Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years thought

Each year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a life moving on, with all the wisdom and experiences can instill in us.

To let go of the past, does not mean you will have not learned from it, it just means it will help guide the ways ahead.

Good memories help us get through times when we think our lives have had no meaning; they especially assist when you have an individual or others to recall great experiences with.

Letting go of the past is tough at times, it is like times when your wife tells you to throw away an old shirt you still feel comfortable in, even though it may have a few small holes or tares, but it is relaxing and good to excercise in.

But times that shirt is not just comfortable it still has meaning and remembrances, if it is an old baseball or basketball team shirt, or one that was given to you from good friends.

It usually not what it looks like is why you hold on to it, but the feelings and times it brings back, the good times that will never be lost or forgotten.

So letting go of old shirts that are stained and torn is hard, but it is just like, old uncomfortable feelings that needs to be released. The time finally comes letting go of an old shirt that you may not even wear or need, but it takes the space from a new shirt that will feel and look better each day ahead.

Creating new inspiring times, that just after become good recollections for the road ahead. It will be like your wife buying you a brand new shirt.
When you start hearing someone telling you “that shirt has a hole” and you keep it, new and good times are being or have been created to dwell upon.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Internal feeling

True Love   
Between God and individuals
Is the love co-equal?
Developing and maturing deep roots in a heart
Flourished enriched bonds
Sensitivities of concern
Lost 1st love
Restoring 1st love
Promise to love, is an action of giving
Accepting ones
Put others first
Serving God by serving others
The only way to change your way is through the heart
Uniting through love
Division by pride, greed, lack of charity and forgiveness
Pure love, original without effort or thought
Routine-love to receive in return, practiced or planned
Comforting with compassion, emotion, real love.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Unlocking doors

Unlocking doors

 In most minds when ones think of rope, they think of being tied or held down without freedom to move.

But chains can be thought of something that can hold ones together for help and safety for protection.

 God created a higher plateau or place that He could help protect His creations.

God used His Spirit to link or hold together His bond with His creation of Mankind.

By linking Heaven with all His creations, God desires to have a peaceful dwelling place with man to enjoy all the wonderful beauty of life.

 When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them the ability to enjoy Paradise being capable to move around in the Garden as they pleased.

 God’s idea of a connection with Man to be by his side in peace, but do to the disobedience of the direct commandment Adam was given, the direct link to Heaven Adam had was broke.

 A habit can be another form of being bound. The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Being restrained after forgiveness or been forgiven, sometimes creates a mental bondage without the ability to live in peace.

 Holding yourself back or others and to let go is sometimes harder than being released or delivered.

Finding the keys to unlock knowing what keys to use is another process.

 There are different locks that are used by ones. There is a lock that locks from inside and one that is a double-sided key lock. There is a slide lock and chain locks that are used. There are even locks that can only be opened from the inside.

 Christ has the only master key and He came into the world to open up doors for ones to come and serve him.

 Man will sometimes bring forth yoke and servitude upon ones, but by Christ coming he gave man an option to be free to serve Him without being held back from the past.

Christ did not tell the Gentiles, come unto me or else.

He said some unto me, meaning my arms are open to help lead you to my Father.

He gave the option unto man.

 Chains are for support, or for security,

If chains are not put on right with precious delicate oversight   items can scratch or damage it and germinate. Some damaged items can be repaired and buffed out.

If a chain has a link that might be a little weak if you beat on it to bind it closer it just could break it,

 Chains are sometimes upon us due to an emotion of fear, guilt, and displeasure of our own mind set.

An act of guilt or anger can bring upon a feeling of pressure or mental stress, and discomfort.

 Forgiveness is the mental, emotional, and spiritual process of letting go of resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference, or mistake. It can also mean ceasing to demand punishment or restitution for transgressions, real or imagined. Although forgiveness may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender, it is sometimes necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgment, apology, or restitution; this can often open the way for the person who perceives to be wronged to feel empowered to forgive.

Opening your heart is like opening a lock, one type of key is the only way for it to work.

