Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Value of holding strong.

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by current responsibilities and all that are not seen yet. Lives of mercy, charity, with feelings and the heart of forgiveness will create a unstoppable growth in all relationships.  
In the long run, we create and strengthen lives in our relationships while we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we pass. The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. The best way to resolve mistakes and setbacks, is being accountable of our own actions, without trying to find ways to justify the history that has been left behind. While climbing a steep mountain, it will be easier to lose balance while looking behind as we try to seek and press forward. Just keep your eyes on the sight we are aiming for as we strive to reach the top of the pursuit of happiness, joy and success we long for. As you progress then try to throw stones may just be the ones that your hand is reaching for to keep balance and grip in life as you continue to climb higher. Staying strong will help for you to have the ability and endurance to reach out and help to brace ones journey, while ones struggle as they press through life. If your life is is just being held with rope as you move along with ones, if you then try to cut that resource that holds the only possession of endurance and stability, that will help you lose that grasp in life to carry and press on. The decision is yours. In my life I thought my life was running short of rope or connection with others, then I studied and recalled the only way I made it to now, was when I continued to tie on to secure stable friendships as I was seeking or support. And being fortunate to have family, friends and God to pull me up when I was down. A grip from others that hold on to the stability of relationships, is the only way to stay firm and feel safe. Many times the best move for that strength from others is by not letting go or releasing the original connections from strong prior fellowships. You can always make the effort and reach out to gain from others that gave you a feeling of comfort and love.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lives Searching

Science in this world are still amazed seeking and searching for answers about spaceNeanderthal Man or virtual reality insight. What if ones would seek within the reality of their own lives that are controllable. What if respect and care for others were the basis how to reach to others hearts and emotions to help with concern to assist we could be farther along. In the last 50 yrs. invention have been incredibly amazing. But if we could continue investigating and searching  more about the soul and spirit and thoughts in our own live, how much farther can family, friendships and new connections would be more advanced. Since time of the Grecian reign studying the atmospheric conditions, seeking for a greater answer of creation or complete unknown beginning without faith in mind and heart besides the scientific studies of life. If investigations were preformed on the original reason for a Godly family to live with our creator, for the ones who are interested in a living God to look inside trying to live by the “ fruits of the Spirit" instead of tearing down others but exploring to help ones with the heart, how much more of a peace would be upon us we could be farther along. 
In the last 50 yrs. invention have been incredibly amazing with new discoveries. But if we could continue investigating and searching  more about the soul and spirit and thoughts in our own lives, how much farther can family, friendships, God and new connections would be more advance. Since time of the Grecian reign studying the atmospheric conditions, seeking for a greater answer of creation or complete unknown beginning without faith in mind and heart besides the scientific studies of life. If investigations were preformed on the original reason for a Godly family to live with our creator, for the ones who are interested in a living God to look inside trying to live by the “ fruits of the Spirit instead  of tearing down others but exploring to help ones with the heart, how much more of a peace would be upon us.
Searching for “greater or better” is a wonderful task to achieve no matter the subject. But what can be currently be discovered how not to think for others with ideas of control with my own understanding, proving ones wrong is a common desire. If building on concrete is stable what if life would continue multiplying and developing with a charitable heart with a Godly walk how much farther along a peace would come about?
Regarding  disagreements but trying to add more knowledge with others perspectives or ideas being contrary or not, at times a piece to the puzzle could be used. If my attitude would be not to prove to others and turning by back with  animosity and bitterness, but charity life would be more calm and peaceful. Like all my coaches in sports playing as a team will be the only way to success to win.
My enjoyment playing with ones with greater abilities on the team, my most enjoyable part of the game was when I could pass the ball without the defense seeing it coming. Being able to catch the ball or protect the quarterback backing up each play or assisting on the diamond, no matter which game it was thinking in harmony was exciting while outplaying the competition we were playing. Playing with and as team was the fun out the final outcome.
In my business looking to please the customer with their ideas or a mutual creation for a haircut can be a challenge at times.
Understanding ones direction of thought and goal to reach is a need for success. Relying on experience with addition to continual advancement in technique is helpful for the profession. An open mind with patience is a must to progress for the business to grow with the future.