Sunday, June 10, 2012

 A hidden emotion lying within.

Let us look at a different dimensional analogy of love.
Let us say there is a case where you think you cannot stand an individual you know.
You feel like you will never be around them, or even care what they think or say.
Think of an individual you have grown to trust, share emotions with, express your love through affection and charity.
Now study really deep that you may call them your best friend.
Let us study what you would consider an individual you cannot stand or enjoy gathering around. What has caused that?
Usually it can be caused by jealousy, revenge or even guilt.
It is not very hard to build up feelings of animosity towards ones.
Feelings of distraught, envy and bitterness dwells within from a child.
Remember when the child you ere playing toys with, you always wanted what the other one had. You were never happy with what you had of your own.
That could come under the category of greed or being stingy, no desire to share.
Later in life as you were able to comprehend what a parent or overseer was trying to display or teach you, they were just trying to let you understand the basic feelings to share and show respect through compassion and charity.
Of course you had no desire to attempt but it is crucial for that to be instilled in you from your youth, or it will be very hard to contradict that emotion latter in life.
After you grasp the understanding that your life will be satisfied and happy, until that battle has been controlled or overpowered by the easiest emotion and feeling that ones can express and comprehend after you find that within, that would be the feeling of “love”.
Your life begins with that original feeling, without your even knowing it.
As two parents express and desire of a lowing bond and emotion for a new life, a life to have a chance to be a part of God’s family.
So your foundation of life as you will come about will be love without your decision or attempt.
It is up to the parents to explain that desire and deep care by example to others. Only through respect and kindness and love towards all others that will cross your paths.
The parent’s heart is the best way a person can display that Godly character towards others.
You cannot help to show respect or high regards towards an Individual without you knowing or understanding.
If people can keep that close loving bond with a lifetime friend or companion, then you have expressed your unwanted feeling of respect you try not to display, by a common feeling towards that same mutual friend. You can have the utmost lifetime bond, and by displaying the regards of their feelings, you are giving credit to their decision through trust and care.
So as it comes down to it, indirectly you may like a person without you really knowing or studying it.
Rest assure, you are not able to choose God’s friends and children, and you think you can make decision of your own, but you call yourself a true child of God, with unlimited agap
pa love within, then you will have a loving desire to all mankind, without you even knowing them.A child of God will try to enjoy and have a goal to make God happy, and He desires a family to share all creations with.
And I have no choice in the matter of “who is a God chosen child of love.”

(Jonathan Goodwin)
(6) - Basic certainties of life.

1- One needs something certain, or in concrete.
2- Live knowing life like you are going to die tomorrow.
3- Significance- need to find our place in life. You need something from everyone.
4- Connections’ of love, to express feelings.
5- A desire to grow. No one needs to be treated the same.
They need to see growth.
6. Need to give back. Need to give back from your extra.
Sometimes from all you have, spiritual, material, personal.
No selfishness. Life without giving progression n will stop.Seeing the needs of others is a must.

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