A combination lock can only be opened by the one with the original code.

If the figures or original key form due not correspond match up precisely it will not open.

Feelings of the heart and mind are expressed through actions.

By giving or holding back is how our feelings are understood or brought forth.

 God created feelings of expression, but originally He showed feelings of love and concern for mankind.

How nay times did God express forgiveness upon Israel or has expressed upon my life?

The act of forgiveness can only be brought forth through love and charity.

 Through the Children of Israel to the woman caught is adultery,
up to being hung on the cross, the expression of forgiveness has been shown to mankind.    

Sunday, June 10, 2012

 A hidden emotion lying within.

Let us look at a different dimensional analogy of love.
Let us say there is a case where you think you cannot stand an individual you know.
You feel like you will never be around them, or even care what they think or say.
Think of an individual you have grown to trust, share emotions with, express your love through affection and charity.
Now study really deep that you may call them your best friend.
Let us study what you would consider an individual you cannot stand or enjoy gathering around. What has caused that?
Usually it can be caused by jealousy, revenge or even guilt.
It is not very hard to build up feelings of animosity towards ones.
Feelings of distraught, envy and bitterness dwells within from a child.
Remember when the child you ere playing toys with, you always wanted what the other one had. You were never happy with what you had of your own.
That could come under the category of greed or being stingy, no desire to share.
Later in life as you were able to comprehend what a parent or overseer was trying to display or teach you, they were just trying to let you understand the basic feelings to share and show respect through compassion and charity.
Of course you had no desire to attempt but it is crucial for that to be instilled in you from your youth, or it will be very hard to contradict that emotion latter in life.
After you grasp the understanding that your life will be satisfied and happy, until that battle has been controlled or overpowered by the easiest emotion and feeling that ones can express and comprehend after you find that within, that would be the feeling of “love”.
Your life begins with that original feeling, without your even knowing it.
As two parents express and desire of a lowing bond and emotion for a new life, a life to have a chance to be a part of God’s family.
So your foundation of life as you will come about will be love without your decision or attempt.
It is up to the parents to explain that desire and deep care by example to others. Only through respect and kindness and love towards all others that will cross your paths.
The parent’s heart is the best way a person can display that Godly character towards others.
You cannot help to show respect or high regards towards an Individual without you knowing or understanding.
If people can keep that close loving bond with a lifetime friend or companion, then you have expressed your unwanted feeling of respect you try not to display, by a common feeling towards that same mutual friend. You can have the utmost lifetime bond, and by displaying the regards of their feelings, you are giving credit to their decision through trust and care.
So as it comes down to it, indirectly you may like a person without you really knowing or studying it.
Rest assure, you are not able to choose God’s friends and children, and you think you can make decision of your own, but you call yourself a true child of God, with unlimited agap
pa love within, then you will have a loving desire to all mankind, without you even knowing them.A child of God will try to enjoy and have a goal to make God happy, and He desires a family to share all creations with.
And I have no choice in the matter of “who is a God chosen child of love.”

(Jonathan Goodwin)
(6) - Basic certainties of life.

1- One needs something certain, or in concrete.
2- Live knowing life like you are going to die tomorrow.
3- Significance- need to find our place in life. You need something from everyone.
4- Connections’ of love, to express feelings.
5- A desire to grow. No one needs to be treated the same.
They need to see growth.
6. Need to give back. Need to give back from your extra.
Sometimes from all you have, spiritual, material, personal.
No selfishness. Life without giving progression n will stop.Seeing the needs of others is a must.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Finding a Special Love )

