Tuesday, December 29, 2009

5 marks of a pure heart

Since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water (Hebrews 10:21-22). To the pure all things are pure (Titus 1:15).
I shall next show you the signs of a pure heart.
1) A sincere heart is a pure heart: ‘In whose spirit there is no guile’ (Psalm 32:2). There are four characters of a sincere-hearted Christian.
(a) A sincere heart serves God with the whole heart.
(b) A sincere heart is willing to come under a trial. ‘Search me, O God, and try me’ (Psalm 139: 23).
(c) a man of sincere heart dares not act in the least against his conscience.
(d) a sincere heart is a suspicious heart. The hypocrite suspects others and has charitable thoughts of himself. The sincere Christian has charitable thoughts of others and suspects himself.
2) A pure heart breathes after purity. A gracious soul is so in love with purity that he prizes a pure heart above all blessings.
(a) Above riches.
(b) Above gifts.
3) A pure heart abhors all sin. A man may forbear and forsake sin, yet not have a pure heart.
(a) He may forbear sin as one may hold his breath while he dives under water, and then take breath again.
(b) He may forbear sin for fear of the penalty.
(c) He may forbear sin out of a design. He has a plot in hand and his sin might spoil his plot.
4) Again, a man may forsake sin yet not have a pure heart. Sin may be forsaken upon wrong principles.
(a) From morality: moral arguments may suppress sin.
(b) From policy: a man may forsake sin, not

Monday, December 28, 2009

A thought of having Alzheimer’s ?

This might sound astounding, but it could be a interesting way to go.
Here's my thought, -
I had a Grandfather pass away with this disease.
And I was around to see his life continue to increase with this disease, from the beginning until his passing.
But studying this problem developed in his life,
I saw ones feel sorry for him.
Maybe ones in the Family or his friends, had a little
more trouble coping with this situation he was living in.
And watching him as the disease continued to take over his life,
in the late years he seemed happy still.
I'm sure at the beginning as this disease started developing he struggled,
while it increased until it was in full control of his life he was happy.
Every time I was around him he seemed happy.
In most cases of ones with this illness, they might become violent.
I'm thankful this was not his problem.
But my thought was even during this duration, he was oblivious to all negativism of the problems around him in this world.
This will take place, " this will be my goal to see this fulfilled."
That ones would have this peace in their lives, as it was in my Grandfather's life until the end.
Our troubles and problems of life that is upon us, our lives will have a chance to live in peace.with the power of a higher source.
I know this sounds like it is impossible, but with faith one day it will be possible. This will be the aspect of this world.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Learning from Mistakes

Mistakes can and will create harmful wounds.
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.
Love will help all wounds of life. Healing deep wounds or cuts, cannot heal without treatment with an antidote and bandage.

Bandage= A strip of material such as gauze used to protect. Protection is an act of love and concern for others,
Love is like a antiseptic- ( (antiseptic, agent that kills or inhibits the growth) microorganisms on the surfaces of the body\ inhibits = to prohibit from doing something
And antiseptic is a antidote = A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison or infection.

Without antiseptic and a bandage open sores will bring on bacteria.
A key function of bacteria in the ecosystem is in decomposition of living matter. ecosystem = components of an environment of microorganisms.
microorganisms = A minute microorganism or germ can produce disease.

A person that will help someone that is hurt or wounded, has to have a heart of concern.
A concern shows someone that he has respect of his life and well being
for others.
In other words he is showing mercy for ones.
respect = the condition of being esteemed or honored
love = affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.
mercy = a disposition to show kindness

And showing these actions upon others you are honoring other lives.
HONOR - High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem:
Definition: That which rightfully attracts esteem, respect, or consideration

Virtually nothing comes out right the first time. Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. The only time you don't want to fail is the last time you try something.... One fails forward toward success.

When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. The greatest mistake you can make in life,
is to be continually fearing you will make one.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Applying Respect

Respect is earned. Being respectful needs to be re-enforced by showing our children they must treat others the way they wish to be treated.

You show respect in order to get respect; meaning that it really does not matter how people treat you, it's how you treat the people that do wrong to you. Basically what goes around comes around and nobody wants to die the life they live. So no matter what happens in life keep a clean slate for your own self respect and you will surely be rewarded for it. I know it's not fair, but nothing in life is, except our choices. They are free and help make a great difference in this old world.

A man's real life is that accorded to him in the thoughts of other men by reason of respect or natural love.

Seeing our own inner lack of respect shows us the path toward cultivating it, toward intentionally adopting a genuinely respectful attitude. And respect, coupled with the rest of our spiritual practice, leads to humility and love. Ultimately we may recognize the one quality worthy of unlimited respect, both in ourselves and others: the spark of Divinity.

If you have some respect for people as they are, you can be more effective in helping them to become better than they are.

" Harry S. Truman" : ( Quotes on Respect )
We must build a new world, a far better world - one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected.

…Always maintain a respectful attitude toward others, appreciating the vulnerability they may feel about being touched. Listen to what they tell you, verbally and non-verbally. Be sensitive to their feedback to your touch. Remember that a respectful attitude requires that you come from a place that is compassionate and non-judgmental. A respectful attitude contributes to a safe and healing atmosphere for the client…

Open communication will daily bring peace in our lives.

Life is very busy for families these days. In most cases, one or both parents work full time; some may even have more than one job; children often have many different activities within a week plus a heavy load of homework. Weekends are frequently a flurry of activity with parents rushing children to sports or special classes, running errands, and/or attending to household chores. With so much going on, parents and children may see very little of each other, especially if parents leave the house before children wake up or come home after their bedtime. Communication between family members and respect for each other's needs, property and time commitments can be adversely affected; relationships between family members can also suffer, creating a divide. If you find yourself in this scenario, there are ways to improve communication and respect between family members and to build a more unified family group.

We have to make time to communicate. Family communication encourages family bonds… family bonds boost the desire for and frequency of family gatherings… and family gatherings provide an even greater opportunity (and need) for family communication. It’s a cyclical effect. One leads to, supports, and strengthens the other

Open and honest communication creates an atmosphere that allows family members to express their differences as well as love and admiration for one another. It is through communication that family members are able to resolve the unavoidable problems that arise in all families.

Communication is the single greatest factor affecting a person’s relationships with others. It is the key to accomplishing individual and family goals. Positive communication can be a useful tool in drawing a family together and helping them learn to support, rather than harm one another. Communicating with our families is an ongoing challenge.

Some families are naturally good at communicating, however, many families would like to work at improving their skills. The way we communicate (or don’t communicate) is often taught in the home.

Take a moment to think about how the family you grew up in communicated with each other. Was it positive and effective? Think about how you would like to teach your children to communicate.

Remember, they will learn communication skills and communication styles from you.

Acceptance is a key ingredient in family communication. You may not agree with other family members, but it is essential that you show your respect by listening and speaking about ideas, feelings, and concerns. Acknowledge your differences and allow family members and friends to have differences of opinions.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tearing down a stronghold, and walls within.

How to tear down a stronghold, and walls within.
2 Corinthians 10:4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds."
Strongholds are birthed and dwell in deception (which are lies and false beliefs), so naturally the cure is to bring the truth in God's Word on the scene. You debunk the lies of the enemy, with the truth, which is in the Word of God! The Bible says that our weapons are mighty for the tearing down of strongholds (2 Cor 10:4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds."). What is our primary offensive weapon? The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph 6:17, "...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."). Truth dispels deception and lies, and therefore the more truth you bring into a situation, the more the darkness must flee. This is where it's important to grow in God's Word, is because it is your primary weapon for tearing down the strongholds of deception that the enemy has been feeding you.
In John 8:31-36, Jesus tells us that we can be held in bondage due to strongholds in our lives. And His solution was to, "continue in my word... and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (v. 32-32) Strongholds are torn down as we meditate on God's Word, which is truth!
What is a stronghold?
A stronghold is a faulty thinking pattern based on lies and deception. Deception is one of the primary weapons of evil, because it is the building blocks for a stronghold. What strongholds can do is cause us to think in ways which block us from God's best. For example, if you think you have to confess all your sins to everybody you've ever wronged, you'll feel just awful and guilty until you do all that, and even then, you'll probably feel guilty, because you probably forgot many people that you didn't confess your sins to. All unnecessary, and a waste of time, all because you were deceived and thought that you had to do something that you really didn't have to do.
An example of a stronghold at work: A common scene is somebody who is scared of God, and has a hard time feeling His love and presence. They view Him as a cruel taskmaster, and not as the God that is really is to them, and therefore, they put up there own wall which makes it hard for them to receive God's love, presence and draw close in their relationship with Him. If you saw your spouse as a rude and cruel dictator, you probably wouldn't be as apt to snuggle upto Him and love him as you would if you saw him as a loving and kind person who loves you and cares for you. If you see somebody as mean, it's hard to receive their love, isn't it? That's how our perception of God can hinder us from feeling His love and presence in our lives. It is VERY important to have a correct perception of God if we want to live victorious lives in Christ Jesus!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What causes foes?

