Sunday, October 4, 2020

Matter of choice and decisions

Rarely you find anyone that will enjoy the same menu at a restaurant or recipe at home precisely flavored the way you do.
Many enjoy the same foods but each one has different taste buds to enhance a certain flavor of spices you savor. Mutual cravings many times are enjoyable with others.
Myself I do not like certain condiments that many in my family prefer. On the other hand I desire to prepare my entrees for my personal preference.
How many friends and families disconnect due to different perspectives with similar ideas and views. Other detours are not always contradicting if they lead to the same destination. A gps gives you various choices to follow, living with a pure heart full of charity towards others is the greatest directional finder.
Many occasions the separation may be a subject of importance, many times abolishment will take place through irrelevant studies and selfishness.
That will hinder an ability to draw closer to others with a variety of expectations to discover was to advance towards higher callings and abilities to assist and be there for others. Through the years with all my setbacks if it was not for my family, friends and God being by my side who knows where I would be or even if I would have made it this far.
I am a living testimony of successful directions I achieved only with my close ties that stayed with me.
Letting God guide and lead you is the greatest pathfinder to reach your destination through your journey in life. An open heart and mind is a step towards a prosperous future.
Roads that have been filed with turmoils and disturbances many times can be a road with significant horizons with guidance from the “fruits of the spirit” to lead the way.