Love is a strong and emotional feeling.
My first memory of Love,
I can recall my Parents expressing their feelings through telling me and by wrapping their arms around me was a feeling of security.
That was one way they expressed their Love.
Even at an infant’s stage, the child’s mind can feel the expression of love from their Parents.
The feeling was created to give and to receive.
The professing of love is detrimental to ones life.
As a plant needs water, a person needs Love.
Without water the plant will die.
A Person without love, or feels they are loved, Mankind has no hope.
In the case of suicide, the common denominator is lack of feeling Loved and Respected.
Enjoyment is prompted by a loving feeling or caring for ones and what you do.
Being completely satisfied is a necessity of life.
A common thought about a daily employment “I hate my Job”.
What really creates that thought, a lack of desire or pleasure?
Finding a job you enjoy or the feeling of appreciation is a need.
The same goes for a Marriage.
Finding a companion that will fulfill your needs and interests will be one of the main reasons to enjoy life.
But finding your Creator is the most important way to feel your life is complete.
When you get to the point when you do not feel like you can reach out and touch the one you need during tough times, who moved?
You need to feel excitement and pleasure, when you walk into the doors of your Home, or you’re Church.
“Am I really doing my job or keeping the trust the other one needs for me to keep peace and fulfillment in our relationship”.
Relationships should have the feelings of love, respect is very important.
Keeping or finding that 1st love, my memory was trying to find that special person.
I am very blest that I found that peace within. After I found that special person I felt complete.
To maintain that special feeling, takes effort from both in your relationship.
There is no room for selfishness, giving is a necessity.
Not sharing the wrong thoughts of your mind, blaming the other person will get you nowhere.
Cutting off ones hands during disagreements, could affect you when you need a hand to keep from falling down.
During your disagreements, start resolving the issue with love and kindness,
as a child is being raised, correcting with care and mercy is a must.
Love will last forever, where discouragement and wrong correction will damage and scar ones permanently.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(Definition of Love)

Love means having strong feelings for someone that can be close friends, family or even someone in a romantic relationship. Love is a strong feeling that represents affection toward someone dear to you heart.

The greatest love of all is unconditional love.( It is also perfect love because it allows you to act from love and not fear). All fear based actions is the result of attachment to outcome and not trusting the divine. Perfect love is fearless. (We do not have to love because love is already present. We just have to realize it and allow it to be expressed through us).( Unconditional love is only possible when you love God more than any other). You trust the universe completely. Loving God is loving yourself with the best love.

Love without friendship is like a shadow without the sun

Love is a given, hatred is acquired.

Unconditional love is love that is free. You are never really free to love when you have attachments that keep you from loving freely. You hold back from expressing love because of rejection, you hold back from expressing love because it is not reciprocated. (When you allow yourself to love unconditionally, you are not afraid of rejection). You love fearlessly and freely without needing anything back. (The most liberating kind of love is the carefree kind of love). It is giving of yourself freely and not holding back.

If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a person who you hate, or an individual that the friendship has had a falling out.

True love will never fade unless it was all a lie.

"...Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."

Loving unconditionally) -love with acceptance and not requiring change. Sure you might desire positive upgrade but it does not change your love if it does not happen. Even when negative change happens, it still does not stop you from loving.( It is being willing to love even if never rewarded, because the love itself is its own happiness). When others love you unconditionally, they love you just as you are. (It is the most beautiful kind of love that you can experience because that is when you are truly loved.)

True Love comes from God, and love is demonstrated through character

"And where there's pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind."

True love never fails. Unconditional love is the whole secret of the law of attraction with detachment).( It is also the law of God action and acting from spirit). When you act with these three laws of the universe, you can never fail to create what you truly desire which is according to your highest good. (Unconditional love is simply God in action). (When you follow your heart and act according to your highest intentions, you are serving the divine within). We are all here to do God’s work, which is to express his love.

Love is a master key which opens the gate of happiness."

When you love unconditionally, you are simply following your heart while having detachment from results). Conditions are attachment to results. You may desire to have things go a certain way with someone or something. But when you unconditionally love and accept what is, even if it does not happen the way you intend it to happen, then you create the conditions by which the essence of (what you truly desire can happen because it is no longer a requirement for it to happen, but it is free to spring forth.)

Christian love is giving to others those things that you would want them to give you if you were in their situation -- and it's doing so even if they can't pay you back. In fact, it is doing so especially if they cannot pay you back! Christian love is respect for others. It is mercy. It is charity.