Of course it’s very hard to forgive others when we are hurt; however, we must understand that we inherently possess a wild and evil conscience that causes craziness. Therefore, we must forgive everyone since those who attack us are being dominated by their wild conscience. They are not being human because their conscience is dysfunctional.

With this basic truth in mind, you can follow these 5 difficult steps and learn how to forgive your enemies. I’m not telling you that they are easy because this is real medicine. However, in the end they are not that difficult. And, after your first experiences, you’ll automatically be able to forgive your enemies.

1)Eliminate your anger and hate, transforming them into sadness because you were a victim of somebody else’s evil.

You must not hate monsters because it is not their fault for being that way. Unfortunately, human nature is very violent and the human being can control his behaviour and be balanced only by passing through psychotherapy. This is a fact that our society has to understand, so that our population may be cured some day.

Look at your enemy as if you were looking at a very piteous creature and have pity on him because he is so mentally ill.

2)Think that you were attacked by your enemy due to his non controlable nature, nothing else.

Stop thinking about what happened, what he did or did not do, etc., and focus on the real reason that the enemy’s behaviour was so terrible—the momentary or progressive loss of conscience. It doesn’t matter which was the scenario and the play.

You must see the real purpose of the actions and their real motive, because your enemy is a slave of his or her primitive conscience, since it dominates the conscience. He cannot control his behaviour; his actions can only be harmful.

3)Cultivate pity towards your enemy.

Regard your enemy as you regard a schizophrenic who lives locked in an asylum because the enemy has no control over his or her behaviour.

Have pity on those who are dominated by their evil side because they only suffer and they can only live in despair.
4) You must love your enemies and care about their health and suffering because they are victims of their wild side and they have no notion of what they do, even though they appear that they do everything with an evil purpose, which they know very well. This evil purpose doesn’t belong to the human conscience, but to the primitive side.

5)Forget your enemy now that you understood everything and you don’t feel hatred. Take care of other matters of your life and remain occupied with them.
Step 2
Your enemies will feel ridiculous for having attacked you since you didn’t do anything against them, because you are not like them; you are different. You are not crazy, you don’t do absurd things. You put an end to violence with your peaceful and wise attitude.

You give also an opportunity to your enemies to comprehend that instead of hating you, since you didn’t take revenge, they shall be grateful because you didn’t do any of the several things you could have done against them to take your revenge.

You’ll keep your peace of mind and they’ll understand that you are superior.

They will be punished for their actions through the consequences of their mistakes, while you’ll be fine, living your life without any problem.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Being A Good Listener

A good listener tries to understand what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but because he disagrees, he needs to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with.
"Effective listeners remember that "words have no meaning - people have meaning." The assignment of meaning to a term is an internal process; meaning comes from inside us. And although our experiences, knowledge and attitudes differ, we often misinterpret each other’s messages while under the illusion that a common understanding has been achieved."
"There is no such thing as a worthless conversation, provided you know what to listen for. And questions are the breath of life for a conversation."
To listen fully means to pay close attention to what is being said beneath the words. You listen not only to the 'music,' but to the essence of the person speaking.
You listen not only for what someone knows, but for what he or she is. Ears operate at the speed of sound, which is far slower than the speed of light the eyes take in. Generative listening is the art of developing deeper silences in yourself, so you can slow our mind’s hearing to your ears’ natural speed, and hear beneath the words to their meaning."
The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.
We listen in order to learn and retain information. If we are speaking, we are not listening or learning anything to add to our sum of knowledge. This is why the first step to effective listening is to stop talking!

Being A Servant

If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.
If we wish to be compassionate with our fellow man, we must learn to engage in dispassionate analysis. In other words, thinking with our hearts, rather than our brains, is a surefire method to hurt those whom we wish to help.
Serving others may leave you tired at the end of the day, but with it comes a sense of accomplishment and humility. When we serve others we find a new way to be happy. Serving is a thankless job the majority of the time, but it is also a reward in itself. Think of raising children. You have to serve and sacrifice everyday for your children, but they are also the greatest source of happiness in your life. Here are ways to get more out of life by serving others:
Complete possession is proved only by giving. All you are unable to give possesses you.
You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out are the moments when you have done things for others.
Being a servant is to give of your time, attention , and assistance of others needs.
So to be a good husband, I need not to be selfish with my time, and to give to my wife.
A father is to be a servant even to his children, giving them attention when they need it. seeing to their needs as they are in need,
And when friends are in need, find what ways you can assist them with your abilities.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Benefits of being Apologetic

Apologies and forgiveness are important because intractable conflicts generate such deep and searing emotions. Even after the fighting stops, people still feel the pain, hurt, and hatred that produced the conflict and its horrors in the first place. Without apology and forgiveness, people remain locked in the value systems that produced the conflict. Little progress beyond a cease fire can be made.
The purpose of apology is to extend ourselves in such a way that relationships become deeper, and life becomes richer and more human in the process.
Most people find it pretty hard to apologize. Why is this? We do something wrong, we acknowledge to ourselves that we have done something wrong, and yet we may still find it hard to get those two little words out from between our pursed lips. So, why is it so hard to apologize?
Apologies aren't supposed to be easy. They are supposed to be soul-baring. That's why, when done right, they are so powerful and rehabilitative. It's hard to admit that we've hurt someone's feelings or caused someone pain, whether it's intentional or not. It's also hard to see ourselves in a less-than-positive light. It requires taking off the blinders we wear and facing our flaws.
Saying sorry is meant to make us feel vulnerable. How could it not? But here's the thing: It's really important to do in order for us to have healthy relationships. We all want and need to feel safe with the people we allow into our inner circle. We want to know that the people we are close to care about how we feel and are willing to admit their flaws. Not taking responsibility for wrongdoings makes us seem unsafe or untrustworthy. And withholding an apology is certainly not going to win us any friends! Saying you're sorry shows those you love that you care enough about them and the relationship to be aware of your shortcomings and take responsibility for your hurtful actions. In the end, making things right is way more important than being right.
The one who is wrong needs to ask forgiveness from the one who is right. Understandably, that's not a fun thought. Sometimes it's our pride or ego that gets in the way. And, of course, those who lack empathy can have a hard time embracing another person's feelings or perspective altogether, which makes saying sorry virtually impossible to do.
Apologies can also be an expression of sorrow. In other words, the person saying sorry is attempting to be empathetic toward you. In this case, simply accept their apology. They probably are being sincere, and you shouldn't’analyze their intent.
Often, apologies are uttered as a mere afterthought for minor trivialities. For something insignificant, such as bumping into someone, a brief but sincere apology is usually all that is needed.
Apology calls for a willingness to sacrifice on behalf of the wronged party and the inherent value of the relationship, not for what it brings to you but for what you can bring to it.

( Accepting Apologies )
To accept an apology isn't easy for either person involved. Apologizing is a very humble act. Well, it can be humble if done correctly. It is sometimes viewed by people as an admission of guilt. To apologize means guilt has been established and confirmed by the "offending" party when we accept an apology. Apologizing encourages the offender to accept responsibility for their role in causing offense. This, however, is hard on pride, and we have to be careful when we accept an apology.
Humans by nature, are prideful. We do not often like admitting when we are wrong, especially to others. It makes us feel we failed in an area, and forces us to become emotionally attached to the situation.
Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future
I cannot erase what I have done. We can apologize for it. We can express our outrage. We can say to the different ones, this is not my way and I do not condone it, but I cannot change it and I cannot erase it
But when the apology is given to me, it is only up to me to accept it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


( Struggles )
In every man the memory of the struggles and the heroes of the past is alive. But these memories are not incompatible with the desire for peace in the future.
Obstacles are necessary for success because in selling, as in all careers of importance, victory comes only after many struggles and countless defeats.
The difficulties and struggles of today are but the price we must pay for the accomplishments and victories of tomorrow.
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle...
There will always be men struggling to change, and there will always be those who are controlled by the past.”
Comimg together during struggles, becoming stronger in tough times,
“The struggle we undergo to remain faithful to one we love is little better than infidelity.”
“Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.”
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”
If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation...want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.... Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
Do not fear the challenges of life, but approach them patiently, with faith in God. He will reward your faith with power not only to endure, but also to prevail over hardships, disappointments, trials, and struggles of daily living. Through diligently striving to live the law of God and with faith in Him, we will not be diverted from our eternal course.

