up to me. Salvation in God’s eyes is far greater vision than what my human and spiritual eyes can see. In life natural vision would be hard not to live with. But in my case I hit the time in my life where I had to start using reading glasses. But my son and my wife’s natural vision are far worse than mine. Does that mean with their assistance with glasses to bring they are nearsighted vision to 20- 20, does that make my vision of the stars any brighter? Man’s view of the vast stars in our galaxy, is very minute to God’s sight. God’s spiritual galaxy is far greater and more interesting than what man can see or understand. Having in possession some complete teachings of God’s word, how can I say that is greater than having a right spirit? Looking at the Centurion and the Rich young ruler, which one had the right spirit? Having the right spirit sometimes is far more important. When talking to people daily in my profession I need to be listening more than speaking, at times that is tough to do. Many discussions may bring a different viewpoint that what I may be use to hearing or seeing, but goal everyday is to learn something new everyday. If I start the every day at work with the idea, I am going to tell everyone how things are because I said so, would not go over very well. So in other words, my perspective may not always be right in others minds but slow explanation is what is needed majority of the time. If I see someone is searching for help or assistance with some understanding of what they need, I could be in a position to release my heart unto the desires they may need. Explaining ideas from an individual’s heart should be achieved if I know how to with a right spirit and an open mind and heart. Each time I open my mouth I try to since their feelings as I bring across my thoughts through my heart only for the purpose to help not to overtake or overbear them with my mind, but prevail with my heart. Trying to share and to push myself into the minds of others, are two different attitudes, one from the mind and the other from the inner most being of my life. When I exchange my goal is to performed live it from my heart. In sporting events ones may remember a team player that fumbles, turnovers or will make errors, but if that player latter in the game helps the team to win due to a last shot, a home run or runs the ball over into the end zone all incomplete plays incorrect decisions are put aside and forgotten after the game has been won. Life can be more enjoyable if mercy, forgiveness and charity would be embraced and then received by all family and friends. A grudge or bitterness will always keep disagreements and misunderstandings alive and living within hearts and minds daily. Outcome in games in championships series mistakes and miscues have changed results of games, but holding it over anyone may not help. The years I have played sports the best way I learned to correct my misplays or incorrect decisions was not from discouraging corrections but through my coaches helping me to see different viewpoints and help me to concentrate for the next play. Letting go of prior games helps to press forward and opens up for new development. Encouragement will always help improve and grow, where as judgement and criticism without a full or complete understanding of how the team is thinking, will cause setbacks and the ability not to succeed. To study and recall any past actions or choices many times will not give the answer “why” but help to conclude and guide you and think what to do next. Team effort has been the only way I was taught and helped for every win we achieved. Recognizing a coaches success is not by the number of wins, but by each player being able to pass on to the next generations how to seek with their hearts and minds how to press towards a goal of maturity and continual new development, and a attitude to work hard together with unity as a team. ( John Wooden) “ Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are. It is only up to you to desire what you want to be.”

It is my call

To blame is simple. After purchasing a new bat and the first time going to the plate I struck out. The next time to the plate I was handed another bat to use from the dugout struck out again. “it was the wrong bat I was handed” is an easy thought.  Another  ‘it was not the one I ordered” they store sent me the wrong one.” The next game we played trying another bat from a teammate, still having trouble at the plate, “this time it was a bad call from the umpire.” Not taking responsibility for my own decisions or actions is very common. It is the other ones fault for my bad judgment. It is just as simple to blame others for misunderstandings or choices, when they are not the way I think the answer should be. All the teams I have played on the best way to be called a “Team” is when we win or lose, we do it all together. To be there for others will be the best way to win with success. To find the reason many times looking into a mirror will provides the answer. 

One of the main messages that comes through loud and clear from studying our Bible is the extreme importance that God the Father is placing on that everyone learn how to love Him, love ourselves, love one another, and to even go as far as to be able to love our enemies and those who will try and hurt us.

You can be the greatest man of God and have some of the greatest gifts of God flowing through you – but if you are not walking with all of this in the spirit of love and humility, it will have all been for naught.
However, our abilities as fallen humans to love one another, is very limited. This is why it is so important for each and every Christian to work very closely with the Holy Spirit to get this fruit worked up into the core of our personalities. It is only when the love of the Holy Spirit starts to flow and enter into our personalities can we even begin to love God, love ourselves, and love one another to the degree and to the intensity that God would like to see from each one of us.

Here are some of the different definitions on what love is from the different Bible dictionaries and commentaries:

Unselfish, benevolent concern for another; brotherly concern; the object of brotherly concern or affection

The self-denying, self-sacrificing, Christ-like love, which is the foundation of all other graces

Unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for the well being of another

The high esteem, which God has for His human children and the high regard, which they, in turn, should have for Him and other people

To love, to have affection for someone; to like; to be a friend; the love of brothers for each other

Here is how the quality of peace is described in some of the different Bible dictionaries and commentaries:

The presence and experience of right relationships

The tranquility of soul

Sense of well-being and fulfillment that comes from God and is dependent on His presence

The inner tranquility and poise of the Christian whose trust is in God through Christ
Tranquility, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord