Sunday, January 29, 2023

Achieving the goals in accord.

On the average most start the new year preparing to achieve new expectations, goals in search for new horizons.
Others may be planning to exchange vows for the first time for their future, ones may be renewing past commitments and dreams for feelings of stronger bonds together. The thought towards obligations and financial freedom will bring a uplifting excitement. A vision of remodeling or recreating a new look in the family’s dwelling place. “I wish we would have, why did we, now we will” is always in the minds. Other objectives updating the inside and outward appearance of ones living quarters.
Of course health is a priority and the key objective. It seems to be easier for others, but a strong commitment with desire and patience is the path to take. It may not be simple or easy but with determination and dedication with endurance to feel great and enthused to continue on.
After starting the road with consistency and thrill for victory to reach that plateau, strength will bring more enjoyment to continue on in life. Reestablishing the old for that new look of the home as additions that may take place, checking the lines of water and electrical increase is a need for safety purposes. With our lives the most important priorities is the balance of the heart and mind towards others with God leading the way. His power he can fulfill in ones lives can help surmount all hurdles and stumbling that may happen without any foreknowledge. A life being lead by the “fruits of the spirit” will be the greatest way to compete with all challenges before us. Reconciliations will be achieved through putting others first, you would be amazed how life feels when find that original enjoyment that was once there, by a heart that is mutually filled with lives with forgiveness, love charity and patience to lead the way in all lives. But to reach any or all destinations current and future in life having the right mind and heart for God and others first will be the greatest goal to accomplish and maintain.
Times in life towards our family and friends it may at times sounds we are speaking in many perspectives. Just as languages and dialects there is diversity. When reading a same book many words will be pronounced differently due to locations we are raised in.
When family and friends live to help and be there for others there will always be different ideas and perspectives even when working or seeking towards the same goals to achieve. 
Arguments, divisions and separations come about as respect is not considered  from different perspectives and ideas. Having a heart with and open mind additional education may come about.
God's real goal in the garden was to follow his will and direction. His desire for Adam to eat from the tree of life would bring about the heart of God to lead us. Living by the "fruits of the spirit"
is to strengthen hearts and lives to grow and develop close lives with others, harmony and peace will be the best way to have family and friends grow and develop greater relationships. 
Listening to bands and orchestras the are reading from the same sheet music to be unified.  Each instrument has has different sounds, shapes and sizes. Different materials created will and make horns or other instruments sound different. When instruments are all tuned in together the notes different quality of sound comes forth but in harmony. Playing any type of music each instrument while playing the same song, ones will have different parts to play. When a song is played in one accord is comes forth as it was created to be. Life is easier and enjoyable as lives search towards the same options of choice will lead towards close relationships. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally get you, my forever bubby. I love your mind and your desire to share your passion for Jesus and His gospel/good news!!!!