( Path way to happiness )
Enjoying freedom, releasing the past.
Just as you have the ability to change your mind, you also have the ability to change the state of your mind. Happiness and joy are states of mind to be enjoyed any time you want.
The first step in changing your state of mind is to visualize yourself in that happy state, even if you are feeling sad. Keep seeing yourself laughing, enjoying yourself and having fun, blocking any negative thoughts from entering--Corey Winters.
All the happiness you could ever want is already within you and costs nothing. By digging through the noise and minutia of everyday life, you will see tiny glimpses of the spiritual God-source from which all happiness emanates--the very joy of being.
Happiness is a choice to be made in advance or no later than the present moment. Negativity, once experienced can never be reversed, but if you are not careful, it can be lived again and again and again.
Hard times allow us to really dive deep into ourselves and figure out who we truly are and what we want out of life. They make us desire happiness more than we ever have and they can lead you to discovering your passions and what truly makes you happy. They can help you develop gratitude and appreciation for the little things we gloss over. No matter what happens to us in life, it is always up to us to determine how we will handle it.
Focusing on the things that bring happiness to daily living is a worthwhile exercise. It is easy to focus on the negative, especially when there are reminders everywhere. But choosing to seek ways to incorporate happy thoughts can make a tremendous difference in daily living. As the following quotes illustrate, happiness is largely a matter of choice.

Family Commitment

When you make a commitment to a relationship, you invest your attention and energy in it more profoundly because you now experience ownership of that relationship.
The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it.
Commitment To Your Wife
Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
God created a wife to be a companion, completer, helper and friend. And once you have chosen the woman for your wife, marriage brings you into a life time commitment to her. Therefore, the second strand in the three fold cord of commitment is permanent commitment to your wife.
Have you ever really studied Matthew 19:3-10? Most of us are familiar with Matthew 19:6b What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. But Christ hits the "marital commitment" issue head on and tells it like it is. Lets look at this passage (read the passage). We are talking permanent commitment here.
I want to emphasize the disciples' conclusion in verse 10 -- "His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry." The point is, marriage is a lifetime commitment (Romans 7:2-3)! Now, when I speak of commitment I am not referring to some form of passive past commitment that was based on hormones and emotions. Rather, I am referring to the daily exercise of 1 Corinthians 13 love. I am referring to taking the time to get to know your wife and communicate with her (1 Peter 3:7-10). I am talking about building the kind of a relationship together so that you enjoy being together and that after years of marriage you are still ravished with her love (Proverbs 5:18-21).
This kind of relationship requires personal effort and investing time.
Commitment To Your Children
The final strand in the three fold cord is a commitment to your children. Look at Ephesians 6:4. Notice what the father is charged with in the context of child rearing. That is no accident! Fathers are to be active in the rearing of their children. Ephesians 6:4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
One of the things that your wife needs the most, if there are children still at home, is your consistent involvement in the instruction and discipline of those children. The Book of Proverbs is filled with a father's instruction to his children. I was at my son's home just last night for a "father's day meal." When we were done I helped him replace a water pump on his car. As we were working together, he looked at me and said, "thanks dad, for teaching me how to use tools and do things like this. You have saved me literally hundreds of dollars." I can tell you, those words were a blessing to me!
Men and women, our nation and our churches desperately need strong families. One key aspect of developing a strong family is COMMITMENT
True commitment cannot be imposed from without, but rather springs from within, which is the source of all that is sacred and holy within the soul and the human, embodied self. Spiritual commitment that is made from love, and from the divine impulse of desiring to serve love, touches all and brings greater love and light into the world.
Commitment is following Jesus. "Commitment demands a choice. Jesus wasted no time getting to the heart of commitment: Either the disciples would be committed to Him and deny their own desires. or they would be determined to go their own ways and deny Him. The choice to commit is the same for all believers - either deny ourselves or deny Him; either go His way or we pursue our way.

Saturday, November 14, 2009



( New thought )
When a computer has a virus, after infection has set in,
the only way to correct the problem, is to reformat the computer.
Next in to re-install all the new data,
After finding where the virus came from, then you know what site
to avoid when searching for new data.

I know when my computer became infected, I found out how important
it is to have back-up files of all you data installed in your computer.

When the infection took place, after all the frustration I felt.
It would have been just so simple to just chuck the whole thing,
But the whole computer was not the problem, it was just a certain
internal section that was damaged.
After re-pairing the hard drive, re-installing all my files,
my computer then worked properly.

I learned through that ordeal, that I needed a better anti-virus
program that would protect the computer.

Just disconnecting from the source that I received it through,
I just protected my computer from any future problems.
It was not the Internet provider, that the problem was from.
It was my fault for not being better protected.

I know this analogy, that through the help of My shepherd,
working through my friends, I will be able to enjoy my life
with all my family and friends in peace.

Defining the thought of the reformatting my hard drive ( life ),
with the assistance of the new program (attitude).
My life to have peace will have to take place through
forgiveness, kindness and respect in love.

“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.”
Holding on to anger is like holding on to a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at s“It were better to be of no church, than to be bitter for any” William Pennomeone else; you are the one who gets burned.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Parental expressions of Love

Love that was and is being expressed through your, Parents, Grand parents, Spouse, Siblings, Family & friends.
The most important single ingredient in raising happy and successful children is the amount of love they receive from their parents. Children need love like flowers need sunshine and rain.
You can never give a child too much love. The continuous flow of love and approval from a parent to a child is the child’s psychological lifeline to emotional and physical health. Almost all problems with children stem back to the child’s perception of not being fully loved and accepted by his or her parents.
Lack of love whether it’s real or imagined by the child can have serious consequences.
It can lead to physical, mental and emotional damage that can have long-term if not permanent negative consequences on the entire life of the child. In fact most child psychologists and therapists agree that love deprivation is the most serious problem a child can suffer during his or her formative years.
The starting point of raising happy and successful children is to give them a continuous unbroken flow of unconditional love and acceptance. A parent needs to always make it clear to his or her child that nothing the child does could ever cause him or her to love the child less than 100 percent.
Children reinvent your world for you.
Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
“We do not remember days, we remember moments. The richness of life lies in memories we need to forget, and the ones we need to remember.
My goal is to refresh the future not to rehash the past,
“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”
( Dobson ) " Stop trying to perfect your children, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with them."

My time as a parent, is not just to be a guide for the future, but a friend for rough times in life to come.
To be an example to show them how to be that good parent for their future experiences of life.
Parents exist to teach the child, but also they must learn what the child has to teach them, and the child has a very great deal to teach them.
"The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day."
There is no friendship, no love, like the love of the parent for their child."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Expressions of Love

expressions of love

Another form of love is assured love.( It is also perfect love because it allows you to act from love and not fear). All fear based actions is the result of attachment to outcome and not trusting the divine. Perfect love is fearless.( We do not have to love because love is already present. We just have to realize it and allow it to be expressed through us).( Assured love is only possible when you love God more than any other). You trust the universe completely. Loving God is loving yourself with the best love.

Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun
Love is a given, hatred is acquired.

When you love unmistakably , you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)

Christian love is giving to others those things that you would want them to give you if you were in their situation -- and it's doing so even if they can't pay you back. In fact, it's doing so especially if they can't pay you back! Christian love is respect for others. It's mercy. It's charity.

The suffering and problems that we confront in our lives on a personal and even global level actually come down to the condition of the heart.
God is concerned with our hearts--He doesn't care about the size of our churches or the furnishings or the depth of learning, or the quality of the music. It's the condition of our hearts He's concerned with. We get off focus as human beings and look at all these material things, that will not make one bit of difference insofar as our spiritual well-being, or a bit of difference in our spiritual lives or in the lives of others or in winning others to Christ. THAT is what we are supposed to be doing!!
We should always keep helpful things close to our hearts. Keeping the Word of God fresh in us is especially important. This is good for all the aforementioned, but especailly for our spiritual well-being.
God wants us to learn, but He wants us to APPLY what we learn to our lives daily. He doesn't care how many Scriptures we can quote or how many books we read.
God is concerned with what we DO with what we LEARN and how our lives line up WITH the Word.
God doesn't care what kind of building we're in, or where it is, or how it is furnished--He just wants us all to line up with the Word and live accordingly.

Our own choice's

One of the ways God made man unique in creation was to give him moral freedom; God made man a free moral agent. As a result, you can make certain self-determining decisions and actions. Under sin, you had no freedom to be righteous if you chose because sin had enslaved you, but now in Christ you are free to obey God if you choose.
Finally, we all must make choices. We make right ones and wrong ones, but make them we must. To not make a choice on a matter is in itself a choice. Fear of error in a choice is a possibility. A strong desire to do right coupled with biblical precepts help in our decisions. The power of choice is given to us and is God’s merit of confidence in His creation.
Choose to love rather than hate
Choose to smile rather than frown
Choose to build rather than destroy
Choose to persevere rather than quit
Choose to praise rather than gossip
Choose to heal rather than wound
Choose to give rather than grasp
Choose to act rather than delay
Choose to forgive rather than curse
Choose to pray rather than despair.

