Monday, November 25, 2019

Hope within All

Everyone has some hope in life. Here in Nashville there is a billboard that many dream about even myself,
it shows the total amount of the lottery you have a chance to win if you play. The common thought “What if I had the winning ticket?” Some proceed to purchase to take a chance to win. Some will purchase quick pick, others will use certain numbers they feel is lucky. The random thought by playing more with the continual numbers the greater the odds. If using the same numbers with the more tickets you purchase weekly the percentage is greater with change of numbers. With that same routine of numbers with each weekly drawing the odds never change. The chances may decrease with less numbers to match, but dreams will continue. 
Now let us change perspective and with the goal to achieve. With family and friends what type of a relationship would we have with each one if your all was given towards closer connections, without expecting anything monetary in return?
The desire is to become or to get closer with each individual with a feeling of family with loyalty in heart between each other. Having closer connections without monetary ideas but of heart is a true bond. As you reach out with desire for others will reap greater feelings and hope you will find. Even with friends or ones you listen to, you can always learn something from each one, even when you disagree with many ideas and thoughts. But friendships still develop and grow.
Feelings can be like a live hot wire through an electrical current towards others, it takes a electrical switch box to be on to keep a network of relationships alive. Many times circuit breakers or wires need to be upgraded, with the original wiring still is in tact. When 2 or more separate lights go off, there is usually a common denominator and reason. A lamp will not work without being plugged in.
Like my mothers recipes I enjoyed, I may need the precise ingredients to have the same taste to match. But many times it  is not taste the same without matching amount of ingredients . As once was, relationships can still be created if the original emotions and feelings to put the other one first with care to balance and reconnect the same feelings together. As you get older ones increase the thoughts of watching the ingredients and try to create a healthier recipe trying to keep close to a original taste. And even your taste buds and desires of foods change as you become older. But relationships will change some as you stay together the longer you are together. But the original feelings will grow and become stronger as you continue to learn and understand one another, as the minds change as older ideas and what was a necessity through talents and abilities no longer mean the same. But complete emotional hearts and minds become greater as you desire to give more and do more for ones, without them even asking. Strong bonds are expressed as ones think what ones need before they would express or even ask for something. 
Over all combinations of ideas and helps, while needs increase staying by ones just shows meanings of emotions of hearts, minds and feelings towards others you put ahead of yourself. As a Godly love and heart develops in all lives, searching to help and be concerned for others before yourself is all God is searching for. That will be what is desired to be and feel like a complete family.   

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