Our path through the heart

Our path is basically the path of the heart and not the path of the mind. This does not mean that we are criticising the path of the mind. Far from it. We just feel that the path of the heart leads us faster towards our goal. Suppose I want to go to a place 500 miles away. I can reach my destination either by walking or by flying.
Undoubtedly, I shall reach my destination considerably faster if I fly in a jet plane. Similarly, if we use the aspiring heart and not the doubting mind, we shall reach our goal much faster. The heart is all love. The mind is quite often all confusion. When we say the heart, we mean the spiritual heart, which is flooded with divine love.
The heart is strikingly significant because inside it is the living presence of the soul. True, the consciousness of the soul permeates the entire body, but the actual location of the soul is inside the heart. The soul has everything: Peace, Light and Bliss in infinite measure. We get these divine qualities inside the heart directly from the soul. And from the heart, we can bring them to the mind, to the vital and to the physical proper.
God is extremely simple. It is we who think of Him as someone complicated. God speaks the simplest language, only we don't understand Him. We are all deaf. We have been deaf for millennia. Poor God, He has been talking constantly, tirelessly, but we do not have time to listen to Him.
Our path is the path of simplicity. A child is simple; he loves his mother. He does not have to love anybody else: his mother is his whole world. He devotes himself to his mother. If his mother asks him to do something, he listens to his mother. A child is so simple that he tries to do everything to please his mother; and in pleasing his mother, he is doing the right thing and reaching his highest goal.
In the ordinary life, if someone loves another individual, then he spends most of his time with that particular person. He devotes his precious time to that person. If it is real human love-not divine love, but human love-then he sometimes surrenders to the other's whims even if they are absurd. He surrenders because the two of them have formed an inner and outer bond on the strength of their love. So if one loves another person, then one is ready even to sacrifice one's precious wisdom.
In the spiritual life it is totally different. Divine love never binds us. On the contrary, it expands us and liberates us. When we see and feel that we are being liberated, we feel inwardly a divine obligation to do something for our Inner Pilot. How can we remain aloof from the One who has given us everything, who has brought us the message of divine Love and Compassion? Will it be possible for us not to offer Him something in return? If we remain in the outer life, we only try to grab and possess everything, even what belongs to others. But if we live in the soul, we try to constantly give all that we have and all that we are to the Inner Pilot. Divine love means self giving.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why do we hold grudges

Why do we hold grudges and become resentful and unforgiving?
The people most likely to hurt us are those closest to us — our spouses,children, friends, siblings and parents. When we're hurt by someone we love and trust — whether it's a lie, betrayal, rejection, abuse or insult — it can be extremely difficult to overcome. And even minor offenses can turn into huge conflicts.
When you experience hurt or harm from someone's actions or words, whether this is intended or not, you may begin experiencing negative feelings such as anger, confusion or sadness, especially when it's someone close to you. These feelings may start out small. But if you don't deal with them quickly, they can grow bigger and more powerful. They may even begin to crowd out positive feelings. Grudges filled with resentment, vengeance and hostility take root when you dwell on hurtful events or situations, replaying them in your mind many times.
Soon, you may find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. You may feel trapped and may not see a way out. It's very hard to let go of grudges at this point and instead you may remain resentful and unforgiving.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The understanding that reconciliation

The understanding that reconciliation heals memory is crucial for the achievement of true peace between peoples. We must rise above stereotypical patterns of thought, strip away prejudice and combat ideologization, tragic hostility and lamentable co-existence. A genuine unity must blossom where simple co-existence once reigned. Hostility must yield to redeeming mutual goodwill and kindness. To achieve this end, we must recognize one another's innate dignity as human beings. Our mission must be first and foremost to respect, heal and liberate human beings. An individual must be allowed to develop as a person. But our success depends upon our ability to break down formulaic patterns of thought – never an easy task.

Because of the injustice involved in putting pressure on a victim to forgive, a therapist should, whenever possible, begin enabling the healing process at the other end of the conflictual interaction by opening space for the perpetrator to extend a genuine apology. This can be difficult for a number of reasons. Offenders often feel too ashamed or guilty to even participate in therapy. They may be unable or unwilling to stop offending. They may have little or no awareness of the harm they have done. They may be so preoccupied with the good intentions that they fail to recognise the bad effects c their actions. They may be too afraid of humiliation and/or punishment if they admit to their mistakes. Or they may fear the costs of restorative action. Individual work with the offender may be necessary to enable them to recognise how they might be blocking possibilities for forgiveness and reconciliation. A series of skilful, reflexive questions from a therapist can often open space for an offender to recognise the constructive initiatives they can take toward, possible reconciliation by apologising and to feel good about themselves in making such a contribution. What contributes to a genuine apology is a clear recognition of the harm done .and of the injustice involved, an acknowledgement of the losses and painful experiences of the victim, an expression of deep regret and remorse, and an honest willingness to take restorative action. The absence of any one of these elements can constitute a barrier to the victim’s ability to forgive.

Then what is a pure heart?

Then what is a pure heart? – Martin Luther
Then what is a pure heart? In what does it consist? The answer can be given quickly, and you do not have to climb up to heaven or run to a monastery for it and establish it with your own ideas. You should be on your guard against any ideas that you call your own, as if they were just so much mud and filth. And you should realize that when a monk in the monastery is sitting in deepest contemplation, excluding the world from his heart altogether, and thinking about the Lord God the way he himself paints and imagines Him, he is actually sitting—if you will pardon the expression—in the dung, not up to his knees but up to his ears. For he is proceeding on his own ideas without the Word of God; and that is sheer deception and delusion, as Scripture testifies everywhere.
What is meant by a “pure heart” is this: one that is watching and pondering what God says and replacing its own ideas with the Word of God. This alone is pure before God, yes, purity itself, which purifies everything that it includes and touches. Therefore, though a common laborer, a shoemaker, or a blacksmith may be dirty and sooty or may smell because he is covered with dirt and pitch, still he may sit at home and think: “My God has made me a man. He has given me my house, wife, and child and has commanded me to love them and to support them with my work.” Note that he is pondering the Word of God in his heart; and though he stinks outwardly, inwardly he is pure incense before God. But if he attains the highest purity so that he also takes hold of the Gospel and believes in Christ—without this, that purity is impossible—then he is pure completely, inwardly in his heart toward God and outwardly toward everything under him on earth.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Forgiveness and Bondage

Forgiveness and Bondage
Notice that the word forgive suggests action. It is not a something that "sits" or an "object" that is numbly passed from person to person. More accurately, it is not even a "something." It is an "active, doing, being" part of life. It is found in the heartfelt words of sorrow between marital partners; it is manifest in the willingness of family members to encourage the relief of shame or guilt from a loved one who has offended or erred. When couples and families fail to forgive,
Being able to forgive is a gift you giver yourself. It benefits not only the person who is forgiven but also the person who forgives. Remember the idea of an unwillingness to forgive leading to an unequal relationship where the offender is in a one-down position? Not only is the person who wronged another in bondage, so to speak, to the individual he/she wronged, he/she is in bondage with that same person. The reason for this is that the person who is unwilling to forgive never is able to remove him- or herself from the power of the previous wrong.
All of us have need to seek forgiveness from others as well as forgive others. Recognizing when to seek it and when to give it is important. When it comes to forgiving others, it is crucial to highlight an important matter regarding reconciliation in the forgiveness process.
Some people don't forgive because they see forgiveness as a sign of weakness. It is helpful to consider some of the personal qualities often necessary to forgive. These include humility, empathy, courage, integrity, sincerity, honesty, spirituality, a sense of community, love, kindness, mercy, and a host of other qualities. Certainly, all of these attributes are signs of strength, not weakness.
It is helpful to remember that if the Lord is willing to forgive us (which he expresses throughout scripture), why should we not forgive ourselves? Why should we keep tormenting ourselves for past mistakes if we have done all we can to rectify those mistakes? While this is easier said than done, the realization that we aren't forgiving ourselves, but that we need to, is often the first step to forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not something you give to someone else. It is a gift you give yourself. Forgiving the perpetrator for his action does not mean you stop judging the deed. You forgive him/her, not the action. Forgiveness allows you to live in the present and leave the past behind. Forgiveness will bring you peace.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Misunderstanding of God’s Love

A Misunderstanding of God’s Love
The basis for our eager embrace is a misunderstanding of the love of God which passes knowledge. We equate unconditional love and acceptance with the fact that God’s love is vast, unfathomable, and unmerited. Then we follow that with the idea that if God loves and accepts people unconditionally, we should also love and accept themselves unconditionally. While this may sound like a logical progression, there are some serious problems with the basic assumptions. Therefore, we must address the question: Is God’s love unconditional? Are there any conditions that must be met to become a recipient of His love?
Paul prayed that the believers in Ephesus would be able to comprehend the breadth, length, depth and height of God’s love. He desired that they know the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, so that they would be filled with the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:16-19). The wide expanse of God’s love has been the theme of the gospel throughout the ages, for to know His love is to know Him. Therefore, any consideration of His love is highly important and must be based upon His revelation of Himself rather than upon the imagination of men.

What is the spiritual heart?
The spiritual heart is a heart of a spirit born child of God who has come to be converted by having a humble and contrite mind. This conversion continues to take place by a believer, who has repented of breaking God's commandments, who has accepted Christ's sacrifice to cover and forgive his sins and who has made the desire of his heart through the helping power of God's Spirit to always obey God and His commandments and to always be led by God's Spirit. It is a heart that fears God and His judgment against sin. It is a heart that has a faithful and trusting attitude in God and His Word, along with an uncompromising and commandment guided strong conscience, and understands that this all produces in him a Christ-like behavior of the heart that will always bear the fruit of God's love.
This is the spiritual heart that has grown to be patterned after the heart of God the Father, and Jesus Christ, in every aspect of one's relationships with God and man, because it is inspired, motivated, and powered by the leading and directing of God's Holy Spirit that was made available in a powerful way on the Day of Pentecost. Is your heart being led and powered by God's Holy Spirit or are you denying the power of God's Holy Spirit and saying that no one can live his life without continuing to sin? A true born again saint has grown in the Spirit of God to come to have a spiritual heart? God says -- "O, that there were such a heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them and their children---," Deut. 5:29.
Bitterness is the root of many problems. A bitter heart spawns all sorts of evil reactions. Wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice are all means by which resentment expresses itself. Bitterness cannot stay in the heart by itself. It is true, bitterness can stay dormant for a long period until its storm arises, but it will come
The reason bitterness is so devastating is that it provides the justification for being mean, cold, short-tempered or unpleasant to others. Bitterness nurtures itself through its self-appointed privilege. Most people know that it is wrong to hate others. Our conscience tells us that it is wrong to do evil to others. This limits the expression of our hatred towards others. If people are going to persist in their meanness toward someone, they need some way to override the guilt function of their conscience. Otherwise the guilt would pile on so thick that they would have to stop being mean. They feel bad (guilty) about it. Bitterness provides the needed short circuit that allows them to bypass the work of their consciences not only to do evil to others but even to feel smug and self-righteous about it.
How does bitterness do this? Bitterness fools the person by tricking his conscience. The person only needs to dwell upon the way someone offended him, and he becomes free from the protection of his conscience. A biological parallel might be the effect of drugs or alcohol on a person’s body. The nerve connections become dulled so that he is able, in his drunken stupor, to do things that he would never otherwise do. Bitterness is a soul drug. It allows people to do evil things that they would not otherwise think themselves capable of doing.

The Benefits of Unconditional Love

The Benefits of Unconditional Love
The practice of giving unconditional love requires by its very nature that you don’t expect anything directly in return for giving it to others. By providing unconditional love to others, you are expressing your faith that good things will be drawn into your life through the law of attraction. Here are some benefits of giving unconditional love:
• The act of giving unconditional love to others eliminates the fear of anger and reprisal from other people for any behavior you do. It also facilitates open and honest relationships with other people.
• In a more spiritual sense, sharing your love unconditionally with the world sends out positive energy which will be returned to you in one form or another to create great abundance, wealth, and goodness that you deserve in your own life.
• When you provide unconditional love to others, you are not dependant on others for happiness, but rather you derive your happiness from within. Your energy radiates to those around you and the world gives back to you in abundance.
• When you give love unconditionally, then you can’t be ever angry at anyone. All human minds need congruency of thought and it’s simply impossible to hate another person if you have made the conscious decision that you are going to love them unconditionally.
• By giving unconditional love to others, you side-step any tricks, emotional ploys, and unfair negotiating tactics because you have consciously choses to take responsibility for giving them love from own heart despite the behaviors that they exhibit

What Unconditional Love Really Is And How To Give It.
It is important to understand the definition of unconditional love to be able to give it, it is the kind of love that expects nothing back, places no limits, and does not set any ideals or conditions on what it should be. When you love in this way you do it without expectation of reciprocity and with no preconceived notions of how or if they will express love back to you. This is the kind of love you see exhibited by parents and children, brothers and sisters, true friends, and the best of romantic relationships.
When you love someone unconditionally you do not set limits or boundaries on that love, not circumstances that would cause you to withdraw it, there is nothing that would cause you to not love the person. Even if the other person does something that you feel is intentional, it is overlooked if you are truly committed to unconditional love. You do not try to control the actions of the other person, nor do you tell them that you will not love them if they act a certain way or do a certain thing. When this kind of love is present both partners feel more secure and neither of them seeks to control the other.
Since there are no boundaries or conditions the people in a relationship of unconditional love do not have to worry about the other person leaving or not loving them over a particular situation or behavior. Siblings in most cases are a good example of this, even though they may have quarrels and disagreements throughout their lives the bond between them remains unbroken and their love continues through any and all conflicts.
If you love someone unconditionally you will want whatever is best for them and you will always give them the freedom to seek out the things that really give them happiness. You will let them learn things for themselves and explore situations and experiences that they feel will make them happy, even if you think that you know what is best for them. Although they may make bad choices and do things that are wrong you will always be there for them and never judge them if you truly love them unconditionally.
Can you see room for improvement in your relationship? Do you place restrictions and limitations on the one you love? When you truly love someone unconditionally, you place their needs and their happiness above everything else, including yourself. Remember, just because you love someone in this way it does not mean that they will return their love to you in the same way. Are you ready to love unconditionally?

Unlimited Love

unlimited love
There are many who strive, today, to love without limits, that is to say, unconditionally, who find it possible to do with those who do not burden them with distress, or cause them difficulties in any one of a number of ways, yet who, in the presence of someone else's rage, rejection, or indifference, find it impossible to respond with love.
This limitation of the human heart cannot be overcome through the use of will, except on a limited basis, for the will-to-love can be plentiful, but the emotions that get in the way of love can also be plentiful. What is needed is a fuller immersion in, and experience of, the 'vibration' of Love, so that it becomes a living reality that is first offered to the self, after which it can be offered to others.
The vibration of limitless or unconditional love is not one that is self-created. Rather, it partakes of the Divine and must be received in the way of an experience of God's love that softens the heart, melting the sharp edges that are often carried in relation to unhealed situations in life or in relation to people with whom one has had difficulty in the past. One can speak of 'unconditional love' and understand that it lives within each human heart at its Divine core, but to arrive at the place where it can be felt as a feeling and conveyed to others as well, it must be awakened first, and this awakening is an awakening of the Christ-self within.
To speak of the Christ-self within is not to identify such love with any particular religion, for it does not belong to any religion. It belongs to the universe of souls and to the Heart from which all human hearts derive. This greater Heart has included in the lesser, the capacity to reach toward the limitless in the way of love, compassion, mercy, and gratitude, and has provided an inner path to do so which is carved out by the many ways in which one can pray for, meditate on, and receive an experience of Divine love. In this way, the human heart becomes connected with the Heart of God, the Heart of Hearts, and can then love others with what it has experienced within itself.

Love Is a Form of Energy
Foremost, we are created to receive God’s love and to reflect that love back to him. I believe that love itself is a form of energy. There is a law of physics that states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. It may be transferred from one object to another and manifest itself in different ways. One type of energy may be expended and stored as potential energy of another type. For example, the heat and light energy of the sun drives the biochemical reactions that produce the tree that becomes the energy of heat and light when the wood of the tree is burned. In like manner, love emanates from God who is the source of love. He is the essence of pure unconditional love. His love reaches out to us, touches us, draws us unto himself with the expectation that his love will flow through us back to him while producing the desired results in us.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Definition of Love

Love means having strong feelings for someone that can be close friends, family or even someone in a romantic relationship. Love is a strong feeling that represents affection toward someone dear to you heart.

The greatest love of all is unconditional love.( It is also perfect love because it allows you to act from love and not fear). All fear based actions is the result of attachment to outcome and not trusting the divine. Perfect love is fearless.( We do not have to love because love is already present. We just have to realize it and allow it to be expressed through us).( Unconditional love is only possible when you love God more than any other). You trust the universe completely. Loving God is loving yourself with the best love.

Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun
Love is a given, hatred is acquired.

Unconditional love is love that is free). You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated.( When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection). You love fearlessly and freely without needing anything back. (The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love). It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.

If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate." -
True love will never fade unless it was all a lie
"...Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."

Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change). Sure you might desire positive change but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)

True Love comes from God, and love is demonstrated through character
"And where there's pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind."

True love never fails. Unconditional love is the whole secret of the law of attraction with detachment).( It is also the law of God action and acting from spirit). When you act with these three laws of the universe, you can never fail to create what you truly desire which is according to your highest good. (Unconditional love is simply God in action). (When you follow your heart and act according to your highest intentions, you are serving the divine within). We are all here to do God’s work, which is to express his love.

Love is a master key which opens the gate of happiness."

When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)

Christian love is giving to others those things that you would want them to give you if you were in their situation -- and it's doing so even if they can't pay you back. In fact, it's doing so especially if they can't pay you back! Christian love is respect for others. It's mercy. It's charity.

How Do We Express Love?
We do not always express our love. Love is a feeling and the expression of that feeling is separate. It’is an action. There’is a practical reason we do not always express our love for another. It is an issue of TIME. We only have 24 hours in a day (if you make it up that way). If the expression of love was a core ingredient to love, we would have to be stingy with who we loved, because there simply would not be enough time to demonstrate our love for everyone! If you see the distinction between the feeling and the expression, you can then love endless numbers of people.
Love is not just an emotion, or a state of mind. Love is also an emotional necessity for human beings; we fail to thrive when there is too little love in our lives. And since we can only assimilate our minimum daily requirement of love when it is given in tangible, recognizable forms, our loved ones need to SEE that we love them -- not just assume it, or hear about it once in a while.

Unfortunately, many people take this important requirement for granted, and invest too little time and effort into demonstrating their love to the people they care for. We may not even realize that our relationships and our loved ones suffer as a result. But if we love somebody, they need us to show them. And moreover, if we really love somebody, we WANT to show them.
When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)
Loving unconditionally is loving with acceptance and not requiring change). Sure you might desire positive change but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Foundation of Choice

Choices! We have so many choices in our life.
Not only do we have choices to love but we must choose how much we will love or how much we will hate.
God has allowed us to choose how much we will hate or how much we will love.
After the creation of God's son, that was the beginning of all creation, and
the establishing the foundation of the heaven and earth.
And it was all created with the emphasis of every living creature was to worship our creator through the basis of free choice.

After the creation of Christ, Heaven & Earth, now was time for a being ( or new creature )
to be created with a purpose to share all of God's creations
with a free will to serve with a loving obedience. ( MT. 22: 36- 39

By creating man with a free will, now the test.
After giving Adam free choice to name all the creatures and all the living.
He was to keep and to maintain this paradise.
He gave Adam only one option, Not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, this was God's only commandment.
Eve's choice to eat of the tree, to gain the wisdom of God was through
free will and desire, ( 2 Cor. 11:3, Cor. 10: 5,6.
Due to the direct disobedience of God's will, mankind has been put into a
situation of choice, to obey and to serve God. MT 6: 24. with their own
free will.

God did not try to tempt Adam by giving Adam the power of choice. The only way we can love God is through the power of free will choice. With the option to choose between obedience or disobedience to God's will, man now has the capability to love God. God gave Adam the tremendous opportunity to offer love, from his heart, to God. Trust, obedience and faithfulness were Adam's tools for sharing love with God. Upon man receiving free will toward the command of God, now, not only does God love man, but man can fulfill his purpose in life and love God in return.

Throughout the Bible we find that God holds up choices to people - life or death, righteousness or sin, justice or deceit - but He continually encourages us to make the right choices. There are continual choices for all of us throughout life - indeed, every day of our lives, but then there is this major choice as to whether we will obey God. Again, I reiterate: the fact that God has given mankind a genuine choice but mankind has made the wrong one is clearly proven by the presence of evil in the world. Obviously sin and evil would not have been God's choice for men and women, so its presence means that people really were given a genuine choice by God but that they made the wrong one! If we deny that, then that means that God approved of and wanted sin and evil in this world and that turns God into a monster! No, the Bible is clear that the decisions by our first parents have led to the position which we now find ourselves in. Of course, within His grand overall plan, God may allow a situation to occur with an eventual intention to bring good out of it, but the Holy Bible is clear that human choice – which is revealed to be meaningful – brought the present situation about.

Allowing mankind the ability to choose does not rob God of His Sovereignty because man’s choices are not unlimited and God controls all circumstances. We all have free will within the parameters set by God. God is omnipotent. “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Isaiah 46:9-10. “The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth” Psalms 135:6. He created man with the ability to choose, and He is perfectly capable of incorporating all the possible choices of mankind into his sovereign will and purpose because, before the world was created, He already knew what all those choices were going to be. He is the One who makes ‘known the end from the beginning.’

Love, by its very nature, must be freely given from one being to another. It is the choices of love for God, which we create under free will, that God is incapable of creating Himself. These human choices to share love with God are the gifts of love that God created the universe for and sacrificed His only Son to retrieve. The choices to do God's will under free will are the most precious gifts to God in all the created heaven and earth. Those who are fruitful and bear such gifts will be exalted and brought through Christ's blood into God's Kingdom. In the Kingdom, God will remain faithful to those who love Him for all eternity. God has set before baptized men life and death, therefore choose to love God and live.

° Adam & Eve eat of forbidden fruit Death, banned from Eden and pain
° Cain offering unacceptable sacrifice Reprimanded by God
° Cain killing his brother Became a marked wanderer
° Noah building the ark Considered righteous & saved mankind
°Abraham sacrificing his son Received promises
° Moses chose God Became the leader of great nation
° Mary desired to be used by God Birth of Jesus who became our sacrifice
° Judas betrayed Jesus for money Committed suicide
° Paul repented, obeyed and immersed Became the Apostle to the Gentiles

Since the beginning God has given us the Right, the power, and the freedom to choose, between light and darkness, good or evil, love or hate. With the Free Will to choose for ourselves our own way, to find our own destiny, and not have others, or the collective, or society, or the government, choose for us. What is best for the individual, may not be what others think is best for the collective, society or government. We need to be free to live our lives as we so choose, as individuals. We can and should decide for ourselves the course of our own lives and destiny, to be individual and free. Please do not think I am advocating choosing darkness, evil, hate or self-destructive behavior, what I am advocating, and what I know God has given us, is the inalienable right of choice.

We have to have the power to choose our own way, to be true to our own beliefs and ourselves, to be our own person, to be free sovereign autonomous individuals, to have the Right to self-determination. We must be ever vigilant, to stay forever free and be forever free, to be all that we can be, and the best we can be, free, in the freest nation on earth.

But what are the advantages and disadvantages of man's free will? We need to keep in mind that freedom of choice allows for both good and evil outcomes. The cost can be enormous. Our choices can lead to disastrous consequences.

Everything lies in the freedom of choice that we possess as human beings. Our liberation and our bondage. There is no other species that has the power to choose to evolve. In light of this discovery, you have to ask yourself: What am I doing with the gift of choice that is my birthright as a human being? How am I living? Am I fully and wholeheartedly participating in the life process for the sake of the evolution of consciousness itself?

Choices of Life

Choices! We have so many choices in our life.
Not only do we have choices to love but we must choose how much we will love or how much we will hate.
God has allowed us to choose how much we will hate or how much we will love.
After the creation of God's son, that was the beginning of all creation, and
the organization and foundation of the heaven and earth.
And it was all created with the emphasis of every living creature was to worship our creator through the basis of free choice.

After the creation of Christ, Heaven & Earth, now was time for a being ( or new creature )
to be created with a purpose to share all of God's creations
with a free will to serve with a loving obedience. ( MT. 22: 36- 39

By creating man with a free will, now the test.
After giving Adam free choice to name all the creatures and all the living.
He was to keep and to maintain this paradise.
He gave Adam only one option, Not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil, this was God's only commandment.
Eve's choice to eat of the tree, to gain the wisdom of God was through
free will and desire, ( 2 Cor. 11:3, Cor. 10: 5,6.
Due to the direct disobedience of God's will, mankind has been put into a
situation of choice, to obey and to serve God. MT 6: 24. with their own
free will.

God did not try to tempt Adam by giving Adam the power of choice. The only way we can love God is through the power of free will choice. With the option to choose between obedience or disobedience to God's will, man now has the capability to love God. God gave Adam the tremendous opportunity to offer love, from his heart, to God. Trust, obedience and faithfulness were Adam's tools for sharing love with God. Upon man receiving free will toward the command of God, now, not only does God love man, but man can fulfill his purpose in life and love God in return.

Throughout the Bible we find that God holds up choices to people - life or death, righteousness or sin, justice or deceit - but He continually encourages us to make the right choices. There are continual choices for all of us throughout life - indeed, every day of our lives, but then there is this major choice as to whether we will obey God. Again, I reiterate: the fact that God has given mankind a genuine choice but mankind has made the wrong one is clearly proven by the presence of evil in the world. Obviously sin and evil would not have been God's choice for men and women, so its presence means that people really were given a genuine choice by God but that they made the wrong one! If we deny that, then that means that God approved of and wanted sin and evil in this world and that turns God into a monster! No, the Bible is clear that the decisions by our first parents have led to the position which we now find ourselves in. Of course, within His grand overall plan, God may allow a situation to occur with an eventual intention to bring good out of it, but the Holy Bible is clear that human choice – which is revealed to be meaningful – brought the present situation about.

Allowing mankind the ability to choose does not rob God of His Sovereignty because man’s choices are not unlimited and God controls all circumstances. We all have free will within the parameters set by God. God is omnipotent. “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” Isaiah 46:9-10. “The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth” Psalms 135:6. He created man with the ability to choose, and He is perfectly capable of incorporating all the possible choices of mankind into his sovereign will and purpose because, before the world was created, He already knew what all those choices were going to be. He is the One who makes ‘known the end from the beginning.’

Love, by its very nature, must be freely given from one being to another. It is the choices of love for God, which we create under free will, that God is incapable of creating Himself. These human choices to share love with God are the gifts of love that God created the universe for and sacrificed His only Son to retrieve. The choices to do God's will under free will are the most precious gifts to God in all the created heaven and earth. Those who are fruitful and bear such gifts will be exalted and brought through Christ's blood into God's Kingdom. In the Kingdom, God will remain faithful to those who love Him for all eternity. God has set before baptized men life and death, therefore choose to love God and live.

° Adam & Eve eat of forbidden fruit Death, banned from Eden and pain
° Cain offering unacceptable sacrifice Reprimanded by God
° Cain killing his brother Became a marked wanderer
° Noah building the ark Considered righteous & saved mankind
°Abraham sacrificing his son Received promises
° Moses chose God Became the leader of great nation
° Mary desired to be used by God Birth of Jesus who became our sacrifice
° Judas betrayed Jesus for money Committed suicide
° Paul repented, obeyed and immersed Became the Apostle to the Gentiles

Since the begining God has given us the Right, the power, and the freedom to choose, between light and darkness, good or evil, love or hate. With the Free Will to choose for ourselves our own way, to find our own destiny, and not have others, or the collective, or society, or the government, choose for us. What is best for the individual, may not be what others think is best for the collective, society or government. We need to be free to live our lives as we so choose, as individuals. We can and should decide for ourselves the course of our own lives and destiny, to be individual and free. Please do not think I am advocating choosing darkness, evil, hate or self-destructive behavior, what I am advocating, and what I know God has given us, is the inalienable right of choice.

We have to have the power to choose our own way, to be true to our own beliefs and ourselves, to be our own person, to be free sovereign autonomous individuals, to have the Right to self-determination. We must be ever vigilant, to stay forever free and be forever free, to be all that we can be, and the best we can be, free, in the freest nation on earth.

But what are the advantages and disadvantages of man's free will? We need to keep in mind that freedom of choice allows for both good and evil outcomes. The cost can be enormous. Our choices can lead to disastrous consequences.

Everything lies in the freedom of choice that we possess as human beings. Our liberation and our bondage. There is no other species that has the power to choose to evolve. In light of this discovery, you have to ask yourself: What am I doing with the gift of choice that is my birthright as a human being? How am I living? Am I fully and wholeheartedly participating in the life process for the sake of the evolution of consciousness itself?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Choosing To Love

What defines an intimate relationship? Sometimes it's revealed by unique friendship, shared with no other. Sometimes it's experienced by what is not said, just felt.
Sometimes it's welded together by obstacles shared and endured. And sometimes it's observed in the lives of their children, when a husband and wife's cup fills
up and spills over into those hearts and minds. All of these wonderful things transpire because of making the right choices.

The beginning of the world was created by choice of God, " choosing love thru free choice "
It was a decision by God to create a species that the common goal was & is to serve and to live on the basis of free love. MT. 22: 37- 39
Love cannot be expressed through force, but through genuine sincere concern, in affection towards others.
Sincere love must be formulated with compassion.
And how the direction of our lives come down to " the choices we choose in our daily lives.
Life is a choice, as in how you handle the pitfalls along it's rough roads

Choice making however, can be difficult when our life has pressured us into a corner, especially when our fears are amplified and overshadowing our intuition. Choices made from a calm, peaceful place bring us to the right places and people, while choices made from fear or under pressure, lead to disaster.
Spiritual growth is a choice and is necessary to deepen our relationship with God, and Lord Jesus Christ, . It is letting Jesus into of our lives, submitting to the guiding power and blessings of the Holy Spirit. Growing in our spirituality is the desire to become righteous and more Christ-like in our everyday lives
.Spiritual growth is not the same thing as being religious. Religion comes from regimens of rigid traditions, ceremonies, and mandated deeds. Originating in man-made rules or religious laws, obedience is often guilt-motivated. Godly spirituality does not come from what man has dictated, but from true and earnest desires from the heart

We, too, must decide, we must make an exclusive choice, and it is urgent. But one more point becomes clear in this text. This is a personal choice. "Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve." Your husband can't choose for you; your wife can't choose for you; your parents can't make the decision for you. You, personally, will decide about Jesus. You, personally, will stand before God to give account of your decision. Choose. Choose today. Choose today for yourself. Choose today for yourself whom you will serve! As we sing, let your choice to surrender to Jesus be known as you make your way forward.
When a person "chooses" to accept Christ as his Savior, he actually does not make the choice himself. The desire to make this decision is implanted by God. Before God implants this desire, the person literally has no ability to decide spiritual things himself. Listed below are some of the comments by Selective Salvationists that say we have no choice:
And what about Ruth? What would her future be? She must have wondered about that every second of the day. She needn't have been frightened, though. Because Ruth was a very special person. Ruth had been chosen by God! God had chosen this poor, humble woman from Moab to have an exciting and successful future. She couldn't possibly imagine it yet, but she was to become a member of the royal line of Judah. She would be married to one of the wealthiest men of the one of best families of Bethlehem. Her grandson would be King David. One of her ancestors would be Jesus, the very Son of God - the promised Messiah! God had chosen humble Ruth to be His own.
For Ruth there was only one choice. She chose to follow the Lord, and that meant following Naomi on a weary journey of 75 miles back to Naomi's hometown of Bethlehem. Ruth decided that this strange country would become her country, because it was the Lord's country. A strange people would become her people, because they were the Lord's people. She would serve Jehovah, the God of love, with her whole life, no matter what the consequences. It was courageous choice to make.

( The Original Plan )

" Choosing love through free Choice "

MT. 22: 37-39
The beginning of the world was created by Choice. It was a decision by God to
create a species in his own image ( Gen. 1: 27 ) that the common goal is to serve
& live on the basis of love
Love cannot be expressed through force or influence, but in genuine concern &
affection towards ones.
Sincere love must be formulated with compassion, being expressed through
submission of feelings of concern in re guards to others.
Choice making however, can be difficult when our life has pressured us into a corner, especially when our fears are amplified and overshadowing our intuition. Choices made from a calm, peaceful place bring us to the right places and people, while choices made from fear or under pressure, lead to disaster.
Spiritual growth is a choice and is necessary to deepen our relationship with God, and Lord Jesus Christ, . It is letting Jesus into of our lives, submitting to the guiding power and blessings of the Holy Spirit. Growing in our spirituality is the desire to become righteous and more Christ-like in our everyday lives
.Spiritual growth is not the same thing as being religious. Religion comes from regimens of rigid traditions, ceremonies, and mandated deeds. Originating in man-made rules or religious laws, obedience is often guilt-motivated. Godly spirituality does not come from what man has dictated, but from true and earnest desires from the heart
Spiritual Growth - How do we grow?
Spiritual growth begins first and foremost with believing and following Jesus Christ. We do this through faith. Our spirituality grows and matures through:
Prayer (regularly conversing with God).
Becoming students of His word and teachings (being disciples).
Sharing the blessings of our spirituality with others (evangelizing).
Giving God glory and praise through speech, behavior, and songs (worship).
Faith may begin like a tiny seed. When we exercise our faith, it grows. Let us compare it to planting a seedling. We tend to it, fertilize (nourish) it, and it grows. We need to keep the weeds away from it. Our spirituality is much the same. The Holy Spirit of God prepares our hearts as the seed of faith is planted. That tiny seed of faith is nourished through prayer, studying the Bible, and surrounding ourselves with like-minded Christians. As it grows, we begin to share with others what God has done for us. When we do not give into the temptation to sin, we will spiritually grow and draw closer to the Lord. This will yield the fruit in our lives that He has designed for us. God brings us a joy and peace in life that defies all circumstances.

Our love increases for Him and all He has done. This creates a deeper, personal relationship with Him and causes us to yearn for all that He has for us. It is a realm that our human minds often cannot understand; it requires trust and faith in God. The Lord God gives us a mental, emotional, and spiritual peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) He has many more blessings for us that are brought through the Holy Spirit
"And in life, it is all about choices we make.
And how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose."
Life is a choice - as is how you handle the pitfalls along its bumpy road."
But Adam's spiritual freedom was not the highest kind of freedom. For though he was able not to sin, he nevertheless did sin. He could loose his moral, ethical freedom. God had warned him of that when He told him, But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat est thereof thou shalt surely die. (Gen. 2:17). Adam could will to eat of the tree. If he did, he would die spiritually. He would loose the image of God and his spiritual freedom to choose good. In the providence of God that is just what did happen. Even though all of the inclinations of his being, including his spiritually free will, pointed him to obedience to God; he did eat. He lost the image of God and died spiritually. His holiness, righteousness, and knowledge of God were changed into darkness and unrighteousness. His will became the slave of his wicked nature. He could no longer choose what is good and righteous.
There are many who believe that freedom in Christ gives the believer the liberty to sin. They reason that since Christ has died for the sins of His people and thereby freed them from the guilt of sin, the believer can live in sin. Since salvation is all of grace, the believer does not have to be concerned about fleeing sin and seeking after righteousness. The apostle Paul refers to this kind of thinking when he says, What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? (ROM. 6:1). Jude also refers to this distortion of the truth when he says, For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness... ( Jude 4).
Such thinking is not the teaching of Holy Scripture. It is true that as long as the believer is in this world, he will always be a sinner. The child of God is not freed from the presence of sin until he is taken to glory. In fact, he may even fall into very great sin as did King David and the apostle Peter. A child of God is not immune to sin-not even the worst kinds of sin. Moreover, there is no such thing as sinless perfection in this life. Thus the apostle says, For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. (ROM. 7:14-15). The believer desires to do good, but because he still possesses the old sin nature along with the new nature, all his deeds, including his best good works, are defiled by sin.
But this does not mean that the believer is freed from sin in order that he might continue in sin. Freedom in Christ is not freedom to sin. The Biblical doctrine of spiritual freedom does not mean that we are free to do whatever we want, whether it is good or evil. Spiritual freedom is always freedom from sin. We read in ROM. 6:6-7, Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Since the old man with all of its sin has been judicially killed with Christ on the cross, the believer has been freed from the legal guilt of sin. He, therefore, should not serve sin. Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (ROM. 6:1-2). The apostle says, Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin... (ROM. 6:12-13). The believer, who has been freed from the guilt of sin must, by God's grace, not allow sin to reign in him. The members of his body must not be instruments of unrighteousness.
We, too, must decide, we must make an exclusive choice, and it is urgent. But one more point becomes clear in this text. This is a personal choice. "Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve." Your husband can't choose for you; your wife can't choose for you; your parents can't make the decision for you. You, personally, will decide about Jesus. You, personally, will stand before God to give account of your decision. Choose. Choose today. Choose today for yourself. Choose today for yourself whom you will serve! As we sing, let your choice to surrender to Jesus be known as you make your way forward.
When a person "chooses" to accept Christ as his Savior, he actually does not make the choice himself. The desire to make this decision is implanted by God. Before God implants this desire, the person literally has no ability to decide spiritual things himself. Listed below are some of the comments by Selective Salvationists that say we have no choice:
And what about Ruth? What would her future be? She must have wondered about that every second of the day. She needn't have been frightened, though. Because Ruth was a very special person. Ruth had been chosen by God! God had chosen this poor, humble woman from Moab to have an exciting and successful future. She couldn't possibly imagine it yet, but she was to become a member of the royal line of Judah. She would be married to one of the wealthiest men of the one of best families of Bethlehem. Her grandson would be King David. One of her ancestors would be Jesus, the very Son of God - the promised Messiah! God had chosen humble Ruth to be His own.
For Ruth there was only one choice. She chose to follow the Lord, and that meant following Naomi on a weary journey of 75 miles back to Naomi's hometown of Bethlehem. Ruth decided that this strange country would become her country, because it was the Lord's country. A strange people would become her people, because they were the Lord's people. She would serve Jehovah, the God of love, with her whole life, no matter what the consequences. It was courageous choice to make.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A True Christian Friend is Closer Than a Brother

As Christians, we are challenged daily to show ourselves friendly to Christians and non-Christians alike. “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly; and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother” [Proverbs 18:24]. God calls us to be a friend at all times to all, not just those we may “click with” or our “favorite people.”

It is easy to spend time with those who we are close with, our best friend, or even a fellow Christian who is an encouragement. However, God calls us to a deeper level of friendship. In Proverbs 17:17, “A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” King Solomon, the author of most of the Proverbs, teaches us here about the importance of consistency in our relationships with others, in word and deed. Friendship isn’t just a badge you may wear proudly during the good times, but remove if you so choose. Friendship is dedication to another’s heart, soul, and success. If we are to be true, Godly friends, tough times and disappointments won’t phase the grounded support we owe each one.
We are tested in this attitude of friendship, many times with personal expense. Godly friendship includes a degree of sacrifice and servitude, as does our daily walk with God. But with a mindset to serve and to love at all times, it is amazing how God will give the increase! If we are willing to suffer one with another and bear one another’s burdens, together we can connect and relate with others to share the Gospel in a powerful and impressive way. We can “arise, go and doubt not” as we share our testimony of faith, friendship, and forgiveness with a world in need
The Benefits of Forgiveness
Betrayal, aggression, and just plain insensitivity: People can hurt us in a million ways, and forgiveness is not always easy. Whether you have been cut off in traffic, slighted by your mother-in-law, betrayed by a spouse, or badmouthed by a co-worker, most of us are faced with a variety of situations that we can choose to ruminate over or forgive. But forgiveness, like so many things in life, is easier said than done.
Forgiveness can be a challenge for several reasons. Sometimes forgiveness can be confused with condoning what someone has done to us: “That’s OK. Why not do it again?” Forgiveness can be difficult when the person who wronged us does not seem to deserve our forgiveness -- it’s hard to remember that forgiveness benefits the forgiver more than the one who is forgiven. Ultimately, forgiveness is especially challenging because it’s hard to let go of what’s happened. However, it’s important to let go and forgive. Here are some reasons why:
Forgiveness is good for your heart -- literally. One study from the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found forgiveness to be associated with lower heart rate and blood pressure as well as stress relief. This can bring long-term health benefits for your heart and overall health.
A later study found forgiveness to be positively associated with five measures of health: physical symptoms, medications used, sleep quality, fatigue, and somatic complaints. It seems that the reduction in negative affect (depressive symptoms), strengthened spirituality, conflict management and stress relief one finds through forgiveness all have a significant impact on overall health.
A third study, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, found that forgiveness not only restores positive thoughts, feelings and behaviors toward the offending party (in other words, forgiveness restores the relationship to its previous positive state), but the benefits of forgiveness spill over to positive behaviors toward others outside of the relationship. Forgiveness is associated with more volunteerism, donating to charity, and other altruistic behaviors. (And the converse is true of non-forgiveness.)
So, to sum it up, forgiveness is good for your body, your relationships, and your place in the world. That’s reason enough to convince virtually anyone to do the work of letting go of anger and working on forgiveness.
Holding grudges are not only bad for your mind, but research is showing that it’s also bad for your health! More and more evidence is being gathered and shows that hanging on to long-term anger can actually cause a variety of major health problems. How can simply letting go of bitterness improve your health? Besides the great mental weight that will be lifted from you, you may find that forgiving someone helps to:
* Lower your heart rate and blood pressure
* Reduce stress and hostility levels in general
* Manage stress and anger better overall
* Reduce depression, anxiety, and chronic pain
* Promote feelings of well being—mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually
* Improve relationships and increase friendships
But how can you ultimately forgive someone who’s done you wrong? Of course it is not easy, but in the long run what does holding a grudge really offer you? Not much, and the positive aspects of letting go of your anger far outweigh the benefits of hanging onto it!
1. Realize that forgiving someone is a commit and may be a long process. It does not usually happen overnight and is not as easy as flipping a switch.
2. Think about what you have gained by holding onto your anger as opposed to what you can gain by letting go. Write it down. Seeing this in your own writing is often enough to help the process of forgiving.
3. Go over the incident that caused the rift between you and the other person. Could you have handled it differently? Are there truly two sides to this story? If the other person actually did act out in spite or negligence, can you see that holding onto the grudge is only hurting you and nobody else?
4. Choose to be in control rather than a victim. By allowing another person to have a hold on your mind and emotions, you’re choosing the victim role. Successful people learn from conflict, let go, and move on.
5. Try to find the lesson in the situation. Yes, everything we go through in life, especially the bad times, can help us learn valuable lessons! Use the negative situation you went through to become stronger and wiser.
By following these steps you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of forgiveness. You’ll also find that you no longer look for the bad in situations or people, but rather face others with more understanding and compassion. We can’t forget, but we certainly have the choice to forgive and move on. Do it for your own health, well being, and peace